My story is probably very similar to yours. I come from a family of Polish Immigrants. All of my grandparents were overweight as were my parents. I have 4 sisters. All of them are battling some kind of eating disorder. I was small as a child, but when I turned 13 I got my first period. I started gaining weight from that moment on.  It was like a switch was thrown. As a teenager I tried everything to lose weight. As a child of the 60's everything was available to try and most of it wasn't legal.  My periods kept getting worse and every doctor I went to told me that, "women have pain with their periods". So, I was a yo-yo dieter from a young age. Illegal drugs seemed to help alot, so I would use until I lost weight and then would gain everything back, plus some. 

In my 20's I decided that maybe trying mainstream weight loss might work. I was on every diet, diet pill, diet group, diet everything. I would lose weight, stop and gain right back!

My period during my 20's was getting more and more painful. Finally I went to a doctor who decided maybe he should have a look inside. I had endometriosis and polycystic ovaries, in fact, it was so bad, my left ovary colapsed from it.  Right then they went ahead and I had a complete hysterectomy. My husband said that the doctor came out after 6 hours of surgery and told him that he was sorry no one listened because I probably was in a lot of pain.

Thankfully when I married my husband I was lucky in also getting 2 wonderful step-sons!

During my 30's I started checking out bariatric surgery and tried 3 other times to have it, but something kept coming up. First my 80 year old mother-in-law moved in with us, (my husband, me and 2 step-sons), then my mother found out her breast cancer was terminal and she moved in with us, (my husband, me, 2 step-sons and my mother-in-law) for the last year of her life.  My beloved mother died in 2000. Right after that my husband was offered a wonderful job transfer and we took it.

That is what finally brought us to Las Vegas, Nevada. I saw the commercials, I read everything I could about Dr. Atkinson and Surgical Weight Control Center and we, my husband and I, decided this was the time! 

I finally had surgery on June 12, 2008. I was so excited about it that I forgot to remember that this is gonna hurt! When I woke up in recovery my only thought was I want to go home. The nurses at North Vista Hospital helped me get up, go to the bathroom, get dressed, find my husband, watch a video and get into our car. 

We went home and took it easy on Thursday (surgery day). Friday we went shopping and then went home and took a nap. Tylenol have helped and are the only thing I have used. I went back to work on Monday. The only complaint is the gas that they leave in you can be uncomfortable. 

My first post operative visit is June 23rd and I am actually looking forward to it.

So that's my story. I guess the point is that when the right time comes and everything falls together, take that opportunity and don't look back. I think that maybe if someone would have known about my gynelogical problems sooner I would not have had to fight the good fight, but I also believe that hindsight is 20/20.

Now I am looking forward to June 2010.  My husband and I are planning on going to Cabo San Lucas on Vacation!

About Me
Las Vegas, NV
Jun 14, 2008
Member Since

Latest Blog 2
Can't wait for tomorrow!
I'm feeling pretty good!
