Making it work!

Apr 28, 2009

I have now adjusted to the Liquid diet.  This is my 5th day and doing great.  I learned that I can do 3 Protien shakes and 1 frozen Healthy Choice meal (290 - 350 calories only), so that helped.  I started out doing 4 shakes aday and it was killing me.  Thanks for all the words of wisdom.


It's hard!!

Apr 23, 2009

I went to the Nutrition on yesterday so that I could start my Liquid diet before Surgery.  So today I began the diet.  This is so hard, and I am still hungry.  I have 3 meal replacement which 1 can include 1 pack of soup and 1 snack bar from the nutrition.  Well the shakes are not bad just not enough (16 oz).  I know that it takes will power to do this and I trying to stay strong.  My goal is to lose 30 lbs before surgery.   
1 comment

Making a Change!!

Mar 30, 2009

WOW! I  got my Surgery date after the first try with Blue Cross Blue Shield.   I am schedule for May 13, 2009.  I began researching information on the  WLS in Novemeber 2007 and kept putting it off.  Finally, I decided that I love my family and friends and would like to be around for a long time. 

I am so excited and looking forward to my new Birthday.  I have put it all in the Lord's  hand and he will see me thru. 

God Bless!

About Me
Surgery Date
Feb 15, 2009
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