Nearly 3 months post-op

Aug 03, 2009

I can't believe it's been 3 months already...AND...I can't believe it's only been 3 months.  I'm down 77 lbs as of today.  I can't even begin to say how happy I am about that.  My weight loss was slow for a while after I started soft solids.  There were and are a few foods I have to stay away from.  No dry meats and no scrambled eggs at all!  I feel good and I'm getting more and more energy all the time.  I did have a problem with nausea but have focused on foods I know I can tolerate and stopped doing so much "sampling" of new things for the time being.  I asked the Dr why i wasn't losing as much weight as I thought I should be...the response ---- I wasn't eating ENOUGH!!! ----  I was only getting 300-500 calories a day, not nearly enough.  I had to start focusing on eating more and keeping it down.  Now, the weight is coming off really quickly.  Literally, 1-3 lbs a day.  CRAZY!  I'm walking a mile a day at work, doing 60 mins of water aerobics 3 times a week and doing 45 mins of weight training 3 times a week.  I do have a lot of excess skin but am still hopeful that some of it will draw up and the weight training should help.  If i have to trade super morbid obesity in for saggy, baggy skin...consider it done!  I had a dear friend call me "skinny" the other day.  Bless her heart, she is so supportive.  I couldn't resist....I said "if you're referring to me as skinny because I have lots of spare skin, then yes, but if you're trying to call me thin, honey I'm not there yet".  I am trying to take a photo per month to post so that I can document the weight loss thorugh pictures.  It's really hard for me to see the difference so the pictures really help me out!


About Me
Surgery Date
Apr 16, 2009
Member Since

Before & After
rollover to see after photo
1 Year Post-Op, down 175 lbs

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