I've battles my weight since I was 9years old.

My mom put me on my first diet (Dr. Atkins) at age 9.  Since that time till I was 17yrs old I tried everything.  Sure I'd lose but it didn't matter whether I ate 1 piece of cake it stayed with me as if I've ate the whole damn thing. I'd gain my weight back and then some.

I heard you are so pretty if you lost your weight (in my mind I'd say "yeah, I'd have the world by the strings.  I'd be happy, find a husband and most importantly I'd be accepted.  WRONG, WRONG, WRONG.").  It ate at me constantly.  I hated my mom and most importantly myself.  By the way when I look at pictures of me back then age 9,13,16 etc.  I was about 40lbs over weight in the later age 17yrs but prior maybe 20lbs and I was made to believe that I was morbidly  obese.  Go figure!

 When I was 18yrs old I had an health issue where I ended up being put on steroids and eventually having a shunt put in.  Well I got better but the steroids put 70lbs on me in three months, gross stretch marks, and hair (facial) it was so depressing. 

Well I then went on the biggest yoyo dieting syndrome of my life and to no avail I lost. Sure again you'd lose but it wouldn't stay off.

I then thought to myself what the heck is going on why isn't it working??

I then started counselling one on one and delt with what I thought was all of my childhood issues.  It was agreed upon with my family Dr. that because I was so over weight 125lbs to be exact that I would be a good canidate for WLS. 

I was referred to Dr. P. Sanders and had stomach stapling at the age of 24yrs.

I went on the biggest rollercoaster of my life.  The weight flew off me.  I had more attention than I knew what to do with and I sunk into an utter depression. 

Remember "If only you got your weight off."  Well I did and I was shell shocked.  I no longer could use food and I turned to other comforts. 

You see I didn't deal with that statement.  What did it mean to me when I lost the weight?  How would life be different? 

Well I went through alot of knocks and bumps.  Kepted my weight off for about 6 1/2 yrs then went of a medication that the side effect was "Weight Gain".  I put it all back on in about 4 yrs.

Miserable I was.  I went back into therapy 15yrs later to get down to the nitty gritty and here I am.

I'm 40yrs old, mother of two, and married to the man of my dreams.  I've just had RNY September 27, 2006 and I'm excited.

My best friend had RNY with Dr. Farries and I cheered her on at the time I was doing the "Atkins" again and having success.  My B.freind tried convincing me I should do the surgery and I told her she was nuts no way was I doing that a second time.

As time went by I got sick literally and frustrated.  I went to see my family Dr. and we talked.  He was excited that I brought up the surgery because I was told to get my weight off or I would be a flu blown dieabetic and that was something I definitely didn't want.  He was very encouraging about the surgery and it's long term success rate and the benefits of the surgery for diebetics.  I also found out that the stomach stapling I had isn't popular or successful within the industry anymore.  I went with my B.friend to her first appointment with Dr. Farries and he told me that he doesn't even do the s. stapling and hasn't for years because it isn't successful and your food content still goes through the small intestine that fat gets absorbed.  I thought wow they've found out more.  I wish they new this stuff sooner.  The time period was September 2004 when I had the talk with my family Dr. and I found out that I had to wait till May 2005 to even make my appointment. Frustrated I was.

My weighting game started.  Meanwhile I research and research and asked questions.  I was scared that I was going to die, that I was going to wreck my self internally, and what happens if it doesn't work.  How will I be a second time around after losing my weight.  Well I worked very diligently with my therapist and my husband tofigure out if this was for me or not again. 

January 2006 appointment time came.  I quit smoking (very important).  I told Dr. Farries I wanted to get healthy but I was scared really scared.  I felt much better after seeing him and he started the process.  I went through my tested and had my follow up appointments with him.  He pulled no punches about the possible complications and that if he thought for one minute I was smoking he didn't care what my excuse was he wouldn't do the surgery.  I also had to lose 30lbs.  Well I lost 24lbs and when I seen him for my last appointment I felt defeated.  "Who in there right mind tries to quit smoking and has to lose 30lbs to boot".  Dr. Farries was extremely supportive and said that was O.K. but don't gain any of the 24 back.  My file was put through and it was a go for surgery we just had to wait for a date.

Between my last appointment of April 2006 and August 15, 2006 I did really well.  I gain 4lbs back but I still wasn't smoking.  I made a personal promise to myself and that was if I started smoking and got the date call that I wouldn't go.  I was so excited on August 15, 2006 my surgery was scheduled date was September 27, 2006.

I kepted myself so busy cleaning and getting ready that when I did really think about it I had melt down.  I am doing the right thing? I think it was worse for my because I had a similar surgery and it failed in the long run.  Not to mention it was the worse pain for me it was worse that having a baby and I had no epidural for labour I was old natural!!  I went through the emotions did my will and went to Red Deer.  I had alot of people praying for me and I was really O.K. I had to keep my husband calm and reassure him.  I didn't lose it till I hit the doors of the operating room.  I said to this awesome nurse name Nadine "I can't believe I'm doing this again!!! I wanted to run.  Nadine had such a calmness about her and a motherly comfort and I made it.  The epidural was put in the mask went on and out I went. 

When I woke I had those aweful muscle spasms and thought here I go again.  This nurse came to me and gave me this buddy button!!!! When I was rolled into my room my words were "that epidual is cats ass!"  The pain was extremely tolerable and the nursing staff God Bless their soles were awesome!!!

I didn't do so well with the coming off all those drugs.  I did alot of crying had some pain but with time the crying stopped and I just had to be patient. 


Well Patient I was.  The first 6weeks was tough but well worth it.  I'm not in fear mode anymore.


You learn what you can eat and what you can't very quickly.  I've eaten very healthy and have allowed a treat here and there but nothing bad.  It's funny because this time I'm older and wiser and I the food isn't more important nor does it control me any longer.


I am so happy I've done this surgery.  I feel really good.  My stomach muscles still bother me but each day it gets better and better.


It is February 8, 2007


I've lost 70lbs and feel wonderful.  Being positve is most important.  But everyone has their days.

The size 18's I got for Christmas are getting baggy.  I pulled out some old skinny cloth's and to my surprise the pants I wore the night I got engaged fit and were loose.  Now I know I getting somewhere.  The fear of this isn't working isn't there any more.  I'm about 50 to 60lbs away from my goal weight and when I get there I get there.  I'm smelling the roses along the way!!!


It bothers me going to other's homes and I have a bowel attack as I call them.  I found these wonderful drops at Wal-mart that helps with the embarrasement of using someone elses washroom.  That is my only dislike of this surgery.  I'm very careful with what I eat and I definitely stay away from FAT!!!  I can handle a little sugar in my coffee but that's it. 


Well by for now!

April 17, 2007


I'm down 87lbs and only 42lbs to go.  I feel great.  I'm loving shopping no more XXXXXXXXXXXXXL I'm no a size 36 and XL.  I'm enjoying the little things skinny people take for granted.

I highly recommend this surgery it's the best thing I've decided to do to better my life.

By for now

About Me
Nov 07, 2006
Member Since

Friends 3
