Pooky's Journey

Oct 11, 2005

I'm 55 years of age and been overweight all of my life, I don't remember ever being a size 10 or 12. I remember when I was 11 going on 12 squeezing in a size 14. I've always been athletic, I played all types of sports. If they hadn't stopped women from playing basketball I might have played college or professional basketball. I've always been strong and could hit a ball like a man. I was called by some as Big E, I wasn't gorgy or bubblely fat but I was a nice big figured girl.
My Mother was obese and my Father was kinda heavy, My sibling are all overweight except one who is sick alot. My weight really bloom after I had my first child, I couldn't eat much while I carried my children but made up for it after they were born. I have tried every diet that I could afford and a little that I couldn't, from trying to do it on my own, to different types of diet pill that includes prescription and over the counter. I also tried fad diets from A to Z, I believe if I hadn't been so active I would have lost my health a long time ago.
I have so many health problems that obesity has caused or made worse, I know that I'm only alive because of God's grace. I do thank Him because He is so good to me! Even though I'm a diabetic, have hypertension, osteoarthritis, rhuematoid arthritis,hepatitis c, sjogren's syndrome, degenerative Disc disease, sinusitis, edema, carpal tunnel, costrochondritis, bakers cyst, damaged tendon in knee, the Lord still keeps me in his loving care.
Today is January 10, 2006, I had my first appointment with the surgeon today, Dr Robbins. My initial appointment was 1-5-06, but when I got there he had emergency and had to cancel my appointment. I was really impress with him because he called me later that night and wholeheartedly apologized for having to cancel my appointment. He seems nice and well informed, he answered my questions to my satisfaction and he wants to make sure you are ready psycologially as well as phisically to under go the surgery. I have and appointment on the 17, with a physical therapist and we will see what happens then.
Two years ago I had and appointment with a weight loss surgeon in Mobile, I had changed insurance since my appointment was made. When we got there I found out that he didn't take the type I had changed to. I cried right there because I had waited a year for the appointment, drove for 5 hours, arrived the evening before and stayed in a motel so that we could find the office to be on time. I was so disapointed, I had to sit awhile before we went home.

1-17-06, I met with the dietician and therapist to day. The dietician was nice and explain to me the things that I can and cannot eat after surgery. The Lady that got me registered for physical therapy was very nice to, she had weigh loss surgery, and looked so good, I couldn't believe it. I asked her where is your flab? she showed me under her arm and a stomach, both areas wasn't bad at all. She told me about a book titled Before and After, I'm going to buy it to help me on by journey. I'll see where I go from here.

1-23-06, I had a mammogram on November 30, 2005 and on last week I got a call from the technician stating that my old films hadn't been received. I will have to come in a get another mammogram done because it was abnormal, they saw a lump. Well they did another mammogram and the lump was there. The films from the other hospital happen to be there the same day and when they were compared, it was found that the lump was a new one, I have to get it biospyed. I will have it done on 1-31-06. I'm not afraid at all, I'm just trusting God and his will will be done. I truly believe everything will be alright.
Just want to say the the exercise that the physical therapist has me doing twice a day has me so sore. The first day I believe that I had fever. It's a tad bit better, but part of me moved that hadn't moved in quite a while. More info later.
2-2-06, I had the biopsy and it wasn't so bad, I'm a little sore but it getting better, beginning to itch. I go back to the doctor for the results and post op. I pray that it isn't cancerous, I'm ready to get back on track getting ready for my weigh loss sugery.
2-9-06, Praise be to my Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ! The biospy wasn't cancerous, Dr.Robbins who is coincidentally is the Surgeon that I chose for the weigh loss precedure says I'm okay to proceed with the pre-op studies that I have to do. That's good news.

4-13-06, I haven't updated in awhile, a lot of thing has been hapening to me personally. But on 4-11-06 I had my psych test and it went well. The doctor say she saw no problem, so I guess I'm waiting on the doctor and possible insurance company. Will add
more later.

5-11-06, well my wait for a date is over! praise be to God! It is June 8, 2006, I'm excited and a little afraid at the same time. My Dr. says that's normal., I was releave to hear that from him. I need you all prayer for a safe recovery. Now I must get ready, God bless everyone.

6-28-06, I am now three weeks out from surgery, I've lost a total of 33lbs, 8 pre-op and 25 post-op. Yeah! My stay at the hospital surprisely wasn't that good. I really sent prayers up to God to enable me to help myself as much as possible so I could go home.
He did just that, I wish I had the two nicer medical professional that I had on every shift, but that wasn't possible. I realize that everyone is not in the medical field because they care and want to make a good living. some are money motivated. Still God is good and I'm getting better, just a little tired still, my body is going through a lot of changes, I even look a little different. I'll update later.

8-3-06, I had my second post-op visit on 7-31 and was a little disappointed that I hadn't lost but 11 more lbs, but I'm thankful. My surgeon encouraged me to keep during what I suppose to do. I got a great boost on yesterday, I vowed to buy a scale after my second visit to the Doc, I did buy one and I weighed myself 2 day later and I had lost 4lbs more. I was so excited that I weighed again to make sure, and it was true. That make me 40 lbs post-op for a total of 48 lbs sine I started my weight loss Journey.

About Me
Eufaula, AL
Surgery Date
Oct 12, 2005
Member Since

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Pooky's Journey
