New Things I Know...

Aug 21, 2007

If I eat too fast...
              too much...
              something dry...
              too cold...
              something I shouldn't yet...
The pain is enough to knock me on my butt!
If I take too big of a drink...I quickly wish I hadn't!
Decafe tastes just as good as regular...just keep telling myself does, it does!
If I suck in my stomach as far as it will go I can see a faint shadow of my ribs!
I might have traded in "eating" for shopping.(I'll work on this also!)
I might be a true DD.
I can do alot with zucchini.
I think I have bones in my butt!
I will not part with my overalls!!
I can do this!!

Things I've learned so far...

Aug 10, 2007

I can finally tell the diffrence between:
*real hunger
*eating from boredom
*eating what I want
*eating what I need

Surgery Day and 1.5 Weeks...

Aug 09, 2007

Surgery Day...LONG wait
time kept changing through out the day
nerves were on edge
everyone talking to make up for the worry
pokes,pins,tight socks,people everywhere
It's time....wheel me out
I start to weep, cry, bawl
Slap on that heavenly mask
I'm out...
Wake up, where am I? still alive!!
PAIN PAin, Pain pain..morphine is my friend
love the sound of "ding"
Family family thank God
nurses (only one snot nurse but she was with me 2x) all are wonderful
Sores in my mouth, on my lips, and throat
(snot nurse won't look)
(snot nurse just says hmmmm)
Drain tube tangles with liver...PPAAIINN
(snot nurse is not inpressed)
Dr. is wonderful and concrened
"You must stay anouther night"
Family,stay, balloons, kisses,"I Love You" Glass Buttons, The Office, Size 7&6 undies beautiful journal...
Thursday!! New Day time to go home!!          Home, Pets hugs and kisses
migraine, sleep, cry, burp, sleep, wonder
sip, sip, sip, eat, sleep, wonder, family, friends cards
GAS!! toot,toot
sleep ,walk, sip, sleep, walk ,sip,
An outing, walk, .....sleep
 little better every day!

T'was the night before surgery... 7/29/07

Jul 29, 2007

I am so EXCITED! This is it...
clean house
lists are made
food is ready (or lack of)
letters are written
books are ready
bag is packed...looks like it's a goooooo!
I am so NERVOUS!!
This is better then Christmas. A chance for a new beginning to share with family and friends.
Hold on baby, here I come!


Jul 28, 2007

Two more days...the weekend. Trying to keep busy. Doing all those little things I want to get finished before Monday. Laundry, change the bedding, pack for the hospital, gather my numbers for a calling list,etc blah blah blah...
I'm fine if I keep busy but when I have time to think (which is every second between breathing) I get this panic feeling and want to hurl... I am DEATHLY afraid of flying which I do NOT do. I know that if I ever did get on a plane again I would be sick but, when they shut the door I would throw myself at it and start pounding and screaming for them to let me out. This is the same feeling I'm having in my stomach now. I'm afraid that when they wheel me into the operating room I will spring up from the table in all my naked fat glory an run screaming from the room! 
Oh My Goodness is this really happening...
I am so excited and want it to be RIGHT NOW!! I keep seeing myself on the other side of surgery feeling wonderful, having energy, being healthy, AND looking like a FOX!!  
I will concentrate on the "after surgery."

Oh for Pitty Sake...

Jul 24, 2007

July 24th
 So I thought it might just be a nice thing to write my husband and kids each a letter, you know just in case...
 Well I went to Starbucks with my notebook and pen, got myself a decafe, drip, skinny, found a cozy chair and started writing. What a mistake!
If you are thinking of writing letters to family, do it some place no one will see you. I started crying like a baby. I luckily had napkins to blot with and blow my nose with so that was good. I never thought it would hit me like this...Oh my!
I got through them and left quietly. I am sure everyone around me had a thought as to what my problem was. At least I got them finished!


Jul 22, 2007

Yahoo!!One week until a new beginning!
I think this week is going to wizzzz by, I hope! I am having big mood swings. Happy one minute, can't wait, dreaming of what things will be like a month from now and the next minute I'm tearing up worrying about everything! Up down up down...
This too shall pass...
I've made a list of "to dos", bought food for after the hospital and talked to my husband about not getting rid of my dogs or birds if something happens to me(just kidding, he loves the birds and dogs...most of the time)
I'm having food cravings I didn't even have when I was p.g.!
I did buy 2 cute little tops today size 14-16 for later. Something to work towards. So...everything is moving right along!!

Here we go...

Jul 12, 2007

July 12, 2007
Insurance came through today...7/12/07
Had my pre-op ...7/12/07
Have my surgery date ...7/30/07
Here we go!!!

About Me
spokane valley, WA
Surgery Date
Jul 08, 2007
Member Since

Friends 8

Latest Blog 8
New Things I Know...
Things I've learned so far...
Surgery Day and 1.5 Weeks...
T'was the night before surgery... 7/29/07
Oh for Pitty Sake...
Here we go...
