Update: I wrote the below in its now 2020. I hit so many of my goals when I discovered I loved weight training. I got married, became a mom, gain 60 lbs during my pregnancy. Been losing steadily have about 25 lbs to go.  

it's crazy to read back on stuff from when I was in my mid 20's. Came a long way and still going. 


Here goes nothing...

About two and a half years ago I had gastric bypass surgery. It was the most terrifying and liberating experiences of my life. However, it was not the solution I was hoping for. Before you have the surgery doctors shove down your throat that this is not a the solution to all your problems, its a life style change...yadda yadda. I yes'ed them to death. Of Course I heard what they were saying, but secretly I hoped (and almost thought) I'd come out of this experience looking like Jennifer Aniston. Not quite the case. Saying that, you should know....Im proud of what I have accomplished and I would do it again in a heart beat. This surgery saved my life.

In August of 2006 I was 22 years old, 5'7'', weighing in at a whopping 351lbs. Everyone always told me..."You hold your weight so well" or "You have a big frame". You people are crazy, I was huge. It was a very dark point in my life. I was with a psychotic, cheating, manipulating guy that screwed my 'best friend' 3 days before I was going into surgery. I was struggling with feeling like crap all the time, college, his worthless butt. I wanted to crawl into a hole. I was so very unhappy. Me and 'Will Smith' at the wax museum -- about a month before I had surgery.
I had 3 people I know pretty well have the surgery 1-2
years before I did. I was so jealous. Watching some of your best friends lose the weight you are yearning to lose was the hardest thing I ever had to do. I was very happy for them of course. When I told them they looked great, I really did mean it, but inside i was crying. I told everyone around me I was going to be strong and do it myself. Really I was scared. I wasn't ready. I didn't want to better myself because my friends were doing it. I've never been the band wagon type. I just wasn't ready. It took me two years.

The surgery went fine. Hurt like hell, but apparently I'm very long in the torso, so all my junk wasn't in the right spot. I'm not sure. But I had some problems with my muscles that weren't typical to everyone elses recovery. The weight starting falling off.
What I believe is the thinnest I've been-- 2 years after surgery
  Last year I weight 201. That's a 150lbs weight-loss. I was very happy. I felt good. Then...the thing I had been dreading most happened.

I plateaued.

There is a point where your metabolism catches up with the sur
gery. You stop losing weight. It happens to everybody. I just didn't think mine would have happened right before I got below 200. I graduated from colleges last year, and I have gotten into a relationship with Mike. Who I love very much.  The only problem that is not even gastric bypass surgery cant stop the dreaded "relationship weight". I gained 20lbs

How freaking despicable. I had an, invasive, organ manipulating surgery and I let myself GAIN WEIGHT. Not acceptable. I don't really know what is the matter with me. My hunger always seems to be more then I can fit inside me. I end up over eating and I feel like I'm stretching the stomach. Stomach's stretch. It is the nature of the stomach. But I don't want mine to stretch anymore. In the last couple months I have started talking the right vitamins, and eating healthier. The way I should have been eating. I know it sounds week to change you life in the way I did, by having surgery and then screwing it up. But I' human and I think im in that point in  my life where I'm ready to fix it. The rest of the weight is slowly coming off and im really proud of that. I am looking into the stomaphyx (spelling?) procedure. We'll see.

About Me
North Massapequa, NY
Surgery Date
Apr 20, 2005
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