One Year Anniversary

Apr 21, 2010

One year ago today, I had a procedure that changed my life......and probably saved my life as well.  I've lost 118 lbs and have went from a size 28 to a 16/18.  I have so much more confidence in myself.  I'm doing things that I never dreamed that I'd be able to do again.  And most importantly....I'm having so much fun now.  I'm not house-bound anymore.  I actually get out and do fun things and meet new people.  I definitely seem to be in a stall right now as I haven't lost any weight since February but that's OK.  If I don't lose another pound, I'm truly content with my life and my body as it is now.  Life truly is grand!!!! 


The dreaded stall!!!

Mar 08, 2010

Well, I'm slightly past 10 months post op and the weight loss seems to have come to a screeching halt.  I'm hoping that this is a temporary stall and that things will pick back up.  I've gone from a size 28 in pants to a 16/18 (depending on the cut) and from a size 24 to a 14 in tops.  I'm feeling so good.  I have so much more energy now and my confidence is soaring.  I haven't felt this great in so many years.  One of the greatest things ever is that I've discovered that I can buy lingerie at Victoria's Secret now----Woooo Hooooo!!!  I absolutely LOVE their bras----very expensive but worth every diime.  My only problem now is that pesky loose skin around my abdomen.  I don't have a full blown skin apron but definitely some jiggly stuff that I don't like.  I guess I have been fairly fortunate as I don't really have alot of loose stuff anywhere else.  The thighs are fine.  The arms are fine.  The boobs.....well they were already sagging a bit before surgery but now......Well, it's nothing those VS bras won't correct!!!!

8 months post op and things are great

Dec 22, 2009

I am now eight months post-WLS and have lost 110 pounds.   My appetite is definitely larger than it was two months ago and I really have to pay close attention to my food choices.  I went through a bout of hair loss but that has finally subsided, thank goodness!!  I seem to be in another stall at the moment.  Every time I hit a stall, I  immediately think to myself, "is this it?  is this all the weight that I'm going to lose?"  Then I remind myself that I've already lost a large amount of weight and that this is JUST a stall.  Truth be told, I'm very happy at my current weight.  I look better.  I feel 100% better.....and that's the most important thing.  So, even if I don't lose another pound, I'm perfectly happy with myself where I am at now.  Merry Christmas to all of my OH buddies!!!

6 months post WLS

Oct 19, 2009

I am now officially 6 months post op.  I went to visit the surgeon earlier this month for my checkup.  All of my labs were normal with the exception of my Vitamin D which was only slightly low.  I have now lost 98 lbs and when I get the next two pounds gone, I'll have achieved a huge goal.  I must admit that the weight loss has decreased to a crawl and I find that I have to put more effort into ensuring that I'm making the right food choices and ensuring that I'm getting in an adequate amount of excercise but it's all worth it.  I really have no trouble getting in my vitamins, supplements, water, etc.  As a matter of fact, I have found a protein supplement that I absolutely love!!!!  It's the Syntrax Nectar fruit flavored drinks.  My favorites are the Fuzzy Navel, Twisted Cherry, and Crystal Sky flavors.  And the great thing is that you mix them with water.  So not only are you getting the protein, you're also getting in extra water.  Each drink has 23 g of protein with only 90 calories.  I absolutely look forward to these drinks and have about 3 per day.  Anyone who's tired of the Vanilla/Choc stuff might like to try these as a refreshing alternative. 

Having to get new clothes---so traumatic!!!

Sep 24, 2009

As of today, I weighed 254.6 lbs.  Thats a grand total of 92.2 lbs lost since my surgery----Yeah, me!!!! 

As I have stated in previous blogs, I've always been a pack rat and have kept clothes in huge rubbermaid bins in my closet.  This past weekend, I finally went through all the clothes in my closet, all the clothes in my drawers, and all the clothes in those bins and got rid of absolutely everything that didn't fit......which was almost everything!!!  I ended up hauling out 5 (count them----5) 30 gallon trash bags full of shirts, sweaters, slacks, jeans, gowns, bathing suits, etc.  It took me 2 days to complete the task and the whole time, I had to keep telling myself, "if it doesn't fit right now, then pitch it".  I've done a small bit of shopping thus far but the items that I have now can't compare to the overload of clothing I had before......and that's OK.  If I could only have a fraction of the money that I spent on all of those clothes, I'd be a happy girl.  Oh well, it's a small price to pay (and well worth it) for the improvement in my life.  I feel so much better not only physically but mentally as well.  I now take a very brisk 2 mile walk every morning before work and it actually feels good.  I go to the gym after work.  My back doesn't hurt when I walk.  I don't break into a profuse sweat everytime I have to slightly exert myself. has been rather fun shopping for smaller size clothes.  I get so many compliments on my weight loss from co-workers and friends.  It really makes me feel so blessed.  And for the things that so many other take for granted:  I can cross my legs now (haven't been able to do that in years); I can paint my toenails with ease; I can sit comfortably in any resteraunt booth without the big belly rubbing the table; I can comfortably fit in any chair--even those cheap plastic patio chairs---without worrying about them buckling under my weight; My husband can give me a hug and he can completely wrap his arms around me now. Most importantly, I feel so much more confident.  I don't walk into a room filled with paranoia that people are staring at me.  And if they are staring I know it's not because I'm super-obese.  I still have many, many more pounds to lose but the amount that I've lost so far has improved my quality of life ten-fold.  I feel so blessed to have gone through this miraculous experience.         


