
Jul 03, 2010

Sorry, it's been a while since I've been here.  Surprisingly, a lot has changed in the past month or so.

I'm no longer working as a Nanny.  The family couldn't afford to have me anymore, but I have to wonder if part of the reason was because the twins were calling me "Mom" on a regular basis, even though I corrected them!  It was even happening when I wasn't at the house.  Oh well.  I'm enjoying spending time alone with my handsome bambino, but the lack of income is starting to hit hard.

I applied to probably 30 CNA/EMT jobs last night.  How many calls will I get back?  Who knows.  The economy SUCKS.  I don't know how I'm going to handle (hopefully) working third shift AND full-time nursing school, but I don't really have a choice.  Gots to make the monies!

Ok, well I guess there haven't been as many changes as I thought.  It's just weird going from watching 4 kids back to 1.

My weight has remained about the same.  Which I guess isn't all that bad, at least it isn't increasing, right?  However I am going to another seminar on Monday for a different hospital here in town.  I actually prefer this hospital, so I'm hoping they can take me as a patient.  I'm really hoping to have something done this year, even if it's at the end of the year.

I don't want to go through my clinicals at school as a "big girl".  It gets old.  To be totally and completely honest, I'm starting to get a lonely sometimes.  I love being single, but it'd be nice to have someone support me and encourage me, as well as having a male role model in Chase's life.  Maybe I'm just feeling this way because he started saying "Dada" on Father's Day.  Ironic, huh?


About Me
Dunlap, IL
May 27, 2010
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