Finally under 200

Apr 28, 2014

I made it to onederland. I am currently 4 1/2 months post-op and 194lbs. I am hoping my rate of loss will continue. I'm hoping to reach my goal by my surgaversary.

Surgery done.... Now how to keep up the loss???

Mar 28, 2014

I had gastric bypass done 12/13/13. I am 3 and 1/2 months out. I am down 50lbs. Which is great but now my rate of loss is slowing and I'm worried. I follow plan but I know that I'm having a little bit more carbs then before. Idk if this is the cause. Food still doesn't taste good to me and I'm also having a hard time getting all my water in.

wls process started

Feb 06, 2013

So I have started my journey towards wls. I have now seen the Dr twice, but have 5 more months of diet before I can get approved. Want to get this weight off bad. I have done my psyche eval, sleep study, and egd. Now I want to start dieting I want to be closeto a BMI of 40 as possible when I have the surgery.

I'm Back

Apr 19, 2010

I am finally back on here. I was off for a while because I had a baby. My son is now two months and is beautiful. Unfoirtunently my weight has gone back up with the baby weight. So I am starting all over again.... It feels harder this time starting over again. I feel like I worked hard to loose the weight for nothing. I'm back at square one.


Feb 09, 2009

Why is it that everyday I get up with a great attitude abou tmy diet. I always say today is the day I am sticking to my diet and starting of on this new life. And then by the time I get home from work, all that is out the window. I struggle with myself everyday.
I am also starting to think that maybe I sabatage myself. I think that reaching my goal weight scares me. What if I get there and I'm not happy. Then what???? What if loosing this weight isn't the answer to my problems???

Weigh in tomorrow

Jan 22, 2009

So tomorrow is my first weigh in since I am now back on the program and commited. I am nervous. My weight got back up to around 197 lbs. So I am just praying it is going down. I have been in the 190's for so long I am looking forward to goin into the 180's. Dont know if its gonna happen this week but im hoping... Wish me luck...

So I didnt weigh in that Day I decieded to change my weigh in days to Mondays, that way I wont hceat on the weekends. I weighed in and am now at 191. Its a step in the right direction but I have been stuck in the 190's so long all I wanna do is break throught that... Hopefully next week.....

No where land...

Jan 16, 2009

So I feel aas if I have been in no where land for a while now. With the holidays and the boyfriend issues I have not been watching what im eating at all.... who am i kinding I wasn't watching what I was eating because I got lazy with it. I haven't gained any weight but definently havent lost any either. I keep telling my self I'm gonna start back on manday, then monday comes and something happens. I just need to find some direction. And dont know where to start looking...


Nov 06, 2008

I am sooo frustrated with the fact that the scale has not moved. I have been in the 190’s for so long it seems like its never gonna go down… I don’t know what I’m doing wrong. I’m gonna try to increase my exercise level, and see if that works. I am just getting so frustrated I am starting to feel that I should look into WLS, which I really don’t necessarily want. But if that the only way I’m gonna loose anymore I don’t think I will have a choice. I gonna try the increased exercise and pray on it and hope for the best..

Not doing so well

Oct 10, 2008

I have been cheating so much lately it is not even funny. I start the day thinkin positively and telling myself that Im gonna follow my diet to a t today. Then something happens or just lack of food options and I am eating something that im not supposed to have. I have weighed my self and Im at 193. This is great compaired to where I was but its not enough for me. My issue is also that if I do cheat with something I getin the mind set that the whole day is ruened so I might as well eat what I want. I know that is not good and I need to look at it as a little slip and get right back on track. So today I decided that Im going to go back to phase 1 of south beach and see if I can refocus myself. Since my daughters birthday is on Monday I will start phase 1 on Tuesday.


Oct 06, 2008

I am doing this weight loss thing naturally and am now stuck. I can not get under the 190. I am just yo-yoing between 192 and 194. I dont know where to go from here. Very Frustraiting!

About Me
Oct 02, 2008
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Not doing so well
