The day of my surgery part II.

Aug 27, 2009

The day of my surgery I was in recovery all day waiting for a bed on 5north where the bariatric unit is. Around 8pm or so I was pushed up in the bed I was to remain in my entire time I was in the hospital. My post op RN and a tech wheeled me up hit a corner and wow did I feel that one. I had the PCA (pain pump) but I do not think morphine is a long lasting drug unless you hit the button every 8 minutes.
I arrived to the floor and was told I had the VIP suite. I remember laughing about that one. But to my surprise I did it the the room at the end of the hall room 557N. It was a single room with 6 huge windows and a love seat and  a wing backed chair with throw pillows on each. And a end table plus a large chair for me when I was to get out of bed. This room even had a flat screen TV 30 inches hanging on the wall.
My husband was there waiting for me as the post op RN passed me on to the Floor RN who happened to be the charge nurse for the night. Elizabeth was my Rn and Jenny was my Tech (my angel in the night). I received the best care the night of my recovery. Oh and by the way my room had a view of the Washington Monument. I used to joke with my hubby if I was having surgery in downtown DC than I better have a room with a view, well low and behold I did. The room had 6 huge window and one did the the Washington Monument that is the way my bed faced.
The whole entire time I was there students and techs and RT commented that this was the VIP suite and I was the only person on the floor with HBO and a flat screen.
Friday morning the day  after my surgery
Jenny got me out of bed on the chair and the Dr came with approx 16 students I felt like I was on ER or Grey's anatomy.I even walked the hall way 3 times on Friday from my room at the end of the hall to the elevators which separate north from the south(MASON DIXON line) lol.Oh and Dr. Lin said I could have some crushed ice to suck on. Well the O2 and the asthma my mouth felt like cotton thank God for ice and mouth swabs the first night and the ice the second day.
Oh and my catheter was pulled by Laura my RN for the day. Now I had to produce urine in a 8 hour window or be recathed oh no not me. Joesph was my tech for the day he  helped me get washed up. I was out of bed the whole day until my breathing episode around 7. A new set of nurses and a new tech .Sugi my RN was a sweetheart with a heart of gold and Howard was quiet but had a dry wit about him.At 730 pm I got into bed and my hubby headed  to catch the train, to get home. . I did well all day Friday until my O2 rate was low and my asthma kicked in. And of course my diabetes which is well controlled by diet roared it head. 2 units of insulin were given along with the daily dose of heparin. Well an IV push ativan for me because I was going into panic mode at this time. Respiratory came in 2x with neubulizer treatments to open my airways.  It hurt to breath because of the surgery my muscles were very sore to take a deep breath. I received magnesium today.
Saturday Day 3
The day you can sip some juice, I made urine all night long approx 100cc an hour so no more catheter talk. I sipped the amount that was told my nurse was Laura again a great RN and my tech was Lowell he was from Nigeria. Very good but not too talkative.At this time I had 44 hits on my pain pump and now it was d/ced . I was using my pain pump sparing and at this time I was getting PO dilaudid so much better pain protection. My hubby came up later in the day thinking that I was going home today but at 7 pm I was told no go because the drain they put in during surgery was producing too much and my blood count was down. 2 more units of insulin a round a magnesium, and I am good to go. I walked the hall 4 times on Saturday I was feeling great. I walked the halls 4 times today. I was determined to get the heck home and get some sleep.I got into bed my hubby went home and I had Sugi and Trenita  all night long. And I received two rounds of Potassium, boy does that hurt and burn your IV site. I had to had another on put in today by Laura she was so good I did not even feel it..
I did not sleep well in the hospital due to the fact that I had med students in all the time with me and lab techs and nurses and technicians and so on and so forth. I was up and down all night in the bed going to the bathroom.
Day 4 Sunday
The students were all in early with my discharge scripts and excited to release me my Nurse was Joy and tech was Joseph again. It was a glorious day. I had to wait for my drain to be pulled. Two 3rd year med students who were Rn's before med school came in the proceeded to pull my drain out. It felt weird. I got all my discharge papers and was told I could wait for transport or walk out. I WALKED OUT OF THE HOSPITAL ON A BRIGHT SUNNY SUNDAY MORNING BOUND FOR HOME SWEET HOME.
The whole time I was in that room with 6 windows it stormed and rained and was dreary. But the day I am released it is a beautiful day. I got in our truck and we were home in a 1/2 hour. My daughter and sister came down from NJ to help me for a few days and they were so surprised about how well I was getting around. In fact they left on Tuesday night for home. I am doing so much better that expected. I take the pain meds less and less and I am tolerating a full liquid diet. So far I am happy I went thru with the surgery. Oh an I am down 8.8 lbs as of today Thursday a week after my surgery.


About Me
Hanover, MD
Surgery Date
Jun 12, 2008
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