My tracker

Event                   Date          Weight    Loss/Gain   Total Loss/Gain

1st Appt            06/01/07        274
Surgery             09/06/07        260        -14                      -14
1st Fill               10/15/07        260            0                      -14
2nd Fill              10/29/07        257          -3                      -17

How I Started

Sep 16, 2007

I don't know that I really ever blogged about my journey toward WLS, so I figured I'd add it now.  It was a real hassle in the beginning, but proved to pay off.

My battle started in February when I called different doctors and asked about RNY.  I found those that accepted my insurance and there were two in the metro that were candidates to perform my bypass.  Gornichec & Keith.  Both of whom had wonderful reputations and whom I researched thoroughly.  In my research, I would recommend both doctors to anyone.

However, when I mentioned to my PCP that I was considering this and wanted his support, he was adamant in stating that I could NOT have bypass, due to my Crohn's and that he would not sit idly by and watch me make a fatal mistake.  I discussed my research with him and he said "talk to your GI doc and talk to the surgeons.  Let them tell you their opinions of Crohn's and RNY".

So, I did.  I went to GI doc and he didn't agree with WLS at all.  Wouldn't necessarily see a problem with Crohn's & RNY, but that any WLS is dangerous and that he hears of fatalities all the time and that I should "diet".  I disregarded his comments, as I knew that he, clearly, was set in his ways and wasn't going to support me on either decision.

Then, I contacted both surgeons.  Dr. Gornichec was an adamant "no", I will not bypass a patient with Crohn's.  He explained the reasons and that was that.  I was contacted by Dr. Keith's office and was told "we don't rule out the bypass on Crohn's patients".  

I trust my PCP more than anyone else in this world, so I knew that after my discussion with him and both surgeons, that Dr. Gornichec was going to have my best interest at hand.  That's why I chose him.  But, that being said, I still couldn't have RNY, and I most certainly wasn't going to have LapBand, as I already failed at a band surgery 9 years ago.

So, I quit thinking about WLS.  It wasn't meant for me.

In May, I went back to my GI doctor and had my bi-annual colonoscopy to check my Crohn's and see it's progression.  As consistent, I was told I had  "indeterminate Crohn's" and it was mild to moderate.  I decided to contact Dr. Gornichec again and ask about this.  

June 1, I made an appointment with him. I pleaded with him..."'s indeterminate...that doesn't mean anything, right?"  I asked him if this still disqualified me.  He wanted to run his own tests.  Those, he stated, showed that I had Crohn's.  Verified.  LapBand or nothing.  He strongly encouraged me to go to a seminar so I could learn more about LapBand and get the "myths" out of my mind. 

Dr. Gornichec wanted to know why my previous WLS had failed, so he required me to have an EGD in order to determine whether it was a "bad" surgery or behavioral.  Fortunately, it wasn't a behavioral issue, but rather my pouch was made too big, so Dr. G agreed to take me on as a band patient.  I was hesitant, but I agreed.

I went to a seminar and after listening to him dispell myths for a couple hours, decided that LapBand wasn't the enemy.  Dr. Gornichec wasn't the enemy.  My PCP wasn't the enemy.  I had to face the realization that having the bypass while having a Crohn's diagnosis could be fatal.  Period.

So, in August, I had completed my Crohn's testing, my EGD, my pre-op testing, two seminars (I took my husband to one of them), my psych consult, completed my Emmi support videos, went to 2-3 support groups, paid my $300,  received my letters from PCP and insurance, and followed-up with the cardiologist after some of  the pre-op testing came back 'questionable'.  I was scheduled my date.

Do I still wish I had RNY?  Sure...but I'd rather see my kids graduate from high school, so I went with the LapBand.  Do I regret choosing Dr. Gornichec?  Not on your life.  He was the only doctor who told me "no, you can't have it".   Although it wasn't what I wanted to hear, it was what I needed to hear...and he had my well-being in his best interest (not his financial gain).  

This is a hard battle.  I won't sugar-coat anything and say it's an easy process, but I'm really glad I have my band.  And, I'm really glad I chose Dr. Gornichec as my surgeon.  He & his staff have truly been flexible, receptive, patient, and kind with my questions & excessive phone calls. 

For anyone who reads this, please keep in mind that approval for WLS is a long journey, but so worth it in the end.  Keep your chin up and your hopes high.  And, most importantly, trust your doctors.  They know best.