over the stall

Aug 12, 2009

I weighed in today at 266.8.  That's exactly 80 lbs lost since the day I came home from the hospital after WLS.  I'm not sure if what I've experienced over the past few weeks was a stall but it sure seemed like it.  My weight loss slowed to a crawl.  In the past week, it seems to be picking up again.....and that's a good thing.  I'm so happy to be rid of 80 lbs.  As a matter of fact, I weighed this same amount in 1999.  Ummmmh, 10 years to gain 80 lbs and less than 4 months to lose the same amount.  That's amazing!!!!  I still have quite a bit more to lose but I am so very happy with my results thus far.   

I am sooooo neurotic!!!

Jul 26, 2009

The title says it all.  Up until this point, I haven't really had to buy new clothes.  This is because I am a pack rat and had salvaged all of my "too little" clothes in rubbermaid bins over the past many years.  Up until now, I've been able to go back through those bins and pull out clothes as I've lost weight.  Good deal, right???

Well now I'm faced with the opposite problem.  I have a closet full of clothes that are too big for me and I can't seem to part with those either.  I think that somewhere in my mind I feel that I need to pack those away in bins just in case I re-gain the weight and need them.  How twisted is that????

My solution was to bag up all of the clothes in my closet that are too big and I definitely cannot ever wear again.  I then took a shopping trip and bought me a few new things to replace the ones I had removed from the closet....and...... I will be taking the old ones to give to a friend of a friend this weekend.    While I really hated spending the cash, it was a real treat to shop and find that I've went from a size 28 down to a size 22 in pants.  And, I also bought a few dresses that were size 18's.  I think that the shopping trip was very theraputic and really made me see how neurotic I am sometimes.  After all, I didn't go through all of this just to regain back up to a size 28 and, God willing, I'll never need to have clothes of that size ever again.   Now that I've had my attitude adjustment, I'm not stressing over getting rid of all those clothes. 



My anniversary

Jul 07, 2009

Today is my 21st wedding anniversary.  In some ways, it seems like I've been with my husband for a hundred years.  In some ways it seems like we only met yesterday.  Despite a few bumps along the way, we've had a pretty incredible 21 years together and I love him dearly. of today I weigh 280.  That's a total of almost 67 pounds lost!!!

I think I've hit the wall!!!

Jul 02, 2009

I do believe that I'm experiencing my first weight loss stall.  I haven't lost any weight in about a week.  I'm not complaining though.  I've been very pleased with the amount loss thus far.  I just hope that this stall doesn't last very long.  As of today, my total weight loss since the day I came home from the hospital is.......drum roll........62 lbs.

Meat is not my friend.....

Jun 20, 2009

Well, I just got through puking up my dinner.  This is the second time this week that this has happened to me.  Both times it was due to the meat I'd ate.  I'm trying to be really careful and chew my food thoroughly.  I've very careful to measure my portions so that I do not eat more than 4 ozs during a meal.  I'm trying to eat only the most tender portions of meat (usually with some type of gravy or something to make it moist).  I'm really trying hard to follow all of the rules but obviously, I did something wrong tonight.  I had eaten a few bites of turkey out of a lean cuisine meal tonight and man, did it mess me up.  My tummy hurt for almost two hours before I finally barfed.  And...this is not the first time that I'd eaten the lean cuisine turkey.  Every other time it's went down fine but tonight, it definitely seemed to get stuck in my pouch.  If this keeps happening, I'm going to start hating meat.  How in the heck are you supposed to get in your protein when this happens????   I do, however, want to finish this blog entry on a positive note for anyone out there who reads this.  Despite the few difficult moments (like tonight) that I've had since my surgery (and they have been very few), I have no regrets.  My decision to have WLS was the best thing that I've ever done for myself.   


About Me
Smyrna, SC
Surgery Date
Mar 09, 2009
Member Since

Friends 8

Latest Blog 19
