It's Been Awhile...

Apr 23, 2009

April 23, 29009 -

I know it has been awhile since I last posted.  It is not so easy for me to get on since I can only log-on & post at work.  All is well on my end.  My weight is not going down, but I am not worried, since I am losing inches.  As long as my clothes want to keep falling off of me, I am happy.  My doctor, on the other hand, is not too happy.  He only looks at the pounds.  I would think he would be happy that I have gone from a size 28 to a size 20 and I am almost in a size 18.  Do you know how many years it was since I was in a size 18!!?  Well, too long ago for me to remember exactly when...but it was a very long time ago.  I believe my daughter was in preschool and she is now 21 years old.

I started water aerobics at the Lakewood YMCA 3 nights a week and I am loving it!!  I can really tell a difference.  The fat is turning into muscle...WAHOO!!  I am sure once I develop more muscle, the fat will start to burn off and then the pounds will come off and Dr. Oh will be happy.  My energy level is through the roof, I can actually almost keep up with my 4 year old (almost 5) grandson.

I wanted to say, that I do think of all of you often and one day my income will allow me to afford internet service & a computer, so that I can stay connected with you all more.  I miss the support from my OH family.  My friends & family don't understand what I feel or go through on a daily basis.  Most of them have never been overweight and they try to push me harder than my body will allow, and at times are very insensitive to my feelings...walk in my shoes...walk in my shoes.

Well, enough of that.  I have to get back to work and I am not sure when I will be able to return back to the site.  As soon as I am able, I will hit you all up!

Stay encouraged!!!

Happy Thanksgiving!!!

Nov 26, 2008

November 26, 2008 ~

I want to wish everyone a very happy Thanksgiving.  I know I am truly blessed to be able to spend this day with my loved ones (family & friends).  I pray that each of you have someone you love to spend this day with and are thankful to be able to spend any day with those that you hold dear to you.

Well, had my appointment for my 3rd fill on Monday (11/24).  When I weighed in, I gained 3/4 of a pound.  I know that is not a lot, but when you haven't lost and you gain, to me that is alot.  I asked Dr. Oh to be more aggressive this time, and since he was in a very good mood, he agreed.  He put in 1.5cc of fluid...yes, I finally have restriction!!  I now have a total of 5.8cc of fluid.  I knew it was a good one when half of a SF popsicle...yes, I said half, filled me up.  My grandson was so happy that I couldn't finish because he was able to eat the rest for me.  He is soooo cute!!!  Thank God it was SF or he would have been bouncing off the walls .  I am hoping to have a good weight loss this time.  Dr. Oh wants me to lose 10 pounds by my next appointment (1/3/09).  Pray for me...please.

Not much is going on with me at this time.  I am just trying to keep level headed by keeping my eyes & heart on God.  I did have a rough spell, but with lots of prayer I am coming out of it.  I am realizing that I can not stress over what I have no control over.  I have more than I deserve and I am thankful.  It may be only the basics, but that is a lot more than many, and for that I am grateful.

I am so thankful for each of you on this site.  I know I am not on it that much (no computer at home) but when I am on it, you all inspire me to want to continue with this obesity battle.  When it is all said and done, we will all be victorious!!!

Emotional Roller Coaster

Nov 05, 2008

November 5, 2008 ~
Hello everyone.  I know it has been a while since I left an update and I do apologize to those that have been supporting me through this journey.  I am going to try to do my best to keep posting updates.  It is just lately, I have had a hard time doing anything.

Where do I start?  Well, I had my 2nd fill on 10/27/08.  The doctor put in .5cc of more restriction than I had before going in.  I wanted more, but he didn't want to put too much in too soon.  Now, I have 4.5cc of fluid in my band.  I am still loosing weight, so I can't complain.  I am finally back on my thyroid medication, so hopefully that will help with my weight loss.  It is coming off so slow.  My weight didn't move for 2 weeks and now I am afraid to weigh myself in fear that it still hasn't gone down or that it possible went up.  My clothes are still getting loose, so that is good.

