Waiting for insurance approval. I am really scared but i want this more than anything!!!

10-9-00 I am scheduled to meet with Dr. Jay at Neweigh on 10-19-00. I am so excited.

10-12-00 I talked with someone in my area and have been invited to a support group on the 28th! I can hardly wait. I am really excited but still very scared!!

11-8-00 Hello almost a month later. Neweigh was great! I really liked Dr. Jay. He ordered a sleep study, and some lab work. My H-Pylori came back positive...YUCK....I will start my trimed antibioics very soon. My sleep study is scheduled for the week of November 20, 2000. I am not as scared as I used to be. I think I owe it to this site! I'll write again soon!

12-18-00 It's My Birthday and i was Denied. My sleep schedule was reset for Jan 19, 2001. Happy Birthday.:( Neweigh will resubmit after the sleep study results.

01-09-01 Yep, I was feeling sorry for myself. I figured since I REALLY was supposed to have surgery this month I would go ahead and work on ::sigh:: YES, ANOTHER DIET to kickstart the new year. i will keep my progress update here until "THE BIG DAY".

January 02, 2001 - 270 lbs
January 09, 2001 - 257 lbs

WOW.....Hello, Today is March 26, 2001 - No word from my insurance co.........As for the diet......I am now at 260.....and actually starting a different diet.......I feel like giving up, I am frustrated..Also, I apologize to anyone who may have sent mail to my previous address, It no longer works and I have updated it. Thanks

04-19-01...Never NEVER NEVER GIVE up!!! I got a call from Paula at neweigh..I WAS APPROVED!@!!!!! OMG..I can hardly believe it.....I am about to pop outta my chair!! Yiippeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

4-25-01...OMG! OMG! OMG! I am scheduled for May 24, 2001
I am terrified and happy both at the same time (what a feeling) If anyone can help with my fear please drop me a line!! Thanks!!

4-30-01...BIG BIG BIG Thanks to everyone who has written me about my chickenself! I feel a calmness now. I know everything is going to be great!!! I am scheduled for my preop appt at Bellair Hospital on 5/17/01. It is a 2 & 1/2 hr drive ONE WAY. I can't wait!!

5-01-01 Hello there, I am scared again! Talk about an emotional rollercoaster!! I got my preop info packet in the mail yesterday. I am really worried about the NG tube. Did anyone else out there have it and was it the worst??

5-4-01 Thanks to everyone who got me through my PMS intensified fear. Whew, glad that is over!! I am reading a book called "Going Under" and it has been very reassuring. I recommend it to anyone who has doubts.

05-15-01 Hellllooo Again! What a ride this preop thing has been. Scared, happy, excited, vicious circle.:) I have many to thank for the info, the confidence, the ears I bended! :) Know how sometimes you can "see ahead" like when looking forward to something you can picture it? I can't picture this and it scares me. Silly me. Thanks again to everyone! God Bless.

05-16-01 I got THE CALL Today. My surgery date was cancelled and rescheduled for June 15th. I am so upset. Everything I have set up with my employer, husband family is just screwed. This is the nightmare I hoped would not happen. I am so upset. I was scheduled to go to Houston in the AM for all my preop testing. I am going to go cry now.

05-21-01 There is a reason for everything. I will leave it up to God!

06-07-01 I had my preop testing today! All I can say is WOW! It really is going to happen! My emotions are going bonkers. I am so excited and scared. The amount of people i have met on this website has been AWESOME!! I'll be back soon!!

06-08-01 Got a call from my surgeon. Looks like my blood count is up meaning that I have an infection. He called in some antibiotics. He said if I had an infection he would not operate next friday...... Yikes!

