Lyudmila S. Pupkova

"Well very interesting about my surgeon choice really. I started out with Dr. Mehta in New Brunswick - had a consultation and really liked him. His office started my insurance paperwork and I took care of all of the necessary pre-stuff they want you to do before you get approval. Consultation was 4/14 - and I heard back from the office on 4/19 saying I needed a further 6 month supervised diet. That threw me back a bit since I had already had one in my records. It just so happened that I was at an appointment with my PCP for a letter of consent when I had received this call so we worked on starting this necessary diet. Well to make sure my PCP was getting the notes correct for the insurance, his office called my provider to verify what they were looking for with this diet. Turns out I never needed one - so that really threw me for a loop. So that night I set out researching another surgeon. This time I started by finding one IN NETWORK with my insurance so it didnt cost me big bucks out of pocket. I came across Dr. Pupkova and really loved what people had to say about her. I called her office Wednesday morning (4/20) and scheduled a consultation for Friday 4/22. On Thursday 4/21, Dr. Mehtas office called me to say I was approved. Now these guys had told me TWO days before that my insurance was requiring a 6 month supervised diet - and two days later I am approved and have a surgery date. Definatly was a little confused - excited of course - but confused. I decided to still go and meet Dr. Pupkova - just to get really a second feel for another surgeon and be sure that I was 100% confident with my initial decision. Well - let me tell ya - Dr. Pupkova is amazing. This consultation was totally different than the one I had with Dr. Mehta. She is such a caring and intelligent person!!! From the moment I met her I knew SHE was the surgeon for me. I had explained my situation - with the other approval and all - and I dont care if I have to wait now - I want her!!! I have to call tomorrow (4/25) to speak with the scheduling person at her office. Originally Dr. Mehta gave me 5/16 - so I am hoping for something around that time. Lets see how that goes......I still have to cancel with Dr. Mehta - and feel totally odd doing so!!! (5/14) I called Dr. Mehtas office about 2 weeks ago and told them I decided to have the surgery somewhere else...of course they asked why and I was totally honest - I said not only where the programs they offer so much more detailed and thorough but even down to blood tests. Mehta only wanted 1 thing tested in my blood - some Hglori ting or something like that. Dr. Pupkova had a list a mile long of all of my vitamin levels and such - just so much more to check. That point alone made me feel so much more comfortable with the new guys. Not to mention they work hand in hand with this nutritionists office - so its almost like only going to one place. I am sooo happy with my decision - and now only have Sunday to get through and then my surgery is Monday at 10:30! "
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Flemington, NJ
Surgery Date
Apr 02, 2005
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