I was hoping to get off of my antidepressant, but no such luck.  I went off for a few months, but I ended up in a downward spiral.  I hate being dependent on meds.  I am back on and now I have to wait for the medication to start working again.  I cry at every little thing.  I guess crying is better than going off on people.  The only real joy in my life is my 4 year old grandson.  He is full of unconditional love.  As everything around me seems to be crumbling, he keeps me wanting to go on.

I know I am BLESSED on so many levels.  I have a great job (even though some people make me want to strangle them), I have a roof over my head, clothes on my back, food in my refridgerator and a vehicle to drive.  God is supplying all of my what is wrong with me?  I miss the relationship I had with my daughter.  She got involved with an older man that abuses her and cost her to loose her son.  She is so distant with the whole family, but what hurts me more is that she is distant with her son & me.  She has a new baby, and now we don't exist.  Man, that hurts so bad.  She chose him & his family over her own.  We still love her and will always open our hearts and doors to her, but she has to want it just as much as we do.

If that wasn't enough, the love of my life for almost 17 years is becoming very distant.  It is hard enough having a long distance relationship and calls, letters, etc is very important.  He is in Louisiana and it has been almost a year since I last saw him (January 2008).  I pray for strength to get me through whatever is going to come my way.  If his feelings have changed, or he met someone new, just let me know.  When I mention to him how I feel, he tells me nothing has changed, that he loves me more today than he did 16 years ago.  But actions have always spoke louder than words.  I'm in the process of saving money for Kevan and I to go see him.  Everytime I tell him I am coming, he always tells me that it would be easier for him to come to Washington...still waiting!!  I went to Louisiana in August and all was good.  Maybe my mind or the devil is playing tricks on me.  I need to boost my confidence up.  I remember when I was very confident in myself...what happened?

Well...I am done whinning.  I shouldn't complain about my life, because it could be so much worse.  And there are so many people in this world that don't have a fraction of what I have.  Thanks for letting me get some stuff off my chest.  I will just keep praying, studying God's word and loving my family and Michael, the best I can.  One day the sadness will go away and happiness & joy will fill my heart.

Rough Week...But Getting Better!!

Oct 06, 2008

10/07/2008 ~
Hello everyone.  I know it has been a while since I left an update, but it has been crazy on my end.  The past week has been a nightmare.  I was rushed to the hospital on 9/26 with severe pain.  I feared it was my wasn't.  I had fluid in my lower abdomen that was causing a very bad infection.  Talk about pain...I think labor was easier.  I was released from the hospital on 9/30, just to return on 10/1 with bacterial double pneumonia.  I was finally released on 10/3 and am slowly trying to recover.

At one point in the hospital, I thought I was going to go crazy.  When I went in to the hospital on 9/26, I was down to 248 lbs, by the time I was discharged, I was up to 271 lbs.  I just cried.  But, GOD is good.  It was all water weight due to the fluids they were giving me through my IV.  I am now as of yesterday, down to 244 lbs.

Other than that all is well.  Work is just as busy as ever and I thank GOD everyday that I still have a job, when so many do not.  I am loving my grandson more & more everyday.  He is so cute.  He started pre-school on 9/22 and he is loving it.  I think his favorite part is riding the school bus.  I am able to get to his day care before the school bus gets there and to see him gettng off of the bus is so cute.  As soon as he sees me, he charges me...almost knocking me down.  All you see coming at you is this little guy with big eyes and a very big smile.  How can you not fall in love.

Now, as far as my band...I am doing well.  I only had one fill (4cc) and I am still feeling some restriction.  As long as the weight is coming off, I am gaining please!!  The only problem I am really having is that I forget to drink my water.  A whole day will go by and I will realize that I haven't had a drop of any liquids all day.  I didn't have that problem prior to surgery, but drinking is very difficult for me now.  It goes down fine, I just do not have the desire to do so and my body is going to suffer if I don't force myself to drink.  Is anyone having this type of problem?

Well...thank you for letting me vent or express myself.  I hope all are well and moving forward with their goals.  You are all still my biggest motivators.

First Fill

Sep 18, 2008

9/18/2008 ~
Well, I had my first fill on Monday (9/15).  I was so nervous.  My stomach was upset and I thought I was going to be sick. is amazing how your nerves can mess with your body.  The doctor was an hour behind, but that was ok.  That gave me a chance to talk with others in the waiting room that have been going through this for a long time.  It is amazing how much information you can learn while waiting.

