I started investigating WLS several years ago, when my daughter decided she was interested in having it done. I was APPALLED!! And SCARED for her! What a SERIOUS step! I researched eveything I could find on the subject to dissuade her, (while getting fatter and fatter myself!)  During the process, I found this forum. I read and read and read. I watched the progress of so many here, silently cheering on their successes and praying during their struggles. I feel as though I know them personally.

About a year and a half ago I started actively seeking WLS for myself. Nov 2005 I chose a new insurance provider for my husbands insurance after checking to confirm they would pay for WLS. I had been half-heartedly trying with my Kaiser insurance and learned a lesson in patience and frustration. Just too many hoops to get through. I have now turned to my husbands Arta HealthNet and so far that seems to be moving better.

My first doctor with the Arta HealthNet was NOT enthused with my request for WLS. She refused to discuss it atall with me until I had a bump in the roof of my mouth checked for cancer. After her referral to a specialist, wait for approval and an appt with a EMT specialist, I was cleared to return to my primary provider. She then informed me she would be dropping me as a patient as she was going to specialize in pediatrics. I asked her for the referral before she dropped me. She provided the referral but neglected to fill out the mandatory bariatric questionaire so I was turned down. I told her I needed that questionaire. She told me I'd have to ask my new primary doctor for it. I had to start over again. (Sept 2006)

I checked and asked around for a suggestion on my next primary doctor. I wanted someone that was knowledgable about obesity and not afraid to refer to WLS. This doctor submitted the referral after my second visit with him.(Oct 2006) Again, the same problem with the questionaire. He resubmitted WITH the questionaire and I was AGAIN turned down. No record of a 6month supervised diet and not enough other health problems. Huh?? Are they READING this questionaire? I called the insurance company to complain and they offerred to send the forms to appeal the decision.

I went back to my Kaiser doctor and asked for a written verification that I had been on a monitored & supervised diet/exercise program with my blood pressure also being monitored for the past six months. She provided that letter. I drove the letter back to my primary doctor so they could resubmit the referral.

On Monday (Nov13 2006) I called the insurance company to check if they received the new referral. They said they would not accept a new referral from my primary doctor after the last denial. If I wanted to appeal the decision I could do so using the appeal forms I had been sent. I immediately sat down, wrote a letter of appeal, and faxed it along with the letter from from Kaiser doctor verifying the 6 month program to the appeals board of HealthNet. Waiting for results now.....

Nov 28,2006

Appealed accepted and bariatric consult approved!!!  Hurrayyyy!! I now have an appointment for the consult on Dec 8th!

Jan 28, 2007

Well the bariatric consult came and went fine. Also had the psych appt, the doctors talk, the nutrition class. Just movin' right along.....til Jan 1st. Jan 1st MY primary insurance changed from Kaiser to Blue Cross. Although I had accompolished approval & all these appts through my husbands insurance, I now had to REapply through my Blue Cross. Starting from square one again!! UGHHH,, Now waiting for approval for Bariatric consult AGAIN!!

Feb 2007

Whewww!!  Approved again! AND they are acknowledging and crediting me for the classes & consults I've already attended!  Good deal!!! So I'm back to the road again! I had a chest & heart xray on Feb 23rd and they have scheduled me for the cardiac stress test on March 16th...  Ugh,,seems like such a longgg wait but that's the earliest appointment available. And I hear that's a tough test!

March 2007

I had the cardiac stress test on March 16th! They tried to KILL ME!!! It felt like it anyway. Woww,,that was a tough test and I sure hope I passed it. The second part of the test (the at-rest portion) was March 20th. That was not bad at all. I should have the results in a few days.

April 2007

Passed that cardiac stress test and I HAVE A DATE!  April 25th!! OMG!!

I have an Upper GI (radiology) & esophigal test on March 12th, with blood tests after.  The One on One doctor appointment with Dr LePort on April 17th and the followup by Dr Bondade afterward. Then on Wed April 25th---  WLS!!!!!!!!!

