WLS May 23, 2011 Four Days from today!!

May 18, 2011

Well, the time has arrived and I am starting to feel like it's going to happen.  That, is a very cool thing!!  My house isn't ready for me to be out of commission for any amount of time, but it will just have to do.  Speaking of being out of commission, does anyone want to chime in about possible recovery period for RNY--if all goes smoothly(which I believe in my heart it will)??
I do have a whopper of a question, if anyone has had this experience, or a similar one, please let me know how you dealt with it.  I am on a medicine that I can not go off of abruptly.  At the pre-op the anethesiologist asked me what the Dr's plan was for that.  I truly had no idea, so I called his office.  After finally getting to her, his nurse was condecending and rude and told me they would take care of it at the hospital.  She hadn't spoken to the Dr,that was her way of getting me to get off the phone.  Well, guess what?  I'm a nurse, have been for 25+ years, and she wasn't going to blow me off so easily!!  However, the sugeon wasn't in the office, my primary wasn't in her office, my pain specialist wasn't in her office, and my pharmacist did his best to give me an idea of what I could expect.. I can't believe no one can give me an answer!!!  I don't want to get to the hospital and have them tell me I should have switched to a different med before the surgery, or that i should have done something else and now I need to cancel and deal with it.  It's crazy because they have known I'm on this medication for chronic pain control, and have been for at least a year. 
Well, just got a call from the pain specialist and she says to take the medicine, but it probably wont be absorbed, and to see her after the surgery.  HELLO, does anyone care, or even think about the fact that I will be post op AND going through withdrawl!!!  No thanks!!  Need a better answer---they say they'll call me back. SIGH!  This is not rocket science people, YOU are the professionals I pay a hefty sum to manage my healthcare!!!  Someone needs to stop, actually think about the issue and come up with a feasible solution that won't leave me in pain, withdrawl, and post-op misery!  Urgh!!
Anyway, that's my dilema, ant suggestions??


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Surgery Date
Apr 10, 2011
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