Pounds are coming off slowly but surely.

Aug 26, 2014

Well I'm excited to have my OTN with Doctor Sullivan next week I have so many questions...to date I have lost 34 pounds since I changed my life around in January of this year, I'm so happy that I have. I feel great I'm starting to see the weight loss in the mirror and trust me that's a real hard thing to do for me because I always see myself as super fat small non scale victories are the best. I have been walking 2 miles every morning before 7 am (Im awake at 4 am) and then I'm in the pool doing a few laps and water exercises at 9 am 3 times a week. I have just picked up my Sleep Apnia machine on Monday so I have slept 2 nights with it so far and I don't feel to bad looking forward to next week by then I should be sleeping comfortably with it.  


Helicobacter Pylori infection

May 13, 2014

Got a call yesterday from my family doctor informing me that I have a parasite living in or on my pouch called " helicobacter pylori infection " and now I need to be on antibiotics for 7 day full strength triple dose twice a day  called  Hp Pac it contains 2 Prevacid 2 Biaxin tabs and 4 Amoxicillin pills that is a day's worth of meds.  I'm feeling hopeful that my guts will feel better after we kill this parasite that has taken to living in my stomach and making holes. Doc are worried if not treated and destroyed  I could develop Stomach Cancer, so keeping my fingers crossed and saying prayers here.  Gosh from finding out that I have a Fistula and now this.

This is what I found out about this infection online.

"H. pylori infection is thought to be present in about half the people in the world. For many people, H. pylori infection causes no signs or symptoms and doesn't lead to any complications. But for others, H. pylori can lead to serious complications, such as ulcers and stomach cancer"    

Most individuals infected with H. pylori have few or no symptoms. They may experience a few episodes of gastritis (minor belchingbloatingnausea,vomiting, abdominal discomfort), but little or nothing else. Often, these symptoms simply cease. However, those individuals who have a more serious infection exhibit symptoms of stomach and duodenal ulcers or gastritis.


Trucking along

May 08, 2014

Well this month sure has been a busy one I went through Orientation at the beginning of April 2014 and I have seen the Dietitian the Social Worker the Nurse Practitioner and the Pharmacist. Today I get to have a Mammogram because I'm over 50 and Doc wants it done before surgery I also have an appointment to have the Sleep Study test next week. Crossing fingers all goes well with these tests because of the Fistula I have I need it repaired everyone thinks he will fix it and it will be come a Sleeve surgery but I will know for sure after I talk to him next month. 


Back from Toronto

Jan 30, 2014

26 years ago I had a VBG (vertical banded gastroplasty)  ...

I had always blamed myself for the surgery not working because I had gained all the weight back and then some, I talked to my family doctor from Levack over and over again about finding out what was going on with my stomach he kept saying it was my diet and the most he would do was send me for ultra sounds and x-rays to keep up on it and as far as he and the tec could tell all was good until I insisted on an Upper GI because now I had developed Acid Reflux. So when I had that done they  (they as in the Doctor that performed the Upper GI and family Doc) were in a panic because they said I had Gastric Polyps and a Hiatal Hernia and that I needed to get the Polyps taken care of ASAP and the Hernia shouldn't be touched . I was then given an appointment with a Doctor Brule here is Sudbury.


Now when I had gotten this surgery done 26 years ago I was told in Toronto that I should always come back to Toronto to be seen about anything having to do with my stomach.

SO I managed to see a Gastric Doctor in Toronto on January 29 2014 and cancelled the appointment here in town with Dr Brule.

So I got to Toronto and see the Specialist and he is talking to me while looking at the CD of pictures I had brought from Sudbury Labs and he laughs and says Pffft there is no Hernia here, those doctors are crazy.... well here I let out a big sigh of relief but at the same time totally pissed off with MDS Labs for fucking up yet another test result for me. ( thats another story) So he gets me prepared for the Gastroscopy AKA Scope the little camera that he makes me swallow to look inside. Well let me tell you It was the worst test ever...I gagged my head off and then passed out, when I woke up I got up and went to the Airport to head home a little stoned

(Anesthetic Intoxication). 

I woke up today at noon I must have really needed the sleep lol So I call Toronto to see what happened and what did he find................Well there was NO Polyps and NO Hernia (God I hate Sudbury Doctors and the Lab here) But he did find a problem its called a Gastro-gastric Fistula

 which is why my surgery never worked. So I will head back to Toronto this Summer to fix it and also fix my stomach. I'm so happy that I have finally gotten to the bottom of this and followed my gut instinct  LOL.  



So I guess we should all be asking for second options because our lives depend on it


Toronto Bound

Jan 28, 2014

Well I'm heading to Toronto in the morning to see Dr Sullivan I have lost a total of 22 pounds I'm very pleased and surprised because I don't remember when I have ever lost so much weight in such a short period of time. I'm just hoping that the Upper GI woke my pouch up and didn't cause any damage. Well at this rate I will be a real good weight for Summer Bikini weather LOL Yea that will be the day I wear a bikini.

Anyways just thought Id jot down a few words I have hope and I have had a lot of encouragement from family and friends that I can do this and that makes all the difference in the world. I really hope the Doctor is a nice guy and can speak in words that I can understand. 

I know I'm dodging the hard facts and the thoughts that there might be some real damage in this body of mine, lets cross our fingers and hope for the best.

Did I mention I'm scared of flying? ...Flight leaves at 6 am Ugh I better make sure to remember to ask for the seatbelt extender but I'm positive that I wont need it for the next trip to Toronto. 

Well off to bed I go I sure hope I get some sleep with this mind of mine spinning in all directions.  


Run away Doctor

Jan 25, 2014

Well I found out on Friday that the Doctor that did mine and many many others Gastric Bypass Surgeries had skipped town vanished and disappeared many years ago. I asked the nurse that knows of him why and she said that there are many other patients in the same boat as me that never really benefited from WLS from HIM.... So I'm wondering exactly how many of us are out there and has anything been done to try to make this man accountable for performing so many bad surgeries. I will definitely be looking more into this.


November 12 2013 Upper GI

Jan 16, 2014

Upper GI was done was in pain for many weeks later from that test. I'm kinda worried about getting this scope done I just don't want to be in a lot of pain afterwards.


Bestest Morning Ever

Jan 11, 2014

This is gonna be short and sweet ..... I am UNDER 300 pounds OMG its about time I had to do a double take at the scale but its true ...Oh happy days woop woop doin the happy dance hehehe


Over the Moon

Jan 09, 2014

Well on January 1 2014 I started getting prepared for my first visit with my surgeon which is on the 29 of January in Toronto. I quit smoking after smoking for 35 years went on the Patch I am doing pretty good except the habit and the 2 minute cravings drive me nuts but I do know this will pass in the next few weeks.

I have never really been much of a drinker of alcohol but in the last few years I have become quite the mixologist I love making and trying all kinds of cool fancy drinks. I have stopped that also to insure that my liver is not swollen in any way shape or form so Doc can preform his tests and surgery easily. 

After reading all the forums about what everyone is eating I also decided to REALLY watch what I'm putting into my mouth which I have really never done before for to long. Every morning I get up and remind myself that I need to eat Protein which I Never really did eat much of it before, I can also say I have cut out most breads pastas and sugars in the last 10 days. 

So woke up this morning jumped on the scale and I have lost 9 pounds I am so over the moon,2more pounds and I will back in the 200's OMG I'm so in shock I'm thinking I finally got this figured out lol it only took me 35 years lol 


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Sudbury, XX
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