Angela R. 17 years, 3 months ago

Hi Niki, I was reading profiles tonight and noticed your surgery was the month after mine. I had my open rny 3/24/05, I weighed 313 that morning and weigh 157-161 now. How are u doing since surgery? Its just been amazing. Take care and I hope to hear from u sometime! Best Wishes Angela R Etown Ky

Winks718 19 years, 1 month ago

Dear Nikki Welcome to OH and we are all here for each other never hesitate to ask a Question. I am a Pre Op and Will be undergoing my surgery on the 5th of May Bst wishes on your jouney Hamg In there

sonia J. 19 years, 1 month ago

Welcome Welcome. I'm soon to be on the post op side as well. Lots of great info and new found freindships. This is the greatest place to be as a post oppie.Many blessings as you continue your lifetime journey. Pray you reap all of the good benefits that comes with a good change. HuGz to you wls sista sonia

StalkerVal******* 19 years, 2 months ago

Hi Niki, Welcome to Oh . I hope you enjoy this site as much as i do> if i can help you please let me know.:) hugs Val
About Me
White House, TN
Apr 11, 2005
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