Many Reasons for the WLS surgery

Nov 13, 2006

I have many reasons to why I had the surgery. Before the surgery I weighed 275lbs, and I am only 5"6.  I am a good 100 and something pounds over weight.  Since the surgery I have dropped about 30lbs.  I have been over weight since I was seven years old, and tried everything.  My biggest fear was getting bigger.  I want my son to be proud of me when I pick him up from school or other events.  He is proud of me now, but I didn't want to be an embarrassment to him later on.  I do have a boyfriend of two years.  He is wonderful and supportive.  I didn't tell him about my thoughts of having the surgery until I made my consultation with my surgeon.  My boyfriend and I have been together for two years, and I have known him since we were eight years old.
I want to live a healthy life, and I want to enjoy my life now.  There are more reasons, and I could go on, but I am sure all of you would understand.  We all share similar reasons - to wanting to be thin.

About Me
Nov 13, 2006
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Many Reasons for the WLS surgery