I finally got called back and my nerves just jumped out of my body.  The nurse was amazing.  She offered to hold my hand through the procedure.  But, I took a big girl pill and decided I would do this without the hand holding.  It took Dr. Oh 4 tries to get the needle in the correct place.  Apparently my port was lower than he thought.  It took him several minutes just to try to locate my port.  It was at least 2 inches below my incision...go figure.  But all in all, I was filled with 4cc's of saline.  YES RESTRICTION!!  I was sore for a few days, but now I feel great.

I am so happy to be able to chew food.  I don't care if it is soft solids, at least I am chewing.  I fill up so quickly...I love it!!

Well, not much else is going on with me.  Just the same old thing, work, home & work again.  I hope you all are enjoying your ride to a healthier life...I know I am.  Yes, it is frustrating at times, and I do miss certain things, but my future as a healthy woman is so much more important than a particular type of food that I no longer can have.

Question:  Is anyone experiencing really bad leg cramps?  OMG...they started yestereday and I thought I was going to die.

Talk later my friends!!

I've Done It...

Aug 22, 2008

August 22, 2008 ~

I made it.  Sugery was successful.  They did have a problem putting the breathing tube in...again, but thankfully to another doctor that just finished up surgery...he was able to get it in.  Apparently my throat has a odd curve and they needed to bend the breathing tube in order to get it in.  I don't remember recovery.  I just remember waking up in my little room.  Everyone was so nice and took great care of me.  Surgery was on 8/19 and I was released on 8/20.  I am very sore and I am having a very hard time with nausea.  Everytime I stand up, I feel as if I am going to vomit.  Nothing but saliva comes out, so that is a good thing.  My left side hurts the worse, and I believe that is where my port is.  I was told that would be the more tender spot.

Once I get over this feeling of eww, I know I will feel better.  I am sure that in a week, I will be feeling tons better...I hope.  All I want to do is sleep.

So, on that note, I am going to lay back down.  I have been up for about an hour and I am worn out already.  I will catch up with everyone later.

Thank you for all of your prayers and well wishes.  They were all felt.

One More Day...

Aug 18, 2008

Here I go again.  I am really getting nervous.

I am at work trying to get everything that I need to get done, done.  I have a feeling it is going to be a very busy day.  I am taking this time right now, for myself & my OH family.  All I can do is put all of this in the hands of God.  I pray that the same thing won't happen.  Yes...I want to wake up sometime tomorrow with some pain.  Then that way I will know that I had my surgery.  So many things are going through my mind and I don't know what I need to concentrate on first.  My grandson knows I am going to have surgery and it is too funny watching him demonstrate what is going to happen to grandma.  He tells me the doctor is going to cut me and moves his little hands in a sawing motion over my belly.  He is too least I think he is.

My close friend is going to keep my little guy while I am in the hospital.  Then she told me that she is taking me to her house overnight.  I really just want to go home, but I do agree that I should not be alone the first night out of the hospital.  My friend is an angel.  I have never met someone so sweet and selfless.  She is always thinking of others and I feel very blessed to have her in my life.

I am just going to continue to think positive and not let my nerves work my last nerve.  I am finally getting banded!!

My 38th birthday is Sunday, but tomorrow is going to be my re-birth.  I can't wait to see how my life will be a year from tomorrow.  All I know is that it will be a lot better than what it is now.  It is only up from here as I go down in the pounds.

Thank you everyone for your prayers and words of encouragement.  I couldn't have made it this far without ALL of you.  You are all very precious to me


Aug 12, 2008

August 12, 2008 ~

I received the call from Dr. Oh's office.  They scheduled my surgery.  I am so excited, I can't see straight.  Prior to them calling, I was reading an article in the Washington Post about Heparin.  Now, I am thinking that is what affected me last time.  There are several bad batches of Heparin out on the market and it is being recalled.  At least 81 people have died from this blood thinning drug due to an allergic reaction they had and a severe drop in their blood pressure.  I did have an allergic reaction, but no one seemed to know to what.  And, my blood pressure was very low.  They would not let me go home until it was close to normal.  I am not saying that the Heparin did this, but I have never reacted to anesthesia that way before...and I have had several recent as March of last year.  I mentioned it to Dannie, and she says that she will make a note in my file so when I see Dr. Oh tomorrow to sign papers, we can discuss this prior to my surgery on Tuesday (8/19/08).

