June 9, 2008

Jun 09, 2008

I can not believe it is already over 4 weeks since my surgery.  I have seen my dietician and my internist and things are going well.  I see my internist this week and will get to find out about my blood work.  Damn, but they took 7 vials of blood.  Holy Cow!!  I wasn't sure I was going to have any left.  lol

I ended up "spewing" again the other nite.  I think I ate too fast and too much or it could have been the heat as we were working on the boat.  Who knows. Once I am finished spewing, I feel great.  So far it is only the second time.

My weight is down to 244 lbs.  Wow, I haven't seen that weight for a while.  I am getting my 100 to 150 grams of protein in per day.  My dietician stated that was okay for my body weight.  Betty also stated that zinc is what will help prevent hair loss.  So I will have to start with some added zinc.  I have added some omega 3 chewables to my diet.  I really have to thank my lucky stars as so far I have healed really quickly and have had no complications.  I have to say that I am really happy that I will be seeing my dietician every 4 to 6 weeks.  It makes me feel so much better.

Life seems so different at times, and then not different at all.  I can now drink fluids quicker than first post op, which for me is good as I like my fluids.  I have never been much of a sipper.  When I am rushed, I have drank too fast, felt the pain, and learned again real quick.  I am still on pureed as I do more drinking than eating and Betty recommended that I continue on with the pureed to have a better feel for the "mush" when eating regular foods.  I think that I may be scared to try regular foods.  Although I did have tuna one day and it went well. 

As long as I cook for my family, not eating does not bother me, but when someone else cooks, it always smells so good.  I have purchased the Beck diet solution to try the cognitve therapy for the "head hunger", although I have as yet not read it.  Too busy with the boat.

Getting a little apprehensive re: the cost of the protein and supplements.  It does not take long to add up.  I can't wait until I am able to take pills again.  I am having a hard time trying to incorporate my new dietary lifestyle with our boating.  I have to have my fluids really cold instead of luke warm now and it is hard to accomplish that at this time.  I also find it hard to eat at appropriate times, but we are working on the boat, not boating, per se.  Hopefully, it will get easier as I would like to keep having fun on the boat.  I can't believe how much working makes it easier to follow the lifestyle, but with regular breaks, and fridges close by, it helps.  I am addicted to the OH website and the great people here.  I just wish I could get internet when we are at the boat, so I could spend time on OH everyday.  I never seem to be too tired for OH.

Well onward ho, life never stops!!!

May 15/08

May 14, 2008

Follow up with surgeon today.
Well everything is going good so far.  Still on full fluids and taking it easy.  Finding it hard to eat because it takes so long.  I make sure I am taking my vitamins and the protein drinks. I actually walked 2.5 km the other day. I am walking at least 30 mins per day.  But I usually end up going to the stores and walking around there.  I really like cream of wheat, so that is good.  I bought some V8 last night to try and get some "vegies" into me.  After comparing V8 to garden cocktail, there is more vegetable juice in the V8 than the other.  No nausea or vomiting, thankfully.  

Well onward ho, off to see the surgeon we go.

May 12/08

May 12, 2008

10 days out and everything is okay.  I am still trying to get in at least 1/2 hour of walking in.  My weight is going down gradually.  Still having problems getting to the food.  Concentrating on the protein drinks.  My incisions have almost healed.  Itchy.  My check up with the surgeon is on Thursday.  No problems with being hungry, thank goodness.  Get tired easily.  I figure this will go away eventually.  All in all, doing great.

May 9/08 One Week Out!!!!

May 09, 2008

Well everything is okay so far.  I am still having problems eating everything they want me to, but I make sure I get my protein in.  Everyone always seems so excited on OH in regards to their weight loss journey.  I do not know.  I do not feel excited, but as I am only 7 days out, it may happen in the future.  It could be because of all the failures previously, it could be the worry that I will screw it up somehow and regain any lost weight.  We have all seen it happen to some wls people.  Every so often I get the occassional twinge for other food.  It is more a reflex than anything else.  I should be really happy at least I am not hungry.  It is almost as if I feel full, so that most of the time the "want" to snack isn't there, even if the habit is.  My family are being so good to tolerate all that is going on.  I have been cooking suppers for them and actually it is nice that I am not eating as I am so picky, that I can enjoy just cooking.  Desserts are another matter.  I don't know if I will be strong enough to bring in pastries and sweets.  I did buy some bits and bites fpr them.  That I could tolerate as it wasn't one of my favorites.

