Marchin' On N March!

Mar 25, 2008

OK....It has been almost a year and I am pleased with my progress. On a scale of 1 - 10 , with 10 being the best, I would say I am at a 71/2.I had hoped to be down to 150 by now but, I can accept what I have. I have been on a stall since December. That sucks! I finally ifgured out that my body is not getting all the calories it needs. I have tried to up my calories to at least 1000 a day. I have not had much luck but I know if I don't get them in I will not loose anymore. In the last 2 weeks I have added protein, water and more exercise and dropped about 5 lbs. I hope for my 1 year check-up Dr. Gibbs is pleased. I don't have much excess skin except for the bat-wings on my arms, of which I am working diligently on tightening them up! I have pudge on my upper, inner thighs which I can live with! Other than that, I am pretty firm.
My only regret is not knowing in December I should have increased my calories in order to keep loosing. I feel as tho I have lost almost 3 months because of my ignorance, that is 1/4 of my 1st year! I plan on loosing another 35 lbs. I figure I still have 4 - 5 months more of loosing before settling in on my weight.
My blessing list includes: First I thank God for the means and opportunity for this surgery, also for the strength to carry on and follow directions, deny temptations and rise above my old eating habits. I pray that God will continue to bless me with guidance and strength to keep loosing weight. My blessings are also my best buddy and partner in crime, my hubby, Tommy. If I did not have his blessing and support, there is no way I could have been as successful as I have been. He is definately my rock and stability! Above all, I know he is going to be there for me! I am also blessed with both my boys and Jenny! They have been an encouragement for me and to me! Also, there is my sis, Kathy, the nurse! She is so excited for me and only wishes, like me, that Momma & Daddy were here to see how healthy I am now. I can't forget my Mother-in-law & Father-in-law, who both have helped me when I come home from the hospital and especially the last year. They have been great about making sure I have something to eat that agrees with me while at their house (which is just accross the street). Oh yea, there is my Brother-in-kaw & Sister-in-law who support me no matter what I choose to do. They inderstand about WLS because Tommy, his brother and Father all 3 had WLS. By the time I had my surgery, they were all pros at taking care of WL patients!
My WOW moments have been so many. First looking down in the shower and thinking "that's NOT MY LEG!" and then the time I walked by the mirror in the hall and stopped, backed up and looked again, thinking, That is Not me! And then the time I looked at pictures of my and could not believe it was me. I have a few people that are amazed at my WL and are not sure if it is me. They all tell me how healthy I look and how my complection is so radiant. I still have a very hard time taking complements. Tommy always repeats the commercial on TV about My Trophy Wife. That is probably the only one that I REALLY HATE! I mean I REALLY HATE IT! I am to the point it almost makes me sick to my stomach when I hear it said!
I bought big pants to wear when I come home from the hospital so it would not hurt my stomache. They were size 20 and I even bought a pair of 22 just in case I was extra swelled. I have now started buying size 10 YES 10. I can hardly wait till I can get into "SINGLE DIGITS". That is my ultimate goal! I can wear size large shirts. Probably could get into med but my boobs are so big. I wore a 40DD before surgery and now I am in 36D at VS or 36D at Pennys. My panties went from a size 8 to a size 5. My shoes are all to big and I have even had to buy new shoes. My rings are to big and need to be re-sized but I keep putting it off until I reach my goal. next month for my year anniversary, Tommy is taking me on a shopping trip! I can hardly wait! I am really excited about that! It will be the funnest thing I have done in a while! I am still reluctant on buying a bunch of clothes because I don't want to out-grow them! I bought a bathing suit last week and it was a size 12! My butt has been MIA for about the last 3 months! I think that is soooooo funny! It probably found a home in my legs where that pudge is in my upper thighs! LOL
I still can't eat much of anything fried, and most chicken makes me dump! Sugar is a definately NO-NO! I drink un-sweet everything and very little juice except no sugar added! Sausage does not agree with me much and hot dogs are also a no no. There is not much fruit I can eat except banannas, apples and sometimes strawberries and pineapples. Soft veggies are always my favorite. I like ANY KIND OF BEANS or PEAS! My pouchie loves them! I can tolerate steak real well. Smoked food is not so good for me. Burger meat is good as well as bacon and most pork! I can eat pasta, which I have to be careful and limit my intake to only a few times a month. I love pasta since surgery. I have started using the wheat pasta and it is not bad. I don't snack a bunch. Every once in a while I will eat a S/f Ice cream at night or S/F pudding.
Overall, I would say, other than the 3 months I lost, I am pretty pleased with my self. I still see myself as fat....wonder if I always will? Tootles for now!
Marchin' on till April!

