I am sure that my story is very similar to a lot of other people.  I was always a bit on the heavy side all my life.  In high school I was very active as I played basketball (recreational) and softball for my high school.  I was very comfortable at 160-165 lbs.  By todays standards that would be a little on the high side for my height.  I don't want to be a model, I just want to lose enough weight where I am healthy and comfortable.  I weighed in at a whopping 338 lbs. at my surgeon consultation on 7/18/11.  I am now waiting on approval from my insurance so that we can get my surgery scheduled.  I was leaning towards having the Roux-en-y surgery but since I have been on this site and read all the comments and stories from people that have had the VSG surgery, I think that I am going to have the sleeve.  My surgeon had recommended that I have the sleeve but I had the RNY in my head.

I am truly excited about having the surgery.  I have tried many different means of weight loss as I am sure that most of you have.  I have tried diet pills, Weight Watchers, Medical Weigiht Loss, Physicians Weight Loss, F.A.S.T. diet, Food Lovers, 6-Week Body Makeover, Cabbage soup diet and starvation.  Nothing has worked for me.  My weight has continued to climb year after year. Up until the last 4-5 years, I have never had any health issues even though I was overweight.  Well, things finally caught up to me and I now am taking meds for high cholesterol, high blood and I have sleep apnea.  Along with meds for these issues, I am also taking medication for DVT (blood clots). 

In the early years of my marriage (I have been married for 32 years now) I had difficulty in getting pregnant.  All my doctor ever said to me was that I could not get pregnant.  I now believe that the issue was my weight. We adopted a son in 1988.  In late 1991 I made a decision to go to Weight Watchers (for the 3rd time).  I believe that my starting weight was around 275 lbs.  I lost about 32 lbs. and found out that I was pregnant.  My due date was 7/02/92 but my son was born on 3/22/92.  He weighed in at a whopping 1 lb., 9 ozs.  He was 13 weeks early.  The Lord blessed him and he came home from the hospital on what was my original due date (7/2/92).  Normally babies born that early have breathing issues (among other issues) and come home with breathing machines and a ton of meds.  My baby came home with no breathing machine and no meds.  He is now 19 years old and will be starting his sophomore year at Davenport University where he received a scholarship to run track.

I am so ready for this surgery.  For my health, my marriage and my life.  I am  tired of not being able to walk more than 50ft. without feeling like I need to sit down because I can't breath.  I'm tired of my back, hips and knees hurting.  I'm tired of not being able to stand up for any length of time.  I'm tired of not sleeping in the same bed as my husband because of my snoring or the sound of my C-pap machine keeping him awake.  I'm tired of coming up with excuses of not wanting to go on vacations because I can't fit comfortably in the airplane seats, or I am scared of how much walking I would have to do.  I'm tired of going to restaurants and being sat at a booth trying to fit in and being embarassed because I can't.  I'M JUST TIRED OF BEING TIRED!!!

About Me
Surgery Date
Jul 18, 2011
Member Since

Friends 31
