Jon Bruce

"My name is Polly Sherman and I am a patient of Dr Bruce's. I am 41 years old and had a RNY done on July 20,2009. At the time of my surgery I was 326 lbs and had high blood pressure, dangerously high cholesterol, very weak knees, hips and ankles with a lot of swelling in those areas. I took 11 prescription medications a day and was working on the possibility of having to increase that number to as many as 13 daily. The surgery was initially recommended to me by my primary care physician approximately 8 years ago when I was living in Rhode Island, prior to moving to North Carolina. Initially I had pushed the whole idea away saying to myself that I 'wasn't THAT heavy" and feeling that I could and would lose the weight on my own. At the time I lead a very sedentary lifestyle as I do office work for a living and sit at a desk for the majority of my day. After moving to NC and still working at a desk yet again, I eventually realized that I was unable to exercise due to my weight and the strain that exercise put on my joints. I was forced to face the fact that I was trapped in the 'revolving door of obesity'. Finally I was ready to start looking for a way to get out of it. I had done quite a bit of research about the different types of surgery and what to expect prior to surgery as well as afterwards and the life changes that needed to be made. I had been contemplating this surgery for about 5 years but quite frankly I was scared to death of the life changes and how I would deal with them. I had quite a bit of misgivings about whether I would be successful due to the psychological aspect that affected my eating habits and had decided to address those through counselling prior to seeking out a doctor to help me on my journey of surgical weight loss. When had been involved in counselling for about 2 years and I finally felt I was ready to start my physical journey I asked around to some of my friends and coworkers who had already had the surgery and heard very good things about Dr. Bruce and his colleagues in his office. I was seen in Dr. Bruce's Cary, NC office, but I now will be seen in his Graham, NC office, as it is closer to my home and much more convenient for me. Upon my first visit to his office I was initially seen by a nurse who is also a successful gastric bypass patient. She was very informative, sweet and made me feel very comfortable. After talking with him on that first visit I realized that Dr Bruce is a very patient and understanding doctor. From that very first visit he has always been very positive, honest, and understanding He didn't mind answering my millions of crazy questions. Always very upbeat and professional. The office staff was very efficient and everyone had a smile on their faces. I felt like they were very happy to be there helping me. The young lady who handled the insurance was very thorough and kept me informed as to the progress that we were making and the additional items that we needed to get approval. The office scheduled all of the testing that I needed to have done and the psychological consult that I needed and called me to give me the times, saving me the hassle of trying to do it myself and getting me in much sooner that I probably could on my own. From my first inital appointment call to surgery it took me about 4 1/2 months to get in for actual surgery. On my last appointment before surgery Dr. Bruce went over risks, benefits, pros and cons of the RNY as opposed to the lap band and gave me all of the information I needed to make a well informed decision. He also gave me his professional opinion on what HE thought would work best as well. He asked me what I wanted to see as a goal weight and when I replied that I thought 170 lbs for a 5'4" woman was realistic he said that it was definitely doable. And lo and behold....I've made it there!!!! :) Surgery went very smoothly and I was kept very comfortable afterwards. I spent two days in the hospital and saw Dr Bruce both days. He asked if I had any questions and answered them very patiently. Even though on the second day I asked some of the same ones that I had asked immediately after surgery because I couldn't remember what he had said he patiently repeated himself with a smile on his face!! :) NOW???.....well, now I am 168 lbs, no longer have high blood pressure issues, my cholesterol has been in normal range for over a year and a half and I feel like a new woman. I now weigh what I weighed in high school!!! And best of all, I only take 2 prescription medications a day!!!! It has taken a lot of work, perseverance and has been a long road. I am not here to say that surgery is easy. But it is sooooo worth it!!! I do so many things that were just a dream when I was trapped in that revolving door that I spoke of above. I play with my children, I walk, ride a bike, swim and even have begun running recently!!! I no longer worry every time I sit in a chair if it can hold my weight!! I no long fear being in public because I feel like everyone is staring at the fat lady! And perhaps the best thing is knowing that my children are learning better health and life habits from me! And that they are proud to tell others that I am their mom!! That's the BEST!!! As far as aftercare is concerned, unfortunately I have not had the best.........THROUGH NO FAULT OF DR. BRUCE!!!!!! I cannot stress that enough!!!! Due to layoff I have lost my medical benefits and I am a self-pay patient now. I have managed my aftercare through my primary care physician until very recently because she has a sliding scale fee and it was more affordable for me. Recently I had some problems with an ulcer and my gastroenterologist wanted me to be seen by Dr. Bruce so that he could have some input from Dr Bruce about how to treat my ulcer. I went to see Dr. Bruce and his office was just as pleasant as always. Dr Bruce however, gave me the what-for about not continuing with aftercare. I explained my situation with benefits and he said, and I quote, "Don't let that stop you!!! Just come and I will see you and don't worry about it!" I was so touched that I nearly cried!!! The only complaint that I have about Dr. Bruce is about things that are probably completely out of his control. Twice when I have gone to see him I have had to wait in the waiting room for at least an hour. I was offered to reschedule but CHOSE not to. I lived an hour away and did not want to have to make the drive again, so I waited. My understanding was that both times he was in surgery and it took longer than expected because there were unforeseen complications. Obviously, if I were the patient on the table I would want him to put me first and take care of me in the best possible way, so I can totally understand why he was late and do not fault him on that. All in all I can rate this one of the most positive experiences of my life, and I can thank Dr Bruce and his staff for that. My choice to have this surgery was a long time coming, with a lot of research and education behind it. I wouldn't change the choice I made for anything and I DEFINITELY wouldn't change my choice of doctor. I would recommend Dr. Bruce to all of my friends and family, and as a matter of fact I have done just that!! I am hoping that my review will help someone else to make this life changing choice and to benefit from this wonderful doctor's experience. Best of luck to all who read this and who are contemplating the surgery. I have been there and I soooo feel your pain! But, as someone who is on the other side of the surgery I can honestly say that it was definitely worth it. Take a chance on yourself and give yourself a new lease on life! Educate yourself. Evaluate yourself. And most important of all, realize that you are worth it and open up the opportunity for you to live a long and healthy life!! "
About Me
Surgery Date
Mar 20, 2008
Member Since

Friends 1