1 week post-op

Sep 13, 2007


...well, it's not as exciting as I would've hoped, as I'm still massively hungry, but am finding it almost entertaining to see how many days in a row I can go without eating something of substance.

Between the pre & post-op diets, I've made a couple of adjustments.

No more yogurt 
No more pudding
No more cottage cheese (have to wait for "mushy" stage for these)

I've also learned that even though it can fit through a straw, doesn't mean I should be having it.  Pumpkin is too fiberous.  Not knowing what I'm allowed and not allowed (despite the consistency), I'm keeping myself limited to protein drinks, broth, SF jello, and popsicles.   Oh, occasionally, I'll have a strained cream of mushroom (or chicken) soup, but that's only happened a couple times.

I'm still in the bathroom 8-10 times a day with diarrhea.  I've heard people say "liquids in, liquids out", but it makes me wonder how much nutrition I'm getting if nothing is staying in me.  It seems I'll eat something and less than 20 minutes later, I'm ridding myself of it (sorry, gross, I know). 

I lost 14 pounds from my first consult with Dr. Gornichec until day of surgery.  I have no idea if I've lost any more (although, I still feel swollen, so I doubt it)

I'm not yet back at work, although I feel that I could go back.  I hesitate calling Dr. Gornichec's office to ask permission to go back early, as they're very busy and I don't want to appear to be a pest.  

My 2-week appointment with Dr. Gornichec is next Wednesday.  I'll be glad to see him and ask questions that I was too forgetful to ask while I was in the hospital.  Hopefully at that time, he'll promote me to "mushies".

I can't remember a time in my life when I looked forward to eating a scrambled egg as much as I do now.


Day 9 & 10

Sep 05, 2007

That's it...I'm done!

Tomorrow is the big day.  I'm still nervous about my surgeon opening me up, checking it out, seeing too much prior damage, and halting the surgery.  I know at this point there's nothing I can do to change that.  I followed my pre-op diet to a T.  I was compliant about everything he requested.

It is in God's hands now.

The last two days have been simpler.  I can definitely see the light at the end of the tunnel.  I started eating cottage cheese again when I discovered Lactaid.  Who know the stuff actually works?!?

Day 9 calories carbs protein
EAS protein shake 110 2 17
SF Jello Cup 10 0 0
FF Yogurt 100 19 5
Classic Tomato Soup 140 31 3
chicken broth 44 2 2
popsicle 50 13 0
FF Cottage Cheese 80 7 14
orange juice 110 27 2
8 oz sweet tea 90 23 0
totals 734 124 43
Day 10
EAS protein shake 110 2 17
FF Yogurt 100 19 5
Classic Tomato Soup 140 31 3
chicken broth 44 2 2
SF Pudding Cup 60 13 2
orange juice 110 27 2
FF Cottage Cheese 80 7 14
8 oz sweet tea 90 23 0
734 124 45

In 12 hours, I'll be rolling back to the operating room.  In 14 hours, I assume it will be over, and in 16 hours, I'll know if I'm a true bandster.

I'll keep you posted!  Thanks for the support and encouragement!


Day 6, 7, & 8

Sep 03, 2007

Almost finished...pre-op, that is

The last three days (the long weekend) have been easier than I expected.  I went to the fair on Friday night, and it didn't seem to bother me too much that I couldn't eat "fair food".  I talked myself out of eating cotton candy, even though in my mind, I could justify it being a liquid (you know how it melts in your mouth).  Anyway, while the kids ate funnel cakes and snow cones, I drank my Dasani.

This was my weekend menu...

Day 6 calories carbs protein
EAS Protein Shake 110 2 17
SF Yogurt 100 19 5
Split Pea Soup 180 27 10
Protein powder 51 0 12
powerade 60 17 0
Creamy Chicken Soup 130 13 4
SF Jello 10 0 0
641 78 48
Day 7
Orange Juice 165 39 3
cream of wheat 100 19 3
protein powder 51 0 12
1 T syrup 45 15 0
SF snocone 200 5 0
Creamy Chicken Soup 130 13 4
Cottage Cheese x2 160 14 28
natural applesauce 50 12 0
8 oz sweet tea 90 23 0
991 140 50
Day 8
orange juice 110 27 2
whey protein shake 130 6 22
1/2 banana 72 19 1
FF Cottage Cheese 80 7 14
natural applesauce 50 12 0
SF rice pudding 90 14 4
cream of mushroom soup 100 9 1
popsicle 50 13 0
682 107 44

I feel unbearably good, despite the few calories & carbs that my body is used to.  I slept a lot over the weekend, as I'm finding that when I can't eat palatable food, I just want to hibernate to avoid the situation.  I know it's really sad that food has had such an impact in my life, but it's time to realize that I didn't get to my weight had it not.

