Medifast works

Oct 25, 2009

i have been working hard to acheve my goals set by my Surgeon my appt in to set up my surgery is novemeber 10th and i have already lost 11 lbs within a few weeks of starting the new diet i will have to live on for the rest of my life. I have had a breakdown about my surgery, i started to cry becasue i am afriad it wont work for me but haveing my mother by my side ensureing that it will helps. Everyday is a challege and i am finding it easier and easier to reach the goal set by my dr. i have a few more drs that i have to see in order for my surgery to happen which i am planning on haveing january 19th or there abouts. ill keep you all posted, remeber we are all in the same boat and together we will find change! Oh yea Medifast makes it easy to enjoy foods like choclate candy and shakes i didnt like the chocolate or strawberry shakes but Vanilla tastes like cake batter! and there mint chocolate crunch bars are very good! i cant wait to try more of there food! though the food is exspensive it helps shrink your liver before surgry and aids in the healing process according to my dr! if you are afriad of surgry and have the money buy there food by going to


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Lisle, IL
Aug 30, 2009
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