St. Patty's Day

Mar 17, 2008

March 17, 2008


Feb 12, 2008

  Top 10 Mistakes WLS patients make...
I copied this from Carolyn L.'s profile, she in tern copied it from someone elses profile so I'm not sure who wrote this, very good and something for all of us to keep in mind.

1st Mistake:  Not Taking Vitamins, Supplements, or Minerals

 Every WLS patient has specific nutritional needs depending on the type of surgery you have had. Not only is it a good idea to ask your surgeon for guidelines, but also consult with an experienced WLS nutritionist. Understand there is not a standard practice that all surgeons and nutritionists follow in guiding WLS patients. So, it is important to do your own research, get your lab tests done regularly, and learn how to read the results.  Some conditions and symptoms that can occur when you are deficient in vitamins, supplements, or minerals include:

Osteoporosis; pernicious anemia; muscle spasms; high blood pressure; burning tongue; fatigue; loss of appetite; weakness; constipation and diarrhea; numbness and tingling in the hands and feet; being tired, lethargic, or dizzy; forgetfulness, and lowered immune functioning.

Keep in mind, too, that some conditions caused by not taking your vitamins, supplements, or minerals are irreversible.

2nd Mistake:  Assuming You Have Been Cured of Your Obesity

A "pink cloud" or honeymoon experience is common following WLS. When you are feeling better than you have in years, and the weight is coming off easily, it's hard to imagine you will ever struggle again. But unfortunately, it is very common for WLS patients to not lose to their goal weight or to regain some of their weight back.

A small weight regain may be normal, but huge gains usually can be avoided with support, education, effort, and careful attention to living a healthy WLS lifestyle. For most WLSers, if you don't change what you've always done, you're going to keep getting what you've always gotten -- even after weight loss surgery.

3rd Mistake:  Drinking with Meals

Yes, it's hard for some people to avoid drinking with meals, but the tool of not drinking with meals is a critical key to long-term success. If you drink while you eat, your food washes out of your stomach much more quickly, you can eat more, you get hungry sooner, and you are at more risk for snacking. Being too hungry is much more likely to lead to poor food choices and/or overeating.

4th Mistake:  Not Eating Right

Of course everyone should eat right, but in this society eating right is a challenge. You have to make it as easy on yourself as possible. Eat all your meals--don't skip. Don't keep unhealthy food in sight where it will call to you all the time. Try to feed yourself at regular intervals so that you aren't as tempted to make a poor choice.  And consider having a couple of absolutes: for example, avoid fried foods completely, avoid sugary foods, always use low-fat options, or only eat in a restaurant once a week. Choose your "absolutes" based on your trigger foods and your self knowledge about what foods and/or situations are problematic for you.

5th Mistake:  Not Drinking Enough Water

Most WLS patients are at risk for dehydration. Drinking a minimum of 64 oz. of water per day will help you avoid this risk. Adequate water intake will also help you flush out your system as you lose weight and avoid kidney stones. Drinking enough water helps with your weight loss, too.

6th Mistake:  Grazing

Many people who have had WLS regret that they ever started grazing, which is nibbling small amounts here and there over the course of the day. It's one thing to eat the three to five small meals you and your doctor agree you need. It's something else altogether when you start to graze, eating any number of unplanned snacks. Grazing can easily make your weight creep up. Eating enough at meal time, and eating planned snacks when necessary, will help you resist grazing.   Make a plan for what you will do when you crave food, but are not truly hungry. For example, take up a hobby to keep your hands busy or call on someone in your support group for encouragement.

 7th Mistake:  Not Exercising Regularly

Exercise is one of the best weapons a WLS patient has to fight weight regain. Not only does exercise boost your spirits, it is a great way to keep your metabolism running strong. When you exercise, you build muscle. The more muscle you have, the more calories your body will burn, even at rest!

 8th Mistake:  Eating the Wrong Carbs (or Eating Too Much)

 Let's face it, refined carbohydrates are addictive. If you eat refined carbohydrates they will make you crave more refined carbohydrates. There are plenty of complex carbohydrates to choose from, which have beneficial vitamins. For example, if you can handle pastas, try whole grain Kamut pasta--in moderation, of course. (Kamut pasta doesn't have the flavor some people find unpleasant in the whole wheat pastas.) Try using your complex carbohydrates as "condiments," rather than as the center point of your meal. Try sprinkling a tablespoon of brown rice on your stir-fried meat and veggies.