Keep the faith, and keep the focus.

Post Op Day 5 (May 7/08)

May 07, 2008

Had a rough night last night.  I went to bed, and was tossing and turning.  I felt something in my abdomen on one of the times I turned.  The next thing I knew my heart was racing, and I felt like I was having an anxiety attack,  I was wracking my brains, did I eat something I shouldn't?  I checked the list of post op complications and these symptoms were similar to a leak.  I was up pacing, that is when it felt better.  My heart rate was around 140 bpm, I checked.  Eventually, I took a tylenol 3 (crushed), and it helped.  So today I was very careful not to take large sips of water, drink or food, just incase maybe that was the problem.  I get tired easily.  I find it really hard to try to drink every 10 to 15 minutes or so.  I was always a gulper and fast eater.  I am finding it very hard to retrain myself.  It was easier on post op day 1, 2, and 3 as I was so nervous.

There are a lot of food ads on TV.  I have a lot of mixed feelings.  I must have been a pig to need this surgery.  Alot of unworthy feelings.  Sometimes I wonder if it is worth it.  I miss drinking 3 to 5 bottles of water per day.  No more pop.  I do feel like I have more energy and I think it is because of the lack of sugar and carbs.  I think overall I will feel better than before the surgery because I will have to eat better.  I did not take my chewables just in case it had something to do with last night.  I will start them, but I want to wait until my stomach has healed more.  Sometimes when I look at food, I think, oh yuck, that really has a lot of fat and carbs, not healthy food, and then sometimes I think, damn, it looks good.  

I really can not complain, I am not hungry.  I am only eating because I have to.  So that is nice.  I am having more problem with habits, re: snacking.  Wanting that bag of chips, not for hunger but for habit.   Focus!!!   Maybe when I really start to lose weight I will feel better.  I am finally down to my presurgery weight today at 269 lbs.  

Onward ho!!!

I'm Alive!!!!

May 05, 2008

I am home and well.  I went in Friday am for the surgery.  I was given 2 mg ativan for a preop med.  I swear it did not do anything.  My husband and my son Michael got to come in with me while I was prepared for surgery.  When the porter came to pick me up, they had to leave.  I went to the holding room in the OR.  They had an inservice on the TED stockings and then some funny inflatable "leggins" that would inflate and deflate with a pump.  I was able to remove that on Sat.  

After the surgery I was in the ICU until Sunday afternoon and then I was transferred to a regular ward bed.  For the first two days I was allowed 30 mls of water per hour.  I had an IV hooked up.  When I was weighed yesterday it was a different scale, but was up 6 kilos.  Not impressed.  However, with the surgery, excess fluid it was to be expected.  It should not take long to come off.

Boy, what a hassle to get discharged.  I had to speak with my dietician, who is awesome.  And I had to speak with my Internist and the surgeon as well as an OR nurse.  

Ahhh!! to be home.  I have not had anything for pain since last night.  I have been walking since Sat.  I was using a commode by the bedside Friday night.

My blood pressure was very low for the first two days.  Pain was very minimal.  It is so great to be home.  I have to see my dietician in 4 weeks, and the internist and surgeon in two weeks.  

My belly is swollen, and I feel like I am nine months pregnant.  I am sure that will go away.  All my co-workers were awesome.  I am on the full fluid diet today and have been having a hard time trying to ingest everything on the list.  I am making sure that I am taking my protein though.

Holy Sh*t, Today is the DAy!!! EEEEKKKKK!!!!!

May 01, 2008

Holy Hannah

What a two weeks.  Thank goodness I get a preop med.  My husband and son are going with me to register.  It's funny but I do not feel as scared as yesterday.  Well, yesterday, I felt like crying alot.  Oh, well, chin up.

Three days until I get to go home.  Why does it always seem like I am counting.

I am really going to miss "chatting" with everyone for the next couple of days.  My family and my friends here have been godsend.

Good luck and best wishes to everyone out there.  It is amazing what you can do with so many wonderful people on your side.

Keep the faith and Keep the focus.

May 1/08 D-Day Tomorrow

May 01, 2008

Well, tomorrow is the big day.  I had my sleep study to titrate my cpap mask last night. Didn't I forget to bring the mask with me.  My husband ended up by bringing it in for me.  I am so lucky to have such a wonderful husband.
I did my bloodwork today (6 vials), there won't be any blood left for the surgery.  I went to Wally World (walmart) and picked up a gift for my husband and my son Michael.  I left it on our boat with a card for each of them.  I also left a card for my daughter Nicole.

