It has been a long time since I posted

Jul 05, 2010

07/05/10........It has been a long time since I last posted.  So much has happened.  I had gotten down to my lowest weight 174 about two years ago.  I was well on my way to reach my 150 lb goal.....when my health started going crazy.  I had a protein and iron deficiency that lasted two years and magically disappeared (12/2009) when I started menapause.  Everyone kept on me about eating more protein and taking more iron.....Dr Peters suggested that I give up the protein shakes and bars and eat steak.  I was up to eating a pound of steak a day and taking three iron pills daily....and it wasn't working.  Until I hit menapause.....and then magically my iron and protein levels went normal. Eating all that steak and not being able to exercise because of pain, my weight went up to 218 pounds.  

I have since had spinal surgery and a minor knee surgery on my right knee.  (I had total knee replacement on my left knee back in 08/05.)  I have found out that I have a vitamin D deficiency and have osteopenia in my back and legs.  

In January 2010, I decided that I was going to work out at the gym regardless of the pain and get this weight off once and for all.  

It is now July 5th and I am down to 193 pounds.  My knee surgeon told me to expect total knee replacement by next year since he had to remove all of the cartlidge in my right knee.  He still wants me to work out at the gym.....he says it will be painful.....but it is important that I do it.  

The doctors seem stumped as to why my bones are doing what they are doing.  I have had a compression fracture in my back that has not healed for over a year.  My back hurts all of the time.  The doctors have reminded me to keep the weight off.....the lower the weight...the less pressure on my joints.

Down the road, I am probably looking at hip replacements.....looks like I may truly become a bionic woman. 

But I am determined to remain upbeat, to eat healthy, to exercise and to enjoy life.


About Me
New Castle, DE
Surgery Date
Apr 15, 2004
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