9th Mistake:  Going Back to Drinking Soda

Drinking soda is controversial in WLS circles. Some people claim soda stretches your stomach or pouch. What we know it does is keep you from getting the hydration your body requires after WLS--because when you're drinking soda, you're not drinking water! In addition, diet soda has been connected to weight gain in the general population. The best thing you can do is find other, healthier drinks to fall in love with. They are out there.

 10th Mistake:  Drinking Alcohol

If you drank alcohol before surgery, you are likely to want to resume drinking alcohol following surgery. Most surgeons recommend waiting one year after surgery. And it is in your best interest to understand the consequences of drinking alcohol before you do it.

Alcohol is connected with weight regain, because alcohol has 7 calories per gram, while protein and vegetables have 4 calories per gram. Also, some people develop an addiction to alcohol after WLS, so be very cautious. Depending on your type of WLS, you may get drunker, quicker after surgery, which can cause health problems and put you in dangerous situations.

If you think you have a drinking problem, get help right away. Putting off stopping drinking doesn't make it any easier, and could make you a lot sicker

























51 1/2 Inches Later

Jan 30, 2008

I am almost 10 months out. I am at a stand-still and have been for the last 3 1/2 weeks. Boy it sucks.....What am I doing differently? Oh, could it be I have been slack on my vitimins? Or is it the fact I am not exercising as much as I should? What about my water? I think I am ok but....I need to monitor everything that goes into my mouth for a few days and just see. I have started a journal on to help me with this. I am also going to call JoBeth and see if I can schedule an appointment with her since I have not seen her in 10 months.  I refresh myself with my booklets and paperwork I got from Dr. Gibbs and JoBeth at least everyother week. 
I measured myself this morning and I have lost 51 1/2 inches! Woo-Wooo! That is inspiring.

             Apri-07     May-07     Jan-08
BUST        52          50            46                6     IN
WAIST      46          45            37                9     IN
HIPS         55          53            45              10     IN
WRIST      61 /2       6 1/2        6 1/4            1/2
THIGHS    32 1/2     30            25 1/2        14     IN
NECK       16 1/2     15 1/2       14 1/2          2
KNEES      18          17 1/2        16               4
ELBOS      11 1/2    10 1/2        10                3
ANKLES     9 1/2       8 1/2         8                3

I am so glad I measured at the beginning.

Jumpin' fro Joy in January!

Jan 13, 2008

January brings a new light on things. The bad stuff first:
I stay cold all the time so.... I bought several pair of long johns! It helps for now, let's see what happends when it gets below 30 degrees. Tommy is so sweet, he bought me a Jack Shirt to help keep me warm.
I am at a stand still with my weight loss.I guess it is not a stand still but more like a stall! I am going to  up my water intake to at least 85 oz a day and uppin'  my protein to 1 bullett a day and then the dreaded exercise.......It is a sad story in the winter when I can't get outside and exercise, well......I gotta get on that treadmill at least 5 days a week! GOTTA DO IT!
Now for the GOOD STUFF:
I am now in a size 12! Wooo-Woooo!  It is about time to go back to Victoria Secret and get a new bra size. The last time I went, I went from a size 40D to a 38D. It still surprises me that I have not shrunk to a C cup ( I am not complaining tho).  I am now taking B12 shots once every 3 weeks instead of the under the tongue. It was a hassle to have to wait 2 hours between vitimins and it seemed it took all day to get in my vitimins. This is easier for me and it is only $15. for the shot.  I still can not stand anything tight on me. My shirts are a large or xl. My shoes are loose as a goose. I don't have any saggy skin to speak of, there isa  little giggle under my arms when I shake but very little. I am tring to build muscle as I loose weight. It is hard to do as fast as I am loosing. I am still courious about what weight I will end up. I would love to be about 130 lbs or a size 6 or 8 but I am hoping for a size 8 and maybe about 135lbs. Kathy is a size 12 so that is something for me to go on. Mom was a size 3, so if I am in the middel it would put me at a size 8 or so. I think Momma would be proud of me. I sure miss my Momma & Daddy. I still think about them everyday. The boys are doing good. Jenny is at her new job and lovin' it. 
I am one of the unlucky ones. Very rarely do I get sick. I can eat just about anything. I stay away form candy and sweets because I am scared it will make me dump. Sometimes I sweat after eating but other than that, I am good. 
Lauren callled and I talked to her this week. Still trying to make a support meeting. Tommy is going thru testing at the VA for a re-do on his surgery. I feel so sorry for him. He gets sick almost everyday and throws up. I have tried to watch what he eats and it just does not matter what he eats or when he eats it. It looks like we will know something around the end of this month. 
To sum it up, I am just a ball of joy in January! I am so please with my progress so far. My journey has been pretty much uneventful so far and I am so very greatful for being able to have this surgery. Dr. Gibbs is an awesome surgeon. I would do it all over again in a min.  At 9 months I have lost 104 lbs. Thank you God, for without you, none of this would be possible.
Jumpin' for Joy,


