10/28/04 I will be going to the seminar Dr. Titus Duncan will host. I am at peace with my decision to move forward with this procedure. I hope that it is God's will for me to be able to get this procedure and he will be in midst of each step to a brand new me inside and out!!!

1/10/05 I know that it has been long time since I posted anything but the update is I completed all of the process to get the information to the insurance company. On 1/5/05 I was denied but that is fine because tommorow I will send my appeal in and also I am sending my information to the Insurance Commissioner's Office. I refuse to give up I know that I will be approved in the name of Jesus everything will work out in its own time.

1/19/06 I don't know if anyone has even looked at my entries or not but in the last year I have continued to try and lose weight. Nothing has worked. I have decided to try again for the surgery. I pray that it is my time. I am now 285lbs I am going to doctor tomorrow I don't know about any comorbities. But they will take the proper test to find out what is going on in my body.

1/20/06 I went to my primary care physician today and informed her about my decision on the surgery and she is for it. Also, I found out I have high blood pressure so she started me on meds. I kinda felt a little depressed because I never have had any medical problems. I pray that I will get approved this time around.

1/26/06 Today I had an appointment at Dr. Duncan's office. I had to get my information update. Dr. Fields said that I was a canidiate for the surgery. I will get this surgery this year. I have to believe that favor is in this situation for me. In the name Jesus I pray Amen!

1/27/06 Today my husband lost his job but I know he will find something else. But that meant his insurance was terminated as well. The company I work for will allow you to get insurance after open enrollment for various reason and this happens to be one of those reasons. So I ended up getting insurance so I will let the doctor offices know of the new change.

1/31/06 Yesterday I had my nutritional evaluation and that went very well. Kiva and Stacy at the wellness center are very informative. But today my day was very stressful I found out by trying to setup my psych evaluation that my insurance that I recently got does not cover the surgery. So I called my company's benefits department and they switched me to Cigna PPO thank God. I was in blue funk mood because I was trying get an appointment for this Friday but was unsuccessful. I will try again tomorrow and hopefully I will be more successful.

2/06/06 Today I received my nutritional evaluation in the mail. I have a few more steps to before information can be submitted to the insurance company. Tomorrow I have to go in for my Eckocardiagram and on Wednesday 2/8 I go to my psych evaluation
I pray that everything will be fine and it will be a swift response from the insurance company (An approval). I hope that my letter from PCP will come soon after I do this ecko test and the psych test will come soon too. I will update later in the week. Everybody say a pray for my approval. I know I got it I just have to believe.

2/08/06 Yesterday I went for my ecko test (echo) and the tech said that everything looked fine but the office would send my test off to be evaluated. I really wanted my surgery to be before or by my birthday but I have to do the 6 months medically supervised diet visits. I will finished with that in June. Suprisingly, I was just a little disappointed. This will allow me to save up money that I will have to pay out of pocket. This will also help me with my patience. God timing is the best timing. Because he sees and knows all things. Well, today I will have my psych evaluation today I pray that will go well.

2/10/06 Yesterday I went to my support group for the weightloss surgery. Dr. Duncan requires you to go at least one meeting. I really enjoyed myself. Everybody story is different but anyone who has had it done (the surgery) would do over again in a heartbeat. I will continue wait and everyday thank God for an approval and a successful surgery.

2/13/06 Just checking in! Sunday was my mother's birthday so I went home to Augusta to celebrate with family.

2/21/06 Just wanted to update I went to my PCP yesterday for a checkup and today I got my clearance letter from her now I have all of my papers. So I went over to hand deliver everything in person to Dr. Duncans insurance coordinator. Oh I forgot to mention about a week ago I was on another forum and this young lady was talking about not having to have the supervised diet so I started thinking well let me call Blue Cross and see what they have to say. Sure enough for my plan it doesn't state that I would need this extra step I was so happy. I now have the Blue Cross, I dropped Cigna because Keith is back working so he picked up the insurance again.