May 02,2007

A week ago today at this time (April 25th, 2007) I was still sitting in the doctors office waiting and listening intently while the office staff was frantically making phone calls to the insurance company. My surgery was scheduled for noon and due to a last minute (Tuesday afternoon,) insurance snaggle, my surgery had been put on hold. I sat on the edge of my seat, grasping my little hospital bag, surrounded by my husband, son & his fiance,,all having taken off work from their jobs to be with me.

Tension was high but I had strong confidence in this office staff. These women REALLY fought for my surgery. ("You can't do this?? What?? OK, let me talk to YOUR supervisor!!") Their next call probably would have been to Pres Bush!!

Remember, I'm the one that was so concerned, pre-op, about having to be in the hospital,,,wanting out immediately after surgery. And now I was fighting tooth & nail, trying to GET IN the hospital!

Well, they got me approved & in the hospital and in surgery by 12:20,,not alot of time to wait around. 

Surgery went as planned and I woke up in recovery feeling like I'd been run over by a Ford F350! Ughhh,,but I slept most of that day & night. Next day too although I had the most uncomfortable bed in the world! It had no trapeze or bars on the top to make getting up or readjusting easier. Another bed brought in wasn't any better. It did have bars but was way too short with an extremely thin mattress. Believe it or not, I had bed sores on my back and rear when I was released after only 3 days. I had to stay a 3rd day due to not enough urine output. I actually think I did have enough but the little measuring cup inside the toilet kept tipping each time and spilling so I don't think their measurements were accurate.

This past week has gone pretty good. I'm trying hard to get enough fluids in and enough protein. Pain has been minimal,,more tender and uncomfortable than painful. I was able to sleep in my bed on my side or stomach immediately. I'm anxious for my two week appointment next week to find out how much I have lost so far. I forgot to ask them to weigh me before I left the hospital. I left in a big hurry before they could think of another reason to keep me longer!!

Thank you so much to everyone here for the amazing support, advice and well wishes. They mean sooooo much!!!!!

June 24, 2007

Boy, I've realy been slacking on updating this profile. It's been 8 weeks tomorrow since WLS and I have lost 37 pounds. Not the fastest weight loss but not the slowest either. I had a problem with nausea after surgery. Nausea every time I ate. No dumping,,just an extremely upset stomach. Prescribed nausea pills didn't seem to help at all. That seems to be going away the past two weeks. I was also suprised after surgery at my heightened sense of smell and changes in tastes. The things I used to really like to eat and were my favorites no longer tasted good. And smells!! Everything made my stomach turn---air fresheners, cologne, smell of any food cooking, etc. 

July 30th, 2007

12 weeks after surgery and down 49 lbs. My work uniform pants are quite big on me but they feel so good after having worn them so dang tight for so long. I still have the nausea after eating but not nearly as bad as in the past. I'm doing ok getting in the required amount of water daily but the protein is a job! I HATE the taste of the protein and it's a concentrated effort to MAKE myself drink it. But I DO want to lose this weight and I don't want all my hair to fall out so I drink it!! 

Oct 28, 2007

6 months after surgery!!  I am down 80 lbs as of today!! Hurrayyyyy for me!!  What a ride! 

I have gone down several sizes in my work uniform pants and feel soooo much better. I can walk without feeling out of breath and like I'm going to have a heart attack. Prior to surgery, even the walk from my work station to my car ( a VERY short distance)  at the end of the day made me breathless. I had to sit in my car for a few minutes to catch my breath before starting to drive. No more! I can walk the entire swap meet with my son & his fiance without asking them to go ahead while I wait for them at the end of the isles to rest. I can put on my shoes & socks without feeling like I'm going to pass out from the effort.

I still get slightly nauseous from eating. Alittle. Not nearly as bad as I used to. The Doctor's Asst thinks it's cause I still eat too fast and don't wait the 10 minutes between bites. Very difficult to do.  

I do miss WANTING to eat and really enjoying a meal. I miss the tastes. Nothing still tastes as good as I think it should. Pre surgery I thought I could NEVER go without Diet Pepsi. I did try it after surgery. Didn't taste the same. Funny. I don't even miss it. 

