
Apr 28, 2013


This is a little different from my usual blog entries -- I typically try to post something related to new medical findings, etc. But tonight I am just tired. This weekend has been crazy. . . We had thunderstorms Friday night, complete with hail (welcome to Oklahoma!). Saturday was lots of errands, including buying ant killer to try and eradicate a little fire ant problem on my daughter's softball team's practice field. We got the stuff bought, but then couldn't get the lock on the field gate to open. cheeky


Today started quietly enough -- church, with a potluck afterwards. Then some friends asked if we had plans for the evening. . . Today was their anniversary, and they wanted to go out for dinner kid-free, but were lacking a sitter. So I ended up taking my twins and our friends's two kids to a movie and then to dinner afterwards. My only comment about today's experience is that the decibel level in a car with 4 children is deafening. Truly.


But looking back over the weekend, I didn't get nearly as much done as I wanted to -- but I was crazy busy the entire time. And before my surgery, I could never have maintained the pace I maintained this weekend. I would certainly never have contemplated taking four children on an afternoon outing -- I'd have been afraid I couldn't keep up.


So:  my weekend was entirely too short. I'm wiped out. But I enjoyed it (except for the doggone lock at the ballfield!). enlightened


About Me
Surgery Date
Mar 30, 2010
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