06-12-01 I am stressed. I had a repeat lab today to see if the infection has cleared up and it came back HIGHER!! DAMNIT DAMNIT DAMNIT! I page the surgeon, I am waiting for a call back. I work for a nursing agency so I hope he will put me on IV Antibiotics.... Oh yea....I have a skin disease Hidradnitis..It cause boils and cysts to form in gland areas (yes, it hurts) Anyway, I have a large cyst on my side under my arm. That is what is causing the infection. Is this a sign? I am so sad, please don't let me be rescheduled, please, please , please.

6-13-01 I was cancelled. It sucks, I am crying but despite it all my Surgeon is the best. I understand he wants to take no risk and that is a comfort. I'll update when I am happier and have a new THIRD date.

06-15-01 My second scheduled surgery date has come and gone. My girlfriend and I went to Mexico and Shopped to make it better. It did lift my spirits but the walk was horrible, I thought I was gonna die, not tired or out of breath but my DAMN back hurts from giving this "extra person" a continuous piggy back ride (no pun intended) Just made me realize how much this means to mean and how I look forward to a healthier me :)

7-10-01 Wow, it has been almost a month since I posted. My third date was set for Sept. 11, 2001. I was wrecked. Upon other investigating, I SWITCHED surgeons, I made an appt. with Dr. Wongsa and I LOVE him. He is tough but genuine.!!!! I am set up with him for August 9, 2001 Yipppeeeeeee Skippppppeeeeeeeee :) I'll update soon!!

8-5-01 I have to admit, I was in denial up until yesterday. Iwent to CY-Fair hospital and had all my pre op last week. I cannot believe there are only 4 more days !! WOW!!! Pray for me.

8-6-01 My labs preop came back just fine. OMG!!! Tomorrow is my last day at work. Then off to Houston. I can't believe it!! It really is going to happen. I sure hope the 3rd time is really the charm. WOW..What else can I say.......

8-11-01 It's done! I had a LAP RNY on Thursday and here I am Home on Saturday. I will update more soon. All went AWESOME!!!

8-16-01 I must say, I have had an AWESOME journey. I had Lap RNY on 8-9-01 and was home 8-11-01. I was a basket case the first two days home due to not taking my zoloft for almost 5 days. Once I resumed it and regained some confidence (Oh yea and lost the damn PMS that found me in the Hosp) I am again back to me!!!
Ahem, My incisions are small, the entire staff at CyFair Hospital were great the only one complaint I have is the hospital bed. I am now down 18 pounds since surgery. WooooooooHoooooooo Gone Forever!!! I am working on getting my WLS website up, hopefully today. If I can help anyone please WRITE ME!!! God Bless

9-10-01 I feel like it is coming off to slow..Anyone else feel like that?

09-19-01 Silly me, No sooner do I start to worry and a few pounds slide right off. :) I have no complaints, I am off of Zoloft and now taking wellbutrin SR and so far so good. Everyday I learn something new. I have more energy, I feel better, Life
is good.

10-04-01 I have not been updating like I should..!!! I can't help it I am always out and about, DAMN I Feel good!! Would i do it again, Yes, I have been one lucky girl with no complications, and total smooth sailing.

07-11-03 Had a Tummy Tuck and Thigh Lift. I had every complication imaginable. Will update more Later. Surgery date was 5/29/03. I am Ecstatic with the results!!

07/31/2010 - Wow.....Since the last post, i have had a child, who is now 2 years 5 months. I recently had back surgery 06/17/2010. I am still recovering. I hope the back surgery will alleviate the chronic pain of the last few years and allow me to exercise, be healthy and loose the pounds again. I am currently 166 and would like to be back to a healthy 140.

ALMOST my 9 year Anniversary of RNY!! Yes, I would do it again tomorrow.

Weight Loss
07-10-01 = 278 - Last PreOp MD Appt.
08-09-01 = 269 - Day of LAP RNY
08-26-01 = 246
09-05-01 = 244
09-10-01 = 242
09-19-01 = 237
10-04-01 = 225
11-02-01 = 218
12-05-01 = 202
07-31-10 = 166

About Me
Surgery Date
Oct 07, 2000
Member Since