Nov 25, 2007

Here I am in November.....It;s the NEW ME! Actually it is the same ole me jsut in a smaller version!  I have lost right at 100 lbs in just  over 7 months!
I went shopping this weekend and fit into a size 14. I was amazed. I bought 2 skirts for the first itme since I was a child I found I could wear a skirt that actually looked good! 
After I finished my Christmas shopping, I shopped for myself! WOW, what a great time I had. I bpught 5 pair of jeans size 14 and 2 pair size 12! A total of 6 sweaters, 2 skirts, 4 shirts, 1 long sweater and 1 short one and dont forget the CUTE VEST i got at the farm store!  Oh yea, I got 2 more PJ sets and a new house coat! I won't count the socks and other stuff I got. What a great time I had!  It is hard for me to believe I am actually  fixing to be in a size 12!  This morning, I wore my new skirt and sweater to church with my Mommas boots! It felt so good. I have so much to be thankful for this year. My life is so much better already.
I am still scared of dumping so in turn, I fear sugar!  I soared thru Thanksgiving without any problems (Thank you Lord). My nephews and Angel are all enjoying the extra energy I have now.
I hear so many people say that my weight will come back.....Ya know, if it does, it will all be worth it just to have a few years I can spend with the little kids in my family. Ilove being me in my Family. I will post more next month.


Oct 06, 2007

WOW, What can I say! It has been a ride to say the least! Today it has been 6 months since the surgery and I feel GREAT! I have lost a total of 86 lbs since the surgery and still have quite a bit to go BUT I am so pleased. I have tons of energy and have definately started eating more healthy!  
Dr. Gibbs check-up this week was great. My vitimin D is low so I got a script to take for 6 weeks and should clear everything up. My skin is looking great and he said I should have no problem with sagging and wrinkling skin. 
I had hoped to be under 200 lbs by now but OH WELL! I am able to do so many things now that without the surgery, I would have not done!
I am in a 16 pants (kinda tight but they will be falling off in a couple of weeks). I wear a xl shirt and still wear some1x because they are not  tight around my boobs! Sspeaking of boobs, I went to Victoria Secret and got fitted again. At the beginning of surgery, I wore a 40DD and today I am in a loose 40C and a snug 38C. My shoes are all loose on my feet LOL. Ya know, after 86lbs I am just now having people start to notice I am loosing weight. Let me re-phrase that.......People are telling me that I look 10 years younger, they don't really notice the weight loss.
I am going to update my picture this weekend and also measure and see how many inches I have lost. i went shopping last weekend to try and get clothes for the winter. I knew I would not have time once deer season started. The only thing I bought was 2 shirts and 1 sweater. I suppose I will just buy a couple pairs of Jeans to get me thru and call it done till Jan. 
I had a great summer with the boys. I piggy-backed Caleb when he was here and played kick ball wiht Noah. As far a Angel, we just play and play. I could swim better this year. My diving was better also. I am excited about walking in the race for the cure this month. I know I will beat last years time. 
I have been sick 2 times, once on ice cream and the other on ribs off of a prime rib that we smoked.......never again! Once I had a piece of meat lodged in my throat and had to throw-up to get it out......for this I WILL chew better! I am still on the Starbucks every morning. Overall, I am Great! I have such an AWESOME support team! I don't feel any different on the inside but I can definately see the difference on the outside. 
Thank you Lord for giving me the opportunity to have a second chance, I pray that I never forget where I come from and I always have my focus 1st on you and then on my family and health. 


