1 year and 1 day.....

May 11, 2010

WOW! what a ride it has been and I am still not there... 150lbs gone - a whole wardrobe of clothes replaces x2 hundreds and thousands of vitamins swallowed - gallons of water drank - tears have been shed and I have laughed alot! I am so very greatful for everything.... my surgery my surgeon my sweet beautiful Sandy who has done nothing but love and support me this whole year - my friends who have encouraged me and been honest with me at all times - thank you all.
I feel like a whole new me - inside and out - I love gettting up in the morning and just getting up - not groaning and hauling - and lumbering.... you know what I mean....
Well I am off to see my life changer Dr T this morning am going to hug and kiss that man till he tells me enough!

Back at work

Jul 16, 2009

Being back at work is hard.... I get so tired that by half way through the day I want to cry sometimes - mind  you if my staff would do there work half of the energy I need to get through the day would be spared - am hoping that the more weight I loose the more I will have in the energy department.


Jun 22, 2009

ok so I am still not regretting this surgery - but if I vomit one more time I am going to swear off food until my next endoscopy on the 7th of July - it seems that unless it is ultra wet ie yoghurt it doesnt go down and stay down. The pain from this is so intense it makes me feel like I need to lay down. Now I have had the foamies but this is so far beyond that it is HORRIBLE!!!!

My new crack....

Jun 18, 2009

Ok so not so long ago I would have told you that there is no way in the world that a protien drink/powder could replace something as good as a spoonful of peanut butter which has been for a long time my "I just cant live without it" food.
But today this very morning I have found it.... peanut butter cookie protien powder OMG I thought that it was all just hype nothing could be that good - well I was WRONG WRONG WRONG!!!  This stuff tastes fabulous - I made it exactly to the directions and it was thick and sooooooooo good - now I just have to stop myself from having another LOL.
Am going to order some more as I was told it was on back order for months........ so happy!


Jun 10, 2009

saw Dr T today - he says he wants me to eat... I never thought I would say this but I am going to - I dont like eating it still hurts and makes me feel sick. So with that in mind he asked me what I would like to eat I said vegatables so he said I can eat (boiled to death mind you) sweet potato cauliflower squash and carrots - am excited but nervous!

Also went to see a friend who had surgery yesterday - she looks so good! she couldnt believe how much weight I have lost and when I was leaving her son said so how much different does she look and she said was amazed at how great I look - makes me feel so good.
I am sooooooooooooooooooooooo glad I had this done!
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Jun 08, 2009

So I have been thinking that I need to have some goals.....
I dont want this just to be about how much weight I have lost so my first goal is....................................
By three months out 8/11/09 I will have an established excercise routine that I can fit into my life.
Hows that for an initial goal?
I am going to be enlisting peoples help to achieve this so look out everyone!
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Dang it!

Jun 05, 2009

I can not believe that I have an ulcer at my anastamosis - all the way around totally ulcerated - I asked the Dr why this might happen he said taking advil etc which I havent done - so he has no idea thinks maybe I am to acidic, I have been told my personality is acidic at times......
so any way am now on extra medacine for this - is nasty chalk in water as I have to dissolve the horse pill in water as it is to big to swollow and I have to drink it 4 times a day. Mind you have only had 4 doses and have already noticed the difference so I wont complain to much.
Hopefully when I go for my follow up endoscopy next motnh it will be healing and not causing a stricture.

Cream of wheat - is it evil?

May 27, 2009

Ok so this morning I had creamof wheat made it mushy really mushy.... had one tiny mouthful 1/4 of a teaspoon as it was a new food I waiting 5 mins and in that time I was in agony... no more cream of wheat - I went and laid down and came back an hour later to find a hard mass in the bowl.... the do loved it!
Good news is I then went for a long walk - thought it may get rid of the residule pain - and of course it did moved that lump of cream of wheat right out of my new little sensative belly.


May 24, 2009

so today was day 1 of food - I had 1/4 of a cup of re-fried beans, I hate to say this but it was the most delicious thing I have ever eaten - took me 30 mins to eat them and by the time I was done they were cold but ohhhhhh so good. I left maybe two mouthfuls (post op size) on the plate not because I was full but because I want to get in the habit of stopping before I feel full.


Going down.....

May 21, 2009

ok so this is a little scarey I know I had this surgery to loose weight but I didnt expect it to fall off this quickly - my head needs to catch up with my body.... although I think once I am able to eat solid food it will slow down some so my head will have a chance to see the changes.... not just hear about them from everyone else!
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About Me
san diego, CA
Surgery Date
Feb 07, 2009
Member Since

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