
Jan 04, 2015

Well I guess I just couldn't stick to my plan. I really suck @ completing things. I gained up 40 more lbs so total up was 70. Frustrating but I managed to get 15 off so far. I just gotta keep going. Getting married in September so gotta get with it. I may only check in once in a while but I mean well. I'll try to update when I lose more. Oh and I turned 40. Now it's all down hill. Lol.


Working on it

Jan 17, 2014

So I started getting back on track this week. I just brought everything back to basics. I had created a lot of bad habits but I keep thinking to myself, the result will be worth the wait. So, I started drinking my protein shakes, making protein the priority in my meals, and making sure I'm not eating or drinking 30 mins before or after my meals. I think this is key. I lost 7lbs in one week and I think drinking more water (i wasn't doing this at all) and only 30 before and after has really helped. Plus I am not drinking any more diet soda and I have eliminated the snacking and bad carbs (I made lots of brownies during the holidays..I admit it). I know I've only been at it for a week now, but I am feeling pretty confident that I can do it and stay on track. Just gotta keep my mind focused. As for exercise, I haven't started it yet. I do have a plan to do so next week. I'm going to start out slow, 3 times a week and 30 mins a day, and gradually build up. I don't want to burn myself out like I did last time. So, when I started this on Monday January 13th, 2014 I weighed 207. Today, January 18th, 2014 I weigh 200. Can't wait to see how much I can loose by June or July.

1 comment


Sep 27, 2013

I am not good at keeping up with this blog, obviously, but here I am. I've been struggling lately. I am 3+ years out and I started gaining since last year. I have gained about 30lbs and it's driving me mad. I want to loose it again but it seems the harder I try the more I fail. Exercise is my nemesis it seems. I am not giving up though. I've come this far and I refuse to do so. I will not let my weight win. Otherwise things are heading in a good direction. Met my man and he is pretty awesome and he loves my kid too. They get along great.


Its been a year or so.

Jun 26, 2011

So it's been about a year or more. I weighed a couple of weeks ago (my scale is and I weighed 165. That's a total of 152lbs lost and I can wear a size 8 in pants. I feel so much better. My knees don't hurt, my back isn't killing me. I can actually walk around our neighborhood without feeling like death was coming. Yeah WLS was probably the best thing I ever did besides have my baby. The only thing I don't like is the excess skin I have on my body. Hopefully I can save up and have that removed. It will be a while. I know that I never want to be 317lbs again and hopefully I wont let myself get to that point again. I did this to be there for my daughter as she grows up and to be healthy for myself. It's been an amazing journey and I'm grateful everyday that I did this. Yes it is hard at first, but totally worth it. I lost lots of hair but its finally growing back. All crazy and curly but I'll take it. ha ha. Only 15 more pounds to go. I know I'll get there eventually.


Nov 15, 2010

Its been a while. I'm down 120lbs. Doing pretty good. One day I'll finish that long story I started but meh until then. Message me if it's important. thanks. love.

7 weeks post op

Apr 07, 2010

Ok so I've been told I need to update. lol. Well here goes. I had my surgery on 2/16/10. To me it was weird how quickly they got me into the area before surgery and got me all hooked up to the IV and such but whatever. As I was sitting there I looked across and saw my friend Tina in the bed and we wished each other good luck. She went first. They wheeled me up to the room right outside the OR. They gave me my first shot of Lovenox. Which didn't hurt too awful bad. Then Dr. Nelson came by and talked to me and my parents and then they gave me the drugs to knock me out. Oh yeah I said by to my parents too. Then the next thing I remember is waking up in the recovery room in dire pain. Yes people it does hurt. Then they wheeled me off to my room where my parents were waiting for me. I was in so much pain I honestly didn't care who was in there. It took them forever to get me some pain meds. They told me to keep pressing the pain pump but nothing was happening. Well I found out they didn't have my info in the system so thats why it took so long to get me my meds. I asked my mom how long it actually took and she said about 20 mins but it seemed like 2 years. So I got my meds and I was happy. The nurse asked me why I wasn't using my pain pump and I said it isn't working. She didn't believe me until she checked it herself. Lovely. Any way...So my parents went home and I slept for a little while. The nurse came in and told me she was going to get me sitting up in the chair ( they are supposed to do that the first day) but she never did come back. I told the night nurse who was pretty awesome and she took care of it.
Day 2 in the hospital is still a little blurry. I can't remember if I had the blue ice test that day but it happened one of the first two days. It wasn't bad and I was glad to have something to rehydrate me. I also finally got to take a shower. YAY. The horrible thing was that I was on my period the whole time I was in there. eek. But anyway.They got me up and walking and etc and I walked and walked and did my spirometer. I had to stay in there for about four days if I remember correctly.
The first night I was home from the hospital was interesting. I couldn't really lay flat on my bed so my dad kinda rigged it with some blankets and pillows. In the middle of the night I needed to sit up and I couldn't get up on my own which sucked. lol. But anyway. No one could hear me when I asked for help so I just happened to take my cell phone to bed with me. So I called my dad on my cell to come to my room and help me up. lol.
It was really hard at first to get in all of my protein. I just tried to get in everything I could even if it wasn't enough at first. I had a hard time even bending over to tie my shoes and all the little things. I couldn't even pick up my daughter which totally sucked ass. My parents helped me quite a bit. The pain in my left side was killer too. I would recommend getting a heating pad. It was the one thing that saved me. At about a month out the pain started going away. So that was great and I could excercise a little more. I was walking every other day as the weather would allow.


10 day diet starts on Saturday

Feb 04, 2010

So I had my pre op 10 day diet class today. It doesn't take a lot to confuse me but with the offices changing I cannot keep up with my appointment times and such. I thought I was supposed to be there at 9am but no, they started at 8. So I had my class on the diet and all and then I went to get my EKG and Chest xray and well I forgot about the part where I was supposed to speak to the nurse and I just left. I was like oh crap. The dude who did my EKG was like ok you are free to I did. lol. So now I have to see when I can get that in. It's so fun living 2 hours away from the doctor. But I met a couple of really nice ladies who are having surgery either the same day or around there so I will see them in the hospital I'm sure. It's getting closer so I"m getting more nervous about the situation but I'm sure it will be fine.I think I'm mostly worried that I will have to have shots in my stomach for ten days after wards so I don't get blood clots. yikes. I hate shots first off and secondly I don't know if I can give it to myself. we'll see.

I gotta date

Jan 25, 2010

Too bad it isn't a hot one...or maybe it My surgery date is now set for Feb. 16th. I'm excited and nervous. I can't wait to change my life and be healthy.

Oh My Damn!!!!!

Jan 22, 2010

I got a call from the surgeons office today letting me know I was approved!!!! YAY!!!!! I am so freaking happy!!!! FINALLY. I have to meet with the surgeon on Monday and find out what I need to do next. Thanks for all your support my OH friends. :)

fingers crossed and ready to go.

Jan 13, 2010

Well after my last post I got kinda mad. I got denied according to the surgeons office for a couple of things, then I called the insurance company and they had a long list of things they never received. So I got mad and called the surgeons office and had them give me a new person to work on my case. So I did the physical therapy session which was a breeze and got that out of the way. So as Jan. 1 my insurance changed from Cigna to Aetna. We submitted the paperwork as of today and now we play the waiting game again. Hopefully they have everything they need and it all goes well. She said it may take about a week so keep your fingers crossed for me. I really want this. I will be on pins and needles until I hear from them. Thanks everyone.

About Me
Broken Arrow, OK
Surgery Date
Sep 14, 2008
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