Wow, what a difficult day.  And it is only 1 pm.  I plan on taking Charlie for a walk.  On my drive home, I could not help but look in awe at the beautiful scenery.  The sun is shining today, the snow has melted and it just looked glorious.  Everytime I turn around I am in tears.  Is this normal?  I guess so.  It is a pretty major surgery to go through.

It's weird because you know if you follow everything you will loose weight, but you know you really won't look great naked, due to the rolls of excess skin.  Thank goodness for clothes.

I told most of my coworkers over the last two days.  The majority of them were incredible and supportive.

April 30, 2008 OMG, Less than 48 hours to go

Apr 30, 2008

Well, it is almost here.  My son and my husband are so anxious.  Two days and it will be done.  I have finished my last shift at work yesterday as I work 12 hr shifts.  Tonight I have to get my cpap machine titrated and so must sleep there.  Tomorrow I have more bloodwork to get done.  Thankfully the sleep clinic is at the hospital where I have to get the bloodwork done, so after I get up in the morning I will be able to get it done right away.

I can not believe it is snowing out there today.  Darn.  Great big fluffy snow flakes.  Unbelievable.  

My stomach is in knots.  I have finally found a way to drink the vanilla optifast.  I mix it with really cold coffee and it tastes similar to a timmies iced capp.  I have had a million doubts.  The one thing I worry about the most is letting my family down should anything happen to me.  My youngest son keeps saying "I don't want to lose my mom".  He has been so awesome.  He is 16 and he has been giving me kisses and hugs.  He will be going to the hospital with my husband and I on Friday morning.  I am so lucky to have a wonderful family.

Wow, day 13 of the 14 day Optifast diet.  I thought these two weeks would take forever, but now can not believe that I am on my second last day.  One of my co-workers called me brave yesterday.  I don't know about that.  I am starting to sprout wings and feathers.  My internist had said I am an "excellent candidate", that should count for something, right.

I can not believe how wonderful it is to be a part of this web site.  The people on the site are incredible people.  Thank you so much for helping me get through this rough time.  It has been like having another family.  

Damn!!! It is still snow large white flakes.  Rats.  I want to go play on my boat!!!!.

The optifast has not been as bad as I thought it would be.  At least it has been filling.  My main concern, should I survive this operation, is how will I manage to cope with my addictive personality.  Food has been with me as my saviour for a long time.  I will be asking questions on this web site and researching myself.  So far, stress eating hasn't been a real problem on this two week diet.  Maybe the trick is to keep up with the high protein, stay sated, and try to keep my hands busy.  I think maybe being on the computer has helped.  Oh well, I am down 19 lbs total since I started.

Gotta Keep the Faith, and as some wise person said, keep the focus.

Jan 24, 2008. In the beginning.

Jan 24, 2008

Well, Here I am.

About two years ago I contacted my family Dr. about wls.  I was referred to Dr. Hunt.  At that time I was told he was not taking any more names and was finishing the list of pt's that he had.  In Nov/Dec I was called and asked if I was still interested.  As I had not lost any weight,( but problably had gained some since then), I said yes.  Well , rush, rush, I had to see an internist and a dietitian before the end of Dec cause they wanted to do the surgery by the middle to end of Jan.  Ha, Ha.  I spoke with the surgeon's secretary and she said my surgeon was still waiting for a date from the surgeons who were teaching the lap surgery to him for a date.  Well now it looks like my date will be some time in Feb.  Low and behold I have also been told that I have to follow a two liquid diet on optifast that my surgeon's office has to figure out how to get as it is not readily available.  I honestly do not know how any one has managed to wait for 2 to 3 years knowing the wait times.  Personally, I am going nuts, knowing it is so close and yet so far.


About Me
Parry Sound, ON
Jan 03, 2008
Member Since

Friends 8

Latest Blog 10
June 9, 2008
May 15/08
May 12/08
May 9/08 One Week Out!!!!
Post Op Day 5 (May 7/08)
I'm Alive!!!!
Holy Sh*t, Today is the DAy!!! EEEEKKKKK!!!!!
May 1/08 D-Day Tomorrow
April 30, 2008 OMG, Less than 48 hours to go
Jan 24, 2008. In the beginning.
