liquid fast

Jul 01, 2007

Okay,  this is day two in my clear liquids,  I just took the fleet soda also so I am expecting to be in the bathroom for a while today.  Yesterday was hard buy not as hard as I thought it would be.  I hope the next two days go by so then I can be on my journey to a new healthy life.  I hope seriously hope i can keep this stuff down ,  it was pretty disgusting.   One more dose to go.   UGH!

5 days left

Jun 28, 2007

Well, I have 5 days left to surgery and 2 days left to my liquid fast.   Time has gone by so fast since I got my date.  Last time I was complaining about how long it took to get my date and now I am amazed at God's timing.  At the beginning of June we found out that we had to move because our  realtor had to sell the house we were renting.  It was stressful but think if I would of got a surgery date in early June.  We are settled in our new home,  we even have a inground swimming pool.  Kids  stay outside alot which is great.  I am now hoping I get all the things done that I need to do before the big day.
I hope to post again when i start the diet.

Surgery Date !

May 17, 2007

  How excited I was right before Easter when I saw my packet go in for approval.  I was  extremely pleased when Tricare only took 2 days to approve.   Well,   here it is over a month later and i finally got a surgery date.  I am excited to say it is July 3rd.   I am hoping I adapt well to the eating plan because of where I work.  We get about 17 minutes to eat I am a little nervous that by the time I go back I will not be comfortable with getting my food and liquids in.  I donot want to eat too fast that early on.  Oh well,  I am going to try and not worry and let things work out like they are supposed too.

About Me
Pace, FL
Surgery Date
Apr 10, 2007
Member Since

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liquid fast
5 days left
Surgery Date !
