164 now - down 92 pounds

Sep 10, 2009

I am doing the 10 day plateau buster diet right now. on day 3- its going well. i have lost 5 pounds in 3 days.
I have found that not keeping a log of what i eat & when i eat it - has been my downfall.
i am into a 12/13 pant size right now & i have been telling myself i am fine with that. BUT - i do know that i can do it & really want to do it (get to 136 like the doctor wants me to)
i have found that if i do not keep it on the top of my mind - all day everyday - i am sabotaging myself.
I still eat small amounts, stay away from sugar & high fat....but- i do eat out with my freinds & family & not always at the healthiest of places.
I have started going to support group meetings with my sister (who has also had WLS) - i think i need to. its so nice just to sit & listen (or ask questions) with a group of people who have been where i am - or need my advice or suggestion to help them.
I also will be getting in here more often, as i like the whole new flow & make up of the site. the weight tracker, the ticker, the food logs - all awesome.
i also like to read others logs & see the posts on others progresses. It keeps me motivated.
this surgery is not easy - it is a whole change of life & habits & a life long commitment. I think i have just now realized that.
 I think i thought before when i am "normal" size- i could "act" normal. that isnt so....
thanks to everyone on this site who keeps the inspiration & support going. i for one- deeply appreciate it.


About Me
Jackson, MI
Surgery Date
Aug 26, 2008
Member Since

Friends 16

Latest Blog 13
week 6 down 33 pounds
down 24 pounds in 26 days 11-23-08
