Wedding Day Fast Approaching

Jul 31, 2007

I went to my first fitting today and the dress is like on the border of an 18 and a 20....The dress maker was like we have a big problem...She said that I need to lose about 2 dress sizes and she can let the dress out about 2 inches...I'm depressed about it I was hoping the dress was going to be too big on me by then...I know that I'm doing something wrong I mean it's obvious but what? If I don't exercise I really don't lose anything I CAN'T eat anything at all or I will either gain or stay the same.
If someone ever tells me I took the easy way out I will truly hurt them. Apparently I need to bitch tonite,,,I mean easy way hello I'll never be able to eat like a normal person and I swear anything with substance is like just saying puke me back up...NO SUGAR!!!! 
I need to get the ball rolling again and quit my pity party!!!

Wedding Fast Approaching

Jul 31, 2007

The wedding is fast approaching in September and I need to lose about 25 lbs. to fit into my dress.  I went to my first fitting today and she said about 2 dress sizes, which would be fine but I know I'm not losing weight again I cannot believe how easy it is to screw this up. I definitely don't ever want to hear anyone say this is the easy way out lol because I might truly pop them!!! 



Jun 19, 2007

Ok so I finally decided it was time to figure out how to set up pics on here and I did my before's so next will be the after's I'm having a blast with it and I changed my profile colours and all!!!

I'm still stuck at 260 and Chris says I'm definitely eating wrong, also last week I didn't exercise at all I was sooo sick.  I almost fit into my wedding dress lol I had to buy a size 20 cause it was the biggest one they had so I have no choice but to keep going lol!!! Going to finish with the pics now talk to y'all soon

I don't think I like holidays anymore!!!!

Apr 14, 2007

Ok so easter set me back about a week lol I can't seem to get past my 274 I'm struggling as if I didn't have the surgery I should be like 80 lbs lighter or something by now...
On the plus side I'm walking 1 1/2 miles almost every day and I've started running a little!!!! In fact today I ran more than I have ever that was a happy thing lol!!! Another plus I fit into a pair of jeans that I've had for at least a year or two and I had bought the wrong size at the time or right size wrong cut lol but now wooo hoooo they fit so that's a happy thing too!!!
I really think I may not be getting enough protein in so if anyone has any suggestions I'm here to listen.....

I still can't believe it's over and I'm home !!!

Feb 28, 2007

I waited so long I can't believe it's done but it sure does feel awesome!!! I lost 20 lbs. so far and my fave things are the ice-pops of course veg broth and peppermint tea.  The jello is ok and I'm still staying away from pudding.....
My hospital experience was awesome and I left a day earlier than I thought I would, I was a little nervous about that part but it turned out well.  I would recommend these Dr.'s to anyone !!!!

So so so so Ready!!!!

Feb 06, 2007

I talked to Irene last nite and wow I feel sooo much better I mean she's still goin through it and she's like it's no big deal!!  I hope I'm one of those people who is never hungry and just forgets to eat lol I know I'll lose weight that way..I think my big fear right now is not getting down low enough and stretching out my stomach.  But if I just try and watch what I eat and how much and i make a point to exercise I should be fine.  
Wow no stitches either just a glue it should be interesting especially since I'm so hard on my body and NO STAIRS ummm that's a hard one I may have to stay upstairs mostly I have no idea? I'm sooo glad for having Irene I truly thank God I mean she's helped me relax about it and she's hysterical!!! I'm glad Chris is staying with me instead of my mom I love my hubby sooooo much and I really do want him there. He can even have the bed and I will take the recliner!!!! I just want to be with him like a mini vacation lol!!!  G-G

One week Woooo---hoooo!!!!

Feb 06, 2007

Ok so this time next week I will be in surgery and just about done I will almost be on the other side of the loser's bench and i cannot wait!!!! I can't concentrate or sleep lol I'm a mess and I'm sooo looking forward to my hospital stay...4 days no kids HELLO!  I told my mom that and she thinks I'm crazy I'm like I'll be high from pain meds in a gorgeous hospital and it's quiet...all I have to do is walk drink and worry about me!!!1 HMMMM

One week and 2 days to go!!!

Feb 04, 2007

I think that sounds better than saying 9 days lol!!! I am soooo excited I wish the Dr.'s office would call and say "hey we can take you a week early" lol. I have all my meds ready to come home and I'm trying to prepare myself mentally like ok don't cry do something constructive...I'm hoping the pain won't be too much worse than when I had my son and then I was up and walking the next day.  I plan to be up and am hoping I will be able to shower and change my mom is staying with me the first nite even though my hubby was going to...but how can  I say no to my mom!!! We will see what happens..I can't wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Dec 13, 2006

Wow I just got approved yesterday after waiting over a year for this!!!! I can't believe it and my surgery is scheduled for February lol I am the worst when it comes to patience but I know the Lord is just testing me....First I had to wait for my fiancee to have his surgery last September and then he almost died because he had HUGE blood clots in both legs....He's doing soooo much better now and I know that he'll be able to take care of the boys now unlike before...Then I went to get approved and the insurance said I had to show 6 months of steady working and going to the Dr. for weekly weigh-ins which lol I did and now NOW I can just enjoy and know that soon I will have the most awesome tool in my hands thanks to Dr. Iannace...People have asked if I'm nervous and my answer? HELL NO !!!!

About Me
Fairfield, NJ
Surgery Date
Apr 18, 2006
Member Since

Friends 6

Latest Blog 9
Wedding Day Fast Approaching
Wedding Fast Approaching
I don't think I like holidays anymore!!!!
I still can't believe it's over and I'm home !!!
So so so so Ready!!!!
One week Woooo---hoooo!!!!
One week and 2 days to go!!!