2/23/06 Today my packet got sent out I am happy but anxious. I hope that I will receive good news very very soon.

3/13/06 I have some wonderful news..........................
I AM APPROVED. THANK GOD..............................I AM APPROVED. Now I hope that can go ahead and get my other appointments lined up and get my SURGERY DATE. I am hoping for the 31st of March. We will see I will keep you posted!!!!

3/16/06 I got my date today. Shona from Dr. Duncan's office called me about my date. Drumroll................................. it is April 17, 2006. Thank God Thank God!!!

3/21/06 Not one but two angels. I have Mz. grown -n- sexy and Ms.Vee Nix. I am glad that both of them decided to be my angel. But my ultimate angel is my mom she is my biggest support system and I love her so much.

3/22/06 I want to express my gratitude about God and his greatness. It was times in this process that I was frustrated and sometimes weary but God saw me through. The magnitude of God can not be expressed in words. The only word may be that could describe God's grace, mercy and love is LIMITLESS. April 17th is my big day by the grace of God. I look at this surgery as a gift that should not be taken for granted. I pray that God will be in midst and this time next year I can look back on these words that I am writing and see my progress in all areas in my life. I pray to live a more blessed, richer and healthier life for a very long time. I pray to see my children grown and my grand children grown (whenever that should happen of course no time soon my kids are only 3 and 11). I am so blessed and I know that I am rambling but I am trying to get my thoughts out. I know every person experience has been different concerning after the surgery. But I am speaking that no setbacks, no complications, an uneventful surgery, speedy recovery, a better than ever health report, my skin retracts and I will lose the weight and I hope it won't be a slow process. On that day (April 17th) peace be still and fall upon me. Favor to be in the room God's spirit to reign. Thank you Jesus!!!

3/25/06 I am counting down the days it is 24 and counting I am excited not nervous I pray that I won't get nervous. I was told to lose 30lbs before the surgery I know that won't happen but if I can just get off 15lbs by my pre-op appt. I hope that will be fine. I pray nothing hinders the process. Lord please cover me and let this surgery take place. I am saying this because I have read on some people profile of things happening and they couldn't get the surgery. So I am asking God to cover the situation and on April 17, 2006 I will be on the loser side problem free and a speedy recovery by the grace of God.

3/30/06 My birthday is on Saturday I don't know I am going to do. I might do something with my family earlier in the day. (My husband and two kids) Then later I will probably hook up with a friend. I hope these next 18 days grow wings and fly. I hope that my mental state will be fine after the surgery because some people can not deal with the drastic change. I know that my PCP had a patient who had the surgery and after she lost the weight she came in and asked about something that could help her gain the weight back.

4/3/06 I had a blast on my birthday (4/1) my friend Jameka really surprised me she gave me a surprise party. It is nice to know that people really care. Also today I received another angel her name is Maria aka Ms. Way 2 U. She is so nice. I am truly blessed!!!

4/6/06 I had my pre op today and it went well. I had to do lab work and x-rays. I pray that everything comes back fine. Nothing is able to hinder me from getting my surgery on April 17, 2006 by the grace of God. I am so excited I pray God will allow me to live for many years to come because it is up to him. I want to see my kids as adults and they are able to take care of themselves effectly and not living hand to mouth. I just have pray like this because it is a gift to be able to get up everyday in your right mind and get through the day.

4/10/06 Today my buddy La Tanya Crews is having her surgery. I am so excited for her. This surgery will be a success for her I pray that she will be just fine. I really like her she is very nice I am glad we met.

4/17/06 Today is the big day my surgery day. I am already up at 3 in the morning. Lord please let this surgery happen today let nothing or no one hinder this event. I pray that I will be fine in the name of Jesus I pray amen. If anyone reads this post today please say an extra pray for me. Thanks!