My surgery is in 3 days.  Two more days of liquid and then hopefully, I'll be rid of this dire hunger that seems to control me.  I'm ready to be banded.


Day 4 & Day 5

Aug 31, 2007

Half Way Home

I'm halfway done with my 10-day preop diet, yet am coming upon a 3-day weekend.  I decided to try a new food today that was so horrible, it made my 9 year old cry when I dared him to take a bite.  

I grabbed some Campbell's split pea & ham soup.  I mixed it with a can of water and blended it until it was creamy.  I added 1 Tbsp of Egg White protein powder, which I assumed wouldn't have a taste, since there's no sugar added.  It was dreadful.  In order to help the taste, I added some tobasco & soy kept getting worse.  At one point, I realized that I needed to stop inventing and just suck it down...which I did.  

My face was nearly as green as the soup by the time I was done, but my husband sat by with a popsicle in hand to reward me (and to get the taste out of my mouth).  Thank Heavens for great husbands!!

So, my diets for today and yesterday were...

Day 4 calories carbs protein
EAS Protein Shake 110 2 17
SF Jello Cup 10 0 0
Orange Juice 220 54 3
Cream of Wheat 100 19 3
SF Yogurt 100 19 5
Potato Soup 160 21 2
popsicle 50 13 0
Isopure Shake 90 3 20
totals: 840 131 50
Day 5
Whey Protein Shake 130 6 22
SF Jello Cup 10 0 0
Cream of Wheat 100 19 3
Tomato Soup 140 31 3
Green Pea Soup w/protein pwdr 140 14 29
popsicle 50 13 0
1 T sugar 15 0
570 98 57

Time to sign off and go to bed.  I'll see everyone in the morning at the support group!

Day 3 of 10

Aug 29, 2007

 I'm getting there...

So, today was "food day" at work.  You know...the day where one or two people will coordinate with the department for a HUGE potluck.  Tons of dishes brought in.  Everyone gorges.

I sat with my bottle of Minute Maid Orange Juice and thought, "I'm going to win this battle".

Today was much easier.  After getting reassurance from the nurse coordinator at my surgeon's office, she helped me find some foods that I could eat without disrupting my stomach.  For the first time today, I felt like I was getting a little closer to my goals.

Today I ate...
                                        calories      carbs        protein
V8 70 15 3
SF Pudding Cup 60 13 2
EAS Protein Shake 110 2 17
SF Jello Cup 10 0 0
Orange Juice 220 54 3
Cream of Wheat 100 19 3
SF Fudgsicle 80 19 3
Creamy Chicken Soup 130 13 4
SF Jello Cup 10 0 0
Whey Protein Shake 130 6 22
920 141 57

Tomorrow will continue to be better.  I would be lying if I didn't say this was hard, but I know this is the path I need to be on in order to get my weight under control.

Have a great night!

Day 2 of 10

Aug 28, 2007

This doesn't make sense!

I don't understand this pre-op mess I'm in.  No matter what I try to eat, I'm eating the wrong amounts of my foods.

First of all, I'm not that crazy about sweets, so the fact that I'm encouraged to eat Jello, pudding, yogurt, popsicles, protein shakes (which are sweet), etc. is really becoming a challenge.  

Secondly, I'm lactose intolerant.  The pudding, yogurt, cottage cheese, and other dairy foods are driving my tummy CRAZY!  I just don't get it.  Are these really my only choices?

So today, I eat...
EAS protein shake  110 cal; 2 carb; 17 pro
SF pudding cup  60 cal; 13 carb; 2 pro
SF Jello cup  10 cal; 0 carb; 0 pro
SF Yogurt  100 cal; 19 carb; 5 pro
tomato soup  140 cal; 31 carb; 3 pro
1/2 c. cottage cheese 80 cal; 7 carb; 14 pro
2 c. broth (ramen) 44 cal; 2 carb; 2 pro
popsicle  50 cal; 13 carb; 0 pro

Totals:  594 cal; 87 carb; 43 pro

I'm really trying to get the hang of this pre-op diet, and I'm not dying to eat more or anything.  It's just that I don't see choices that are viable or palatable.  I'd just as soon sip on water all day and go to bed hungry than have the cramps and diarrhea that I have due to the excess dairy.

