1 and 1/2 years ago....

May 25, 2011

Wowwww, I cant believe it has been almost a year and half since I had my DS. I am finally feeling sooo good!! I was so very sick for the first 6 months. In and out of the hospital from Feb to June, then all of a sudden I was good.  I have lost over 220 pounds, I am finally getting my hips replaced in Oct, I am going to see a plastic surgeon in July for tummy tuck and boobs. Im siked and scared of them also. I did not think I was going to make it thru some times, without my husband and kids and my mom I dont think I would have.  It has been so long since I posted here, I forgot all about it.  I am up for any questions u may have about the surgery, I would do it again even though I almost did not make it to today.  I see things I didnt see b4, I have toes and knees, lolwho knew! lol I have no boobs or butt left but its all good I guess. my diabetes and cholesterol and HBP and everything went away within a month of the surgery..  I have t post pics on here later, i have them on facebook. well ttel.

1 week and 3 days PO

Jan 13, 2010

Well I had the surgery on the 4th, was in Hospital until Friday. The drive home I slept, getting in the house was ok, but I couldnt do the steps to my room until Sunday. My legs just werent strong enough. This surgery is no joke, the pain in the incision area is unreal andthe tightness in the muscles as it heals...OMG
Thank god for my husband and my kids and Mom. I have really bad hips and bad back and couldnt really manage 100%, the getting up and down out of bed and wiping my butt is difficult, Im working on it all.  The biggest thing I hate is the heavy feeling I get after I put anything in my belly. I hate the full liquid diet, cant wait to go to the pureed at least for texture and actual food, Like a scrambeled egg or even Tuna I was told is allowed. 

two more visits, then surgery

Dec 20, 2009

I have to see TinaMarie at the hospital tomorrow, then the PAT's on the 28th. then OMG a week till the surgery. I start the meal replacement stuff tomorrow morning, i hope I can handle this.


Nov 26, 2009

June from my surgeons office called me the tuesday before Thanksgiving to let me know I was approved for surgery . Jan 4 2010 is the day. I am scared and excited at the same time. I will post more pics as the month goes on so I can never forget why I did this.

the way there

Sep 09, 2009

Well its Sept 2009, I began this quest in Jan 09. I did my 6 month diet thing, passed the pulmonologist and the Psych, did the BW, I have to see the nutritionist and then we can start the schedule. My docs office says there should be no problems with ins comp, they have never denied a person with Type 2 DM, High Cholestorol, a fatty liver and other things before. So I am crossing my fingers. I want to get it done already, my husband and me and the kids talk about the things we will be doing, the things I will finally be able to do again. I cant wait to take part in my life.

About Me
Lakewood, NJ
Surgery Date
Dec 03, 2008
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