4/20/06 By the grace of God I made it through. Surgery went well but the gas is something. I was released from the hospital the very next day. As the days have gone on the gas has gotten better the pain has subsided greatly. I have been able to keep whatever I drink or eat (popsicles) down. I asked God if I do what I am suppose to do will he handle the rest. I just pray I continue to get better. Thank God!!!

5/3/06 I had my two weeks appointment on yesterday. I have lost 14lbs so far. I am glad of that. Dr. Hobson checked my incisions and every looked fine. I started back to work on 4/28/06 I felt up to it. Today I will start on my exercise program.

6/5/06 I know it has been awhile since I updated. But alot has been going on in my life. I am 30lbs lighter am I grateful. I really need to be more dedicated with eating better. I am moving out on the 30th of this month. Me and my husband just don't see things the same way. My situation has not been pleasant for a long time. But I have settled and lied to myself hoping that a change would come. But now I know you can not change people because God gives us all free will. Believe me I have tried to the best of my ability to make this marriage work. I have left before but I always took refuge at my parents house. The last time I did that it was back in 2003 and I told myself "This is getting old it is not my parents responsible to keep saving me. The next time this happens I will have my own place to go to. (By the Grace of God). I love my husband but through pray I have begun to love myself more and I see that I deserve to be treated better than how he has treated me. I just ask God to give me direction and strength to make it in this world. I felt that I stayed also because I was afraid of the unknown of the future but I will take my chances. I have been with this man for fourteen years (married 12 yrs). I was 24 when we got married I was young and wanting to be loved. We have two children that need both of us and I pray that his dedication to our children do not cease. I remember one time me and my grandmother was talking and she said "When you leave mad you will go back but once you have peace with the situation and move on without the angry you won't look back". I can finally say that I am not angry I pray that Keith can find peace. I pray nothing goes wrong as far my moving out I am excited about my new place.

6/23/06 The weight is definitely coming off. I have gone from a 24 to a 18 I am so excited. I also signed my lease for my place today before I went to work. It is so nice I am so looking forward to next Friday. I pray that this will be a wonderful experience. I pray that I will not have any problems from anybody that day. I started to do mostly protein this week and that made a big difference the weight is melting off like butter in a hot skillet.

7/7/06 I made one of the biggest moves in my life on June 30th. I moved into my own place I am so excited. I really like my place. I have a peace of mind. If anyone reads this post and find themselves in an abusive situation physical or verbal, I want to let you know it will never get better. Don't fool yourself because the longer you stay the deeper the emotional scars. I wanted a better life for myself and my kids. By grace of God things are looking so much better for us. I will survive.

11/1/06 I know it has been a while since I posted. But I have lost about 75lbs and I am grateful. I hope to have lost 50lbs by April 2007 because that is my birthday. Hopefully next time I post I will have found me a friend. I really would like to have someone nice in my life. But that will come in time. My goal for this month is to make it onederland. Next month about 10 - 15lbs and the rest by April.

12/27/06 Life is treating me fine by the grace of God. I have not yet seen onederland but I will. I am 200lbs even and I am grateful for that. My kids had a Merry Christmas and I am grateful for that. I hope to meet a nice guy someday soon because the men I have met have not been what I consider a good catch I deserve better and I will not settle.

1/5/06 I am finally here ONEDERLAND...and it feels great. I am 196lbs that means I have 36lbs to my goal of 160lbs. Happy Year!!!

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Just Beautiful

Just Beautiful

Surgeon Info:
Surgeon: Titus Duncan, M.D.
I would speak about Dr. Duncan and Dr. Hobson. Both doctors are very informative and kind. Dr. Hobson was the one that actually performed my surgery. I am very pleased with my recovery. Their work is bar none!!!
Insurer Info:
BCBS of Michigan, PPO
I did attempt to get the surgery with Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan in 2004 and I did not get approved. But I tried again this year and I got approved. I am so happy. Thank you Jesus!!!


About Me
Lithonia, GA
Surgery Date
Oct 25, 2004
Member Since

Friends 12
