2 month post op

Apr 06, 2009

So here we are a little over 2 months after surgery. I have lost about 40 pounds so far. I can't really tell that I have lost weight looking at myself in the mirror. I know that Family can notice it because of the comments. Which is Great makes me feel good. I also noticed it in my cloths and jewelry like I have to take my watch in to have links removed, and I am almost to the point were I can't wear my wedding ring anymore because it might fall off. Those are the things I notice more which are kinda cool. My sister-in-law is getting married in June and I was sized for the dress at a size 16 which I haven't been in years so when we spoke to the dress people and told them my situation they told me I should order a size 12 for my dress. A SIZE 12 I haven't ever been a size 12 as an adult. That is so hard to understand for me, I get butterflies in my stomach when I think about it. I get  a little worried that I won't be able to fit into it but I just think about it as motivation. This way I make sure and work out harder than usual. I have gotten sick a few times since the surgery, my biggest problem is eating slowly and I think I am starting to finally get the hang of it. I did finally experience dumping syndrome. It was horrible I never want to go through that again. I was so sick for like an hour and half. I was shaking, and sweaty, my heart was racing, I couldn't even think straight I have never experienced anything like that before and hopefully I don't ever have to again. Well I will post some pictures up soon and update in another month or so.


About Me
Henderson, NV
Surgery Date
Oct 29, 2008
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