Day 1 of 10

Aug 27, 2007

"I think I can.  I think I can.  I think I can"
The Little Engine That Could

Today was day one of my 10-day to Success Pre-op diet.  I had my "last supper" last night at Joe's Crab Shack and at 11:00 p.m., I thought "I have one more hour to gorge".  Well, I was a good girl and I stayed in bed...and tossed...and turned...and despite my intent 10:00 p.m. fall asleep schedule, I didn't doze until after 2:00 a.m.  Go figure.

I woke up this morning with my son sitting in my room telling me that he wasn't feeling very well.  Going into my "healer mode", I threw a piece of bread in the toaster and while it toasted, I took my morning meds.  When I heard it pop up, I grabbed it and took a bite before handing it to my son.

EGAD!  What have I just done?!?  I just cheated on my 10-day diet before I even ate anything right!!


So, I make my morning protein shake and head to work with my lunch sack packed with pre-op diet crap...err...I  I did great at work.  Drank 3 bottles of water (16.9 oz), one being flavored with that packet of stuff, the other two plain.

Lunch was EAS protein drink, SF jello, SF pudding, and for a snack I had yogurt. It's a lot of sweet stuff...and I'm not that crazy about sweets, but I kept my eye on the  heck no...COTTAGE CHEESE for dinner!

Anyway, got home from work and so my husband could finish his homework, I offered to pick up my son from his cooking class (Young Chef Academy).  Could I have done anything harder?  Gee whiz...they were making ricotta/parsley stuffed homemade ravioli tonight...and they always make enough so the parents can taste their kids' concoctions. 

I sat in my corner and smelled the goodness.  I was worried that my skin was absorbing this not-so-low-carb, definitely-not--on-Dr.-Gornichec's-10-day-plan and despite my mouth staying shut, I worried that I was cheating for the second time in day one.  When I got home, I took a shower to wash off the ravioli smell that was in my hair and on my skin and ate my cottage cheese.

So, for today, my food consumption was...

Whey Protein Shake = 130 cal; 6 carb; 22 pro
EAS Protein Drink = 110 cal; 2 carb; 17 pro
SF Jello Cup = 10 cal; 0 carb; 0 pro
SF Pudding Cup = 60 cal; 13 carb; 2 pro
SF Yogurt = 100 cal; 19 carb; 5 pro
FF Cottage Cheese = 80 cal; 7 carb; 14 pro
Chicken Broth = 24 cal; 4 carbs; 2 pro
Cream of Mushroom soup = 250 cal; 22 carbs; 3 pro
SF Pudding Cup = 60 cal; 13 carb; 2 pro

Totals:   824 cal; 86 carb; 67 pro

My goals were <1400 calories; 140-150 carbs; 40-50 protein

Okay, I think I'll have to refigure this out for tomorrow, as I didn't do very well with my numbers.

Maybe I can credit that bite of toast for the remainder of my carbs

All this crazy pre-op junk

Aug 14, 2007

Wow...who knew I'd be spending so much time in different doctor's offices just to get ready to my walk on the other side.  I had no idea so much would be required.  

Don't get me wrong...I'd rather my surgeon be overly cautious than not cautious enough, but when someone is as anxious as I am, the appointment waiting sure can be frustrating.

Fortunately, today I had my cardiologist appointment.  If I understand my scheduling-coordinator correctly, this is the last that I need clear before I can schedule a date.  After waiting nearly a month for my cardiologist appointment, I expected that the stress test he would order would take another month or so.  What a delight to learn that he had an opening for Thursday (day after tomorrow).

That being said, I'm getting there...inch by inch...and hopefully will have my date by the end of the month.  That's my first short-term goal...just to get a date.  Afterall, I have my approval from insurance, other pre-surgical testing came out okay, and my health is overall a-ok.

*raising my protein shake*  Here's to Thursday!  I'll keep you posted!

About Me
Edmond, OK
Surgery Date
Jul 11, 2007
Member Since

Friends 19

Latest Blog 10
My tracker
How I Started
1 week post-op
Day 9 & 10
Day 6, 7, & 8
Day 4 & Day 5
Day 3 of 10
Day 2 of 10
Day 1 of 10
All this crazy pre-op junk
