Scott Pennington (COE)

"My first impression of Dr. Pennington was a good one, and I was correct. He is a Christian. He gives you all the time you need to talk with him and goes into detail to answer all your guestions.He has a wonderful bed side manner. He went into detail about all the risk. He explained in detail what to expect before and after surgery.My surgery is scheluded for Feb.18 03. I have less than to weeks to wait. I am feeling very positive. I have a Hiatal Hernia that gave me some concern in making my mind up to have the surgery. He went into detail with me about this. I was very informed and pleased with the answer he gave me in regard to the Hernia. He has a wonderful staff that have been very informative and kept me up to date with insurance and appointments. I have received some support from former patients and all has been good. I feel that the after care progrom that I have is very structered. i ask for anyone that reads this to kept me in your prayers. I have put this in God's hands and feel very positive. I would recommend Dr. Pennington to anyone. He specializes in other types of surgery as well. May God bless each and everyone. These are my persoal impressions. I will not make any statements about what are how someone else might feel."
About Me
Pell City, Al
Surgery Date
Feb 04, 2003
Member Since
