Let's start at the beginning...

I was a cute chubby baby... weren't we all.  My problem was, I could no get food into my stomach fast enough.  This was after the colic was finally diagnosed and treated.  But according to my mother when she was feeding me I had time between the spoon going from the dish to my mouth to scream my fool head off.  Not a good sign.

As a child I was always into the pantry and cupboards sneaking food.  Yes, I was a chubby child.  My family had to shop in Husky Town at the department stores for my clothes.  I was a sedentary kid for the most part. I loved to read and draw.  I was also a mischievous kid and spent a lot of time grounded to my room, which incidentally was no problem for me (more reading time).  I did go out and play with the neighborhood kids, but I was made fun of a lot and nicknamed the Inflatable Bulk (not as impressive as the Incredible Hulk, huh?).  I rode my bike, played soldier, knights o' the round table and star wars with the friends that I had, so there was some activity in my life.

In adolescence, I was still chubby, I played football and basketball for one year and decided I was not a jock.  I was an artist, a gamer geek, an A.V. Nerd, a Theater/Drama player. Nothing too physical except the acting.  I got the girls even though I was chubby.  I had a sense of humor with good timing to go with it and could be absolutely charming if I wanted to.  Then I graduated...

We're in the Army now... Yes, I went on to become very physical.  Buff, let me tell you I had guns and a six pack (and I am not talking about M-16s and beer).  I had pushed myself to the limit to succeed at something and... I did it.

Now comes the Irony... a training accident left me at a desk job and then medically discharged from service.  Sitting around healing eating crap and watching TV and reading all day soon saw all my hard work drop from my chest into my gut.

From that time to now I have not resumed my activity level beyond working as a Respiratory Therapist and a few months at the gym every few months.  I have become a sedentary computer junkie that is wasting what little remains of my life, and if I keep up on this route it won't be that long at all.  My wife deserves more of me and my kids deserve more of me and I deserve more of me!

About Me
Painesville, OH
Jan 01, 2010
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