I was a very small child. Up until I hit 8 years old I was healthy and active. For some reason at age 8 I started to gain weight. It didn't really get me until I hit middle school. That's when the names started coming. Finally my junior year of high school people stopped saying things. I'm still unsure why, but I am glad they did. After high school, I gained 30 pounds. I finally got tired of being unhealthy. I had borderline diabetes, high blood pressure, hypertension, back problems, and I was depressed. This year I decided would be the one that changes my life. And has it ever!! People have stopped recognizing me because I'm starting to become little!! Haha. I have a wonderful man in my life and we've been together almost 3 years. We plan to get married sometime in the near future. He was with me when I was larger and now that I'm shrinking. I guess I couldn't ask for more!!

May 8, 2006
Well today was...interesting to say the least. I had an ultrasound to make sure my gall bladder is in good shape. I didn't see any spots on it...so I'm assuming that means no stones. I HOPE, I HOPE! I also had to sit and fill out 2 hours full of paperwork. AHHH. Then I sat with Dr. Dennis for 1/2 an hour. He was so nice and really made sure I was okay. He said he didn't see any red flags so I'm good for this surgery. I have 3 more appointments to cover before my surgery. Lots of stuff to remember. I've been feeling pretty good. Hopefully I can stand up for this concert tomorrow night...it's embarrassing to have to sit so my goal is to stand. Pray for my poor feet. Haha. I will keep you all updated on the progress. Thanks for all your support!!

May 13, 2006
PLEASE remind me not to look at the memorial boards 17 days before surgery. Ahhh. It's really sad that these people have passed away either from WLS or natural causes. I'm a little nervous about my upcoming surgery, but I know that my life is in God's hands. I'm really excited though about my new chance at life. Please continue to pray for me. Thank you.

May 23, 2006
So it's been a little while since I've last updated. Yesterday, my boyfriend and I shared our 2 years and 4 month mark. He is so wonderful to me. I had my nutritionist appt. this last Friday and everything went great. She is awesome. I need to get some packets from out local health food store and try out some protien shakes. I'm getting nervous about the taste. I know what my mom went through with that. I've lost 3lbs on my own...may not sound like a lot, but it was nice to see that. I can't believe there is only one more week until surgery. AHH! I'm so excited. I pretty much have everything ready...I just need to get some Crystal Light, fruit, and some little things from the grocery store. I have my pre-op appt. with Dr. Korn on Thursday and then smooth sailing from there!! 1 more week!!! Woo! I'll probably update one more time before the big day! Till then...

List of things I want to accomplish with this weight loss:
-Be able to keep up with my boyfriend while walking.[DONE]
-Come home at night and not have swollen ankles.[DONE]
-Have just one chin.
-Be comfortable with myself in clothes/without clothes.
-More energy.[DONE]
-Fit into a size 20.[DONE]
-Fit into a size 18.[DONE]
-Not have people staring at me when going out to eat.
-Smile more.[DONE]
-Have some pictures taken that I like.[HALFWAY DONE]
-Be able to buy cute bras in regular stores. AHH.
-Stand at concerts.

May 29, 2006
SO the big day is tomorrow. I am getting very excited. I know the nerves will come tomorrow on the way to Boise. This clear liquid diet...sucks. I've only had to do it today though so I'll survive. I really don't feel like too many people are concerned. I mean, I don't want them to rush down and see me, but I just don't feel as if anyone really cares. I know this is my own stupid insecurities so it'll pass. I want to thank you all for your kind words. I do appreciate the gesture! I guess this is it for me then...I will see you on the LOSING SIDE!!@#!@ WOO!

June 2, 2006
This is Jenn's boyfriend... Jenn had her surgery on Tuesday (May 30) and did great. It lasted 3 hours and everything came out perfectly. She got to come home yesterday (June 1)! Dr. Korn did a great job with the surgery and Jenn is doing a great job of making an effort to start things right. She is a loser now! She weighed in at her appointment today and had lost a few pounds already. She had pudding for the first time this afternoon. Clear liquids aren't really her thing, so she loved the pudding. She is now on full liquids.

She had to come home with a drain tube, which will likely come out either Monday or Thursday. She didn't want to come home with one, but she's thankful that she knows she doesn't have a leak. She's getting pretty excited about the next few weeks. Thanks to all of you for your thoughts and prayers. They helped a lot.

June 6, 2006
So, here I am a week out of surgery... and about 24 lbs. lighter. Talk about YEAH!@! I can't wait for the drain tube to come out. I haven't done any measurements yet because I'm waiting for another couple weeks and I lose some more. It's hard trying to get the 64 oz. of fluid down every day, but I'm coming closer! I really like the Orange Crystal Light! But yeah, that's about all for now.

June 23, 2006
I am feeling really good as of lately. I became dehydrated shortly after the last post so I got 3L of fluid and felt great. Now I can drink my water with no problems. I still really just prefer water though. This poses another problem...I haven't even had any protein. I know I need to get it in, but the thought makes me gag. I go to the nutritionist July 7th so we'll discuss vits then. UGH. I'm so tired of being on full liqiuds. I want something other than mashed potatoes. On the 26th he moves me to pureed so that'll be okay. Anyway, so far my weight loss is....46lbs! I just hopped on the scale and it showed I had lost 5lbs in the past couple days! I have been doing lots of walking. Anyway, I need to get my water in so I shall be going. Until next time...