It's been a crazy 6 months. Do I regret it or would I trade the discomforts and changes for the 80 lbs back? NOT ON YOUR LIFE!!  

April 26, 2008

ONE YEAR!!!  Wowww,, in some ways it seems like yesterday and in others it seems like a LONGGG time ago. 
I am down 112 pounds in one year. From 304 the day before surgery (300 day of thanks to MOM) -192 today. 

And what a difference 112 pounds have made!  I no longer struggle to breathe, I can walk anywhere and not have to stop to catch my breath. I can wear "regular" clothes instead of only shopping at the larger sizes stores. From a 3X-4X or 28 to a M-L or 12/14. I still catch myself always choosing the larger sizes  if I don't try them on because I don't think of myself as smaller. Buying by "eyeing it" makes for lots of returns!! 
I can cross my legs. Sit in any booth at a restaurant without fear I'm not going to fit. Bend & pick up something off the floor without a second thought.  Park my car without worrying if I'm going to be able to open the door wide enough to get in & out. So many changes!

I no longer have to take my medicine for high blood pressure. That's been normal now for quite a while. I AM very conscious of taking all my required vitamins everyday as I have read too much about what can happen if you slack off!!  

I still have a ways to go. I'd like to get down another 40-50 pounds but I can tell you for sure,,,,,,,,,If I didn't lose any more weight, life is 100% better today than it was a year ago!!!!!!!!

May 5th, 2009

TWO years!!!!! Wowwww.......

Such a difference. So many changes and all for the better.

Gastric Bypass--definately a life changing event. I am so glad I had it done and only wish I'd had it years ago.

I was 304 prior to surgery. I am now 163. Down 141 pounds. I'd like to get down to 140 but even if that never happens, I'm ok with where I am now. My weight really varies on the days I'm working in comparison to my days off. I gain on my working days as much as 4-5 pounds and lose on my days off. The difference between sitting at the computer all day and munching and being active with no snacking on my days off. I've heard alot about some patients that have gained their weight back so I do try to really watch my weight.  

I'm looking into plastics now. I don't know if I'll actually have it done or not but I am going to investigate.  

May 2009

Well that was a short investigation!  I went to Kaiser to check into plastics a few months back. I was told to lose 20 more pounds & check back. I did so (well,,16,,close enough!)  and was told they'd only do a panniculectomy (take off the extra skin on my belly). No tummy tuck, no breast lift (a reduction only & I had nothing left to spare), no arm lift & no face lift. Not what I wanted. I went to Dr Neil Klein, here in Downey for a consult. I had Dr Klein do my 1st face lift about 13 years ago & he did a wonderful job. I decided I wanted him to do my plastics this time also. Because I wanted so many procedures, this had to be done in two stages. 

May 22,2009

I had my face lift & arm lift surgery at Whittier Pres Hospital by Dr Klein. I was checked in at 5:30am, surgery was at 7:30am (4 hours) and I was home by 5pm. I only had my lower face done, around my mouth, my checks (jowls) and chin, neck. No eyes done.   My arms were lifted from the armpit to about an inch past the elbow. I went home all wrapped up and slept in my bed. No problem. VERY little pain. Yes, the arms are sore but I am able to use them. Recovery from this surgery has gone well with no problems.  Very worst pain came from a sore throat (4 days) I was told was from the tubing during anesthesia.

June 2nd, 2009

2Nd surgery. This was the tummy tuck & breast lift. In Whittier Pres hospital at 6am, surgery at 7:30am (5hours) and home by 5pm. This time I came home with two drains in the tummy and a pain pump. Sore? YES!! Getting in & out of bed has been TOUGH. Coughing is a KILLER!  I have contacted a little nagging flemy persistent cough that is driving me nuts. Hurts so bad to cough. Dr  Klein is wonderful. VERY attentive. He sees me about every other day at his office to check on me. Pain pump & drains were removed on the 3rd day. The breasts don't hurt at all. The tummy tuck is NOT for sissies!!!  




About Me
Downey, CA
Surgery Date
Sep 22, 2006
Member Since

Friends 33