Sep 03, 2007

I am just before 5 months and down a total of 80 whappin' pounds! I can hardly believe it. This morning I got on the scale and it said 209! Tommy hugged me and told me how proud of me he was! I just love him. He is truly my best friend! I will be in onderland in no time. I am in no hurry for my weight loss to stop but i am anxious to see what my final weight will be. I would like to end up at about 120 to 130 lbs. Just as long as I am healthy. 
I am exercising a bit more now I am pretty consistent with my protein bullets. I use the grape and fruit punch. They are best if I don't chill them. I can eat pretty much what I want. I still crave ice cream so I bought some skinny cow ice cream - it is great! I also got some sugar free ice cream sandwiches that are good too. tommy said I was lucky because he did not have all the sugar-free things to choose from when he had his surgery.
I feel really good most all the time. I still get tired in the afternoons. Every once in a while i get to sneek me a nap in and I love that. My clothes are all to big for me. I wear my big clothes because they are comfy but i am going to try and buy some new pants this month. I think I will be in a 16. My shirts are xl and i still wear my 1x and 2x stuff that i shrank because they are also comfy. My shoes are all getting big.....I think that's funny! Better run. 

Last week in July

Jul 25, 2007

Here I am into my 3rd month. Actually about 3 1/2 months. I have lost 68 lbs. My exercise is not as good as I want it to be at this point in my journey. I am still working on it. I am at a semi-stall right now but I think I will start on my shakes everyday and see what happens.
Tommy & the boys & our Jenny are all doing good. Gina says she can tell i am loosing weight now. I am in a 16 easy. I still wear my 1x and 2x shirts because they are comfy. The arm holes are getting to big for me to wear now. I just want to get some wear out of the clothes i have. There is a pile in the spare bedroom of clothes i can not wear. I gave Necie clothes 2 different times. I'm glad she could wear my church dresses. My feet are shrinking! all my shoes are loose. It feels funny. Tommy told me my arms were getting soft (he ment flabby). His did the same thing. Flabby is still better than fat. I am trying to tone but it seems the more I tone the more I loose. I just can't keep up. I am soooooo grateful for the surgery. Me Caleb, Angel and Noah played all last week and had a ball. Did I say I carried Caleb piggy-back? Oh Yea! I did. He loved it. Just being able to play with the kids again was worth the surgery. I love children and for some reason they are all attracted to me. Better close for now and gert to cleaning the house. Tootle-Loo.
Rhonda 68 lbs lighter (Thank You God!)


Jul 11, 2007

3 Months have come and gone, so have 62 Lbs!  Everyday I continue to improve. I feel so good. Josh & Jenny got married Saturday. The other Rhonda & I did all the decorating, all the food, and still got dressed and was on time for the pictures! I will post pics soon. I have an abundance of energy, Thanks God because I would NOT have made it thru the Wedding. My house was full thru-out the week and week-end. I enjoyed my brother & sister being here with me. I had all my nephews here- THAT WAS GREAT!!!! I saw old friends and even got to get a pic with me, Melissa, Kathy, Janet, Gail and Cindy!  What a blast. Josh & Jenny had a near perfect wedding. They both almost cried at how beautiful things were. They kept telling me and Rhonda Thank You and how much we impressed them with our talents! Wooooo-Hoooooo! That says alot. Neighter one of them give out compliments easy! I was going to get me a bite of Wedding Cake & missed out. I did not get a piece of the grooms cake eighter. I am so thankful for this surgery, without it I would not have been able to have such a big part in the kids wedding! God is good! I always wanted a daughter named Jenny. I waited a long time but finally got one!
I am sleeping good, I am never really hungry. I have not found a reason to snack between meals So far, I have not gotten sick and dumped.  I have felt a heaviness on my chest from eating to fast......Will I ever learn!  I eat pretty much anything I want to just not much of it. I'm still taking my bariatric vitimins, B-12, Viotin, and Liquid protien everyday. I do struggle with my fluids and also exercising. My funniest WOW moment so far is lookin' down at my leg in the shower, and for a split second thinkin' it is not mine! I can tell when I sit down that I have lost in my rump. If I sit to long my rump bone hurts! I can fit into some 16's now. My dress I wore to the wedding was a 16.  All my shorts are big on me. My rings are big also. I am proud to say I have my neck back (it was hidden by my head & shoulders). No one really comments on how I look because I always carried my weight well. My PJ's are all to big now and I am wearing the XL I had put up. Even my shoes are loose on me now!! A couple of weeks ago, I actually started cleaning on my house at 5:30 am and was still going at 5:30pm. That was the first time in 5 years I was able to do that.  
I am totally blown away at the 62Lbs I have lost. I hope to loose 100lbs at 6 months. I know it is possible but not probable. I would like to loose 15 lbs in the next month for a total of 77lbs. We will see. For every pound I loose, I never forget to thank God for allowing me to be rid of the extra pound. For without him, nothing is possible.

About Me
Conway, AR
Surgery Date
Feb 17, 2007
Member Since

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