Feeling better and hungry??

Sep 28, 2012

The ulcer meds are working great. I feel a whole lot better. Hopefully I can find something to replace the Mobic I take. Nothing else has worked for my neck pain, and it's too severe to just "deal with it."
I've been feeling hungry the past couple of days. Maybe I'm not drinking enough...


Sep 25, 2012

Had to head back to Portsmouth Naval today. They are treating me for an ulcer. I was up all night feeling like someone kicked me in the stomach. It would feel better after I ate, but when my stomach is empty, it's horrible. They gave me a couple of meds, so hopefully tonight will be better. Tomorrow, I have to get an ultrasound, to check my gallbladder, and I had some bloodwork to make sure there isn't something else going on.
Just when I thought things were improving!

2 weeks post surgery

Sep 19, 2012

I'm now at two weeks post-op. Still tired, but being able to eat some soft foods, and have my supplements has been helpful. Can't wait to get my hutzpah back.
Doc also approved me taking my Mobic again. (for neck degeneration) It was a pretty bad 3 weeks without it. I'm finally able to move my neck without constant pain.
The first week was horrible with the gas. It seems to be improving a bit. I'm not sore at the incision sites, but during the day I notice my pouch/stomach balling up and hurting. Maybe it means I'm hungry? It sorta feels like how your stomach hurts after you've been throwing up a bit.
The hospital stay was ok. Dr. Mann and his staff were great, but the different nursing shifts dont' seem to communicate well with each other. One shift would give you half a dose of pain killer, the other shift would give the full dose. Overall though, it wasn't bad, as long as you communicated your needs.
Even though I'm down about 28 lbs since the start of the liquid diet phase (two-weeks pre-op), I'm still paranoid it's not going to work. I guess time will tell.

Had my preop today

Aug 30, 2012

Preop was today, and everything is in order. I'm down 14 pounds from my initial weight. I'm on day 8 of the liquid diet with 7 more to go! Woohoo!

Surgery Date is September 5th.

Aug 22, 2012

Getting ready for my surgery. Started my 2 week liquid diet today. Got through day 1! 13 more to go!


May 23, 2012

So I had my appointment with the nutritionist today, at Portsmouth Naval. Very disappointing. She wouldn't clear me. Told me I hadn't made enough lifestyle changes and to come back in a month (mind you, I spent 6 months with a dietician last year, under my doc's care). The appointment itself was very tense. I had the feeling she wasn't a fan of bariatric surgery at all. I realize you have to be realistic on the difficulty of things, but I thought the environment would be supportive. As of now they are scheduling surgery for August, now this will set things back at least until September at the minimum. Not sure how this benefits me at all. Totally frustrated.

Next Step

May 08, 2012

Doc said I'm a good candidate at my appointment and isn't ordering any more tests. I have to see the nutritionist on May 23rd, and I need to make an appointment with their psych. It's finally moving along!

Finally got my first appointment

Apr 16, 2012

I had my seminar on March 8th, at Portsmouth Naval. Finally I got the call for my first consult and it's on May 3, with Dr. Mann. I thought 2 months was a long time for scheduling a first visit, but I guess they are pretty busy.

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Feb 06, 2012
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