July 6, 2006
This week has been hard. Jenn started vomiting and having really bad nausea about a week ago. On the 3rd, she talked to her surgeon. He sent her in to the ER for an Upper GI Scan and fluids. They wanted to make sure that her vomiting was not caused by a leak. She was released, but made another trip to the ER the next night for dehydration (it's been hot and she hasn't been able to hold anything down). Yesterday, she called her surgeon and they scheduled a gastro-endoscopy for her this morning. Everything went fine. It was only about a 30-45 minute procedure. The surgeon said that the opening had been slightly closed due to scar tissue and that hopefully through the dilation everything would get much better. She had been vomiting 10+ times every day, but she's only vomited a couple times in about 8 hours since. She says that the nausea is fading slightly. Hopefully she will be able to hold things down a little better now. One lesson we've learned with this surgery is to take things one day at a time. 52+ lbs. lost! - Jeff

July 21, 2006
Okay...so the vomiting didn't get any better after my endoscopy. Friday night Dr. Oakley, who was taking Dr. Korn's patients for the week he was gone, admitted me. None of the nausea meds they gave me worked. On Sunday, they put in a PICK line. From there on I felt SO much better. I finally got to come home that Wednesday. Since then I've been moved to soft solids and am keeping everything down. They don't really know the cause of all of this other than my pancreas being enlarged. In the hospital I gained 10lbs from the BAGS after BAGS of fluids. Since then I've lost 3 1/2lbs. Now that I can eat I'm losing a lot slower. I'm not so excited about that, but I know what I have to do in order to lose a little faster. Protein has been hard for me. I'm eating a lot of high protein foods and my DR said I'm at 7.5 and the norm is an 8...so not TOO bad. I noticed though that I can tolerate sweets really well. NOT GOOD. I'm feeling old habits coming on. I need to get my mind back on track. Any bits of encouragement would be appreciated! Haha. I'll update more often. Tomorrow is my bf and my 2 1/2 year anniversary and he bought me a pearl bracelet/earrings. I'm so excited to get them! YAY! Until next time...

August 15, 2006
I cannot believe it's been 11 weeks since my surgery. It feels like it's been forever, but I am not even 3 months out. Sheesh. So far I'm down 62lbs. It's good, but I'd like it to be more. I have 38lbs until my 100lb mark. I want to lose it by my 21st bday Dec 16th. I know I can do it. I'm losing a lot more slowly now and it's a bit disappointing. I know it takes time. Anyway, I'm gonna get my fluids in. Until next time...

August 25, 2006
So it's been over 3 months since my surgery. I have lost a total of....*drumroll* 66LBS! I went for a walk last night with my friend and her hyper pup. I was walking Sasha and never got tired at the fast pace we were going. I was so excited! Things are going great, but I'm STILL having a problem with protein. I am not getting nearly enough because I gag at the shakes. Ick. I ordered a sample of this Hank's fine protein or whatever. We'll see. It's more expensive, but my health is worth much more in my opinion so you give and take. I only have 34lbs until my goal for my birthday! I can do it! I might take my 3.5 mile walk that I took once...that'll shed off some lbs! Until next time...

September 5, 2006
I'm down 70lbs now. I am pretty happy with the way I am looking. I've watched as my tummy has been vanishing. I still have 30lbs to go until my 100lb mark. I just got a new job. I am subbing for the school district and though it may not be everyday there is the possiblility of full time hire if a job is well done. I'm having kind of a hard day today...food hasn't sat well. So now I'm just gonna focus on getting water and vits in. I am feeling good otherwise! I need to find someone who had surgery around my time to chat with. If you're around the 30th of May please feel free to email me!! I'd love to chat! Until next time...

Here is an updated photo of me!
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

October 11, 2006
I can't seem to update this thing regularly. I've been pretty busy with life. You know how that goes. Anyway, I've lost a total of 83lbs so far. That makes 17lbs left to lose until my 100 mark. YAY. I just thought I would make a quick update about life. As of now I am only getting protein from my food. I need to start making shakes. UGH though...they are so gross. I also have been slacking on my vits. I'm going to get right back on track. Alright I must be going. I'll try and be better about this thing. Until next time...

October 17, 2006
OKAY...it is time to get SO serious about this. I am going to religiously work out and eat right. I have let myself slip. I don't want to be one of those cases where I say.."Well I just didn't lose all the weight I wanted to, blah blah blah." I want to be able to say that I have lost 100lbs by Novermber 30th because that is my 6 month mark. I only have 17 more pounds to lose. I WILL. I am going to take all my vits daily and start doing protein shakes. I didn't do this for nothing. I have been fat for too long. THIS IS THE DAY. This is more of a mental thing for me. I need a giant shove in the right direction. I will start today. Here's to a new start...

About Me
Surgery Date
Mar 09, 2006
Member Since

Friends 59

Latest Blog 4
Mission 199!
Not so optimistic Jenn
Wish me luck...
That's amaza-zing.
