Dr Gmora - Dr Small

Jun 24, 2013

Hello again!

Last week I had a referral to see Dr. Small (an OB/GYN) as I had some thickening of the lining in my uterus and needed to get a biopsy done.  First time I met Dr. Small.  He was nice, personable and had a dry sense of humor.  How do I know?  Well he reviewed my paperwork and saw that I had my RNY done about 12 days prior.  He asked me who did the surgery and I replied, Dr. Gmora.

It seems Dr. Small lost his long time secretary to Dr. Gmora.  She wanted to do something different after all those years and still had a ways to go before she would be able to retire.  Dr. Small went on to say that almost a year later he wound up in the emergency room at St. Joes due to a bowel obstruction and guess who the doctor was that came to see him.  Right, Dr. Gmora. 

So when he had to examine my abdomen he kind of patted my abdomen and said Dr. Gmora steals my secretary and does this to my patients.  He was so funny...just dry and matter of fact.  It was a painful visit but amusing.

So, my WLS may have another benefit.  Dr. Small said that thickening can sometimes be due to excess estrogen being produced when you are overweight.  Having the surgery may allow this to self resolve and I can just be monitored...or if I have indications of anything treatment may be a D&C or hysterectomy.  We both agreed one surgery this year is more than enough.  Here's hoping the WLS had another unforeseen benefit.  I find out the results on July 8.


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May 18, 2013
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