Everyone's prayers worked and I thank you all.  You are all my angels.

Still Waiting...

Aug 12, 2008

August 12, 2008 ~

Well, I am still waiting to be rescheduled for my lapband.  I went to my appointment with my surgeon, Dr. Oh, on 8/8/08.  Dr. Oh was not in, so I met with his assistant, Dr. Hirahi.  They were ready to reschedule my surgery, but my Pulmonologist, that I saw on 8/1/08, did not send over my clearance.  So, now I wait.  I called Dr. Rowlands' office to see what the hold up was and they informed me that they faxed it over to Dr. Oh's office on 8/8/08.  I was told that Danna (scheduler) would call me once the report was received, but still no call.  I called and left a message for her yesterday and I hope to hear from her today.

I am really trying to be patient...but it is really hard.  If it wasn't for the support of my friends on OH, I would be a basket case.  I have supportive family & friends, but it is not the same.  They do not understand what I am going through or what I am feeling.  Only someone who is going or has gone through the processess for WLS can totally relate.  I thank God for all of you.  I am truly blessed.  My closest friends have never been overweight, so they have no idea how I feel.  I have finally got them to STOP telling me all I need to do is eat right and exercise.  That works for them.  Neither one of them has ever weighed more than 130 lbs and they cry if they gain 2 lbs.  If eating right & exercising was all I needed to do, I would be thin like them.  It is funny how someone who has never had weight issues has all kinds of advice.  I know they were just trying to help, but it is funny how with their help (critizing) I would continue to gain while eating way less than them and exercising more than they do.  I love them dearly, but they just don't get it, and will probably never will unless they happen to gain 100 or more lbs.  I don't wish my weight issues on anyone, so I hope they NEVER have to go through what I have for several years.

I was told that this is an emotional process so I hope I am less emotional after surgery.  If I get any more emotional , they are going to have to admit me to Western State (mental hospital in Lakewood, WA).

Well, I will keep posting as something new occurs

Cleared For Surgery

Aug 05, 2008

August 5, 2008 ~

I got the "ALL CLEAR" from my pulmonologist on Friday (8/1).  He couldn't find any damage to my lungs and says that I look great from the last time he saw me.  I love it when a man tells me I look great...what woman wouldn't.  Now, I am just waiting for my appointment with Dr. Oh on Friday (8/8).  Hopefully he will reschedule me at that time.

I just want to thank each and every one of you that responded to my last message.  I really felt the prayers.  You all had a hand in helping me snap back to reality and to leave that pitty party.  You are all my ANGELS and I will be forever grateful.

My only health issue that I having problems with is my hiatal hernia.  I didn't have any problems until recently.  So, it will be great to have that fixed too.  I can't sit down without feeling like I am choking...yes I said sit down.  So, I spend most of my day standing.  It is really hard to work standing all the time, but I think I am getting used to it.  If I have to eat one more SF cough drop, I think I am going to scream.  Those things work like kidding.  I guess I should have read the back of the package prior to eating them like candy.  Last night, it really felt as if my stomach was in my throat.  I thought I was about to say hello to my soup...naw...don't want to do that.

But, I am not going to complain for long.  Negative energy in...negative energy out.  I have always liked to look at myself as a very positive person.  I think I was on my happy pills at the time...oh well!  I am able to snap out of funks faster now that I am not on my happy pills since I have been on this site.  It is amazing how supportive and funny each of you are.  I LOVE IT!!!

I will keep posting with updates as they happen and I am looking forward to hearing about all of your updates as well.

Have a great day and sending you well wishes from Tacoma, WA and the next round of protein drinks is on me!!

About Me
Tacoma, WA
Surgery Date
Apr 02, 2008
Member Since

Friends 22

Latest Blog 18
Happy Thanksgiving!!!
Emotional Roller Coaster
Rough Week...But Getting Better!!
First Fill
I've Done It...
One More Day...
Still Waiting...
Cleared For Surgery
