I am so glad to have found this website. It helped me realize that I am not alone (even though I feel like it) in my battle with my weight. I was never really 'thin' but always average, active and healthy. Since I graduated HS,  I have put on80+ pounds. The freshman 15 turned into 30 and every diet I tried eventually added on more than I lost, leaving me 26 and miserable. Over the past few years, I have become more and more withdrawn, isolating myself from my friends, my family and my life. I hate going out and feeling like everyone is staring at me, I know that most aren’t but some are, with that look of disgust that burns a hole right through you. The worst being when I run into people I haven’t seen in years, and I get that "WOW, what the hell happen to you look". I just want to crawl under my bed and never come out again. Which, is exactly what I do… Go home, eat, because that’s the only thing I could find comfort in and put on some more weight and become more and more withdrawn.

So now, here I am, trying to get control over my life again. I want to be able to go out and enjoy myself, and not worry about who is looking at me and what they are saying. The weight I have put on has really put me in a state of total depression—and the medication I took to get out of it---put on more weight.

I know that this isn’t going to happen over night nor is it going to be something that I do for a while and the problem is fixed. This is a life changing opportunity, but also a life changing event.

I meet with the surgeon in less than a week, and hope to begin my journey to regaining my life back, one day at a time.

About Me
Staten Island, NY
Jun 26, 2006
Member Since

Friends 5

Latest Blog 2
Off to AETNA!
It begins...again
