
Apr 16, 2006

I had my orenitation class on friday seemed to go well lot of people. We had to weigh in I was 279 and I have to loose 10% before I can have the surgery. So I am trying to get my head straight and my food planned out so I can loose 28lbs. I am on vacation so it is a good time to start. I was having problems with my right leg and the "Dr gave me three shots in the hip and leg it seems to feel better. I hope than I can start working out.

Orientation: Coming Soon!

Apr 07, 2006

Still working with my cpap machine oh my how does one do it? I don't think I have slept thru the night since I got this thing. I have been having alot of trouble with my sciata nerve in my right leg it has been killing me. I have four more days of work and I am on vacation and I can not wait. Go to oreintation on friday the 14th at Kaiser so I hope things get moving from there.
I am trying to get my mind set and get ready to loose 10% of weight but with all the rain it has been hard getting movitated. One day at time !!!!

SA mask at work

Mar 26, 2006

I got my equiment for my sleep apena and started using that right away. I have not got passed four hours on the darn thing I keep waking up all hot and feel like I am suffocating. I guess this will take some time. I seem to feel little better not as tired and wore out. But time will tell..

To Good to be True

Mar 16, 2006

Well I went to my class for sleep apnea and went all the way to Concord to get my equiment and they did not have a therapist there to teach the class.. like our time is not valuable
I was so mad I took the whole day off and should have know it was too good to be true to have both appts in the same day. So now I don't get my eqiument till next weds the 22nd So go whole another week feeling tired and fatigue I was looking forward to seeing if there was a difference when I got a full nights sleep..
I know complain complain !!!! Get over Chris hehehe
I did get a card from Kaiser in the mail I have my orientation class on April 14th so that is a step forward I think.......
anyways will up date later~~~~~~Chris

Test Results

Mar 08, 2006

I just got my sleep test back and I have Obstuctive Sleep Apena what the heck is that? Anyway I have a class next week that I have to go to and than go to Concord to pick up so equipment. All new to me. but I was told it can be very dangerous and that is proably why I am tired all the time. This has been a problem for over a year and I tried vitamins and eating lots of protien and iron and nothing changes. I have talked to a couple of people and they stated they feel much better after they got the cap or something like that. So another road for my journey.

Waiting for Nothing

Feb 27, 2006

Well everyone warned me about Kaiser I called yesterday and they did not have all the paper work together. So what that means is that my Primary Dr has not sent in my referral for my surgery which goes to San Francisco so I have been waiting all this time and nothing was happening. The physc dr told me she would personally walk it down to them so it would not get lost. So as I have read many times over I am doing the waiting game. Which not too many of us are good at. But I am glad I called I could just feel it in my gut things were not moving. Anyways now I can wait and see if I get approved!!!! I get so nervous over this life changing event but than I am so excited to have a tool that will help me achieve the goals and not feel like a failure each time.
I am not sure if I am doing all this stuff right as I have only recieve one response from other's from this site. Anyways feels good to vent and go forward from here as I know everything happens in GOD'S time not Christine's !!!!!!! Hope everyone has a good day..

ET Phone Home

Feb 02, 2006

Kaiser hooked me with a sleep apnea test to do at home oh that was real fun. my husband stated at one point I was laying on my back and he stated all he could see was the red light and the for the finger reading bright red light reminded me of ET ...

The Waiting Game

Jan 23, 2006

I still haven't heard anything from Kaiser about being approved or not. So I keep waiting I am doing the waiting game.
I try to just do ONE DAY AT A TIME!! that is all we have anyway so NO use in stressing over what might or might not happen.
They are checking for sleep apena I will pick up my equipment on Feb 3rd does not sound like to much fun but gotta do what ya gotta do. Well hope everyone is well and happy~~~

My Husband is wonderful

Jan 07, 2006

Wow things are moving fast now which is good. They are doing an Ultra Sound Tues 10th checking gallbladder. I have to pick up a sleep test unit in two weeks I am not sure what to do there. Had my psych appt that went real well she was very supportive and had alot of information. My husband and I are keeping talking about the changes and I think we are both getting excited and know that things will change for the better between us. He totally understands about the weight issues and is very suportive. He loves me the way I am and what ever makes me happy. He is GREAT !!!


Dec 11, 2005

Had my appt with the nutrition's and he was very educating in the process of how the surgery Wow goes and affects
for the changes in your body after the fact. I have my psych appt on Dec 29th and will write again than. I pray that all goes well and maybe I can start the New Year out right!!!!!!!!

About Me
american canyon, CA
Surgery Date
Jul 15, 2005
Member Since

Friends 9

Latest Blog 30
JULY 28,2007
JULY 1,2007
2 Months out !!! May 14,2007
6 WEEKS POST OP 4/21/07
APRIL 2,2007
MARCH 23,2007
One Week before the BIG DAY!!! March 3, 2007
