Laxative?? GROSS!!!

Oct 02, 2007

Fleet Phospho-sodal oral solution is BY FAR the nastiest thing I've ever had in my mouth...and I've had a lot of nasty things in my mouth, so I know what I'm talking about. This is ... comparable, but worse than ocean water!! It is highly carbonated and salty and BLECH!!!!!

I got acrylic toe nails! It feels weird!  I'm not too impressed, I don't like the pink stripe, I'm contemplating taking off the polish and redoing it myself. I went to the mall today with my friend Sabrina and had to watch her eat a Chick-fil-A meal :( It wasn't too bad but still torture. I'm officially on clear liquids now- I have to drink lots of water tonight but nothing after 3am. I have to drink another thing of shit in a bottle at 5. I have about one drink left of this bottle. I'm pretty good and doing shots and stuff but this stuff is impossible. I gag the moment it hits my tongue, and I have to swallow like 3 times, sort of like tequila when it comes up. Oooo Margaritas anyone? I'll spike yours with this shit in a bottle. LOL

It's 2 am, do you know where your kids are???

Sep 26, 2007

So... the time is 2:28 am and here I am... oddly enough I went to bed at 9:30, spent some quality time with the husband, heh... and was asleep by 10:30. WHY AM I UP?? I tried so hard to fall back asleep quickly before my body gets omg starving hungry... but too late. Grrrrrrrrr.

So yesterday was the very first day since the beginning of my 2 week pre op diet that I stuck to it perfectly. Well, I'm not going to say perfectly because I had a few ounces too much of dairy and protien, but I didn't do ANY carbs beyond fruit.  So I did great and that feels great! We also went walking on the bike path by the river... It was a lot of fun! I'm so glad we did that. Also, I got my heart rate up to where it needed to be. We did that for about 45 minutes and plan to do it again tonight. Poor Sadie was scared of the sound of the cars going over the bridge when we were directly under it... which is odd, she's not one of those scared and jittery dogs at ALL- she wanted me to hold her so I looked like a goon speed walking, holding a 16 lb. dog in a pink old navy t-shirt. LOL. But hey I got some extra exercise out of her body weight!

We went grocery shopping yesterday and spent way too much money. Ugh. Eating healthier is sooooo much more expensive. I did get some foods though that will make sticking to the diet easier than the mundane chicken breast and broccoli twice a day. For example I got one of those marinated turkey breasts and it was cut it to strips already, fajita style... I put a little bit over a huge ass romaine and baby spinach and a ton of shredded carrots. It felt SO good to finally have my stomach filled somewhat and not be starving. Tomorrow I'm going to really try to get three protien drinks in. I found the key is to get it REALLY COLD- and the only way I can think to do that is after mixing it, put it in the freezer.. well yesterday I forgot about it and it got hard as a rock.

Oooo also I forgot that the dietician wanted me to start B Complex daily with my 2 week pre op diet... I finally got it last night. But I was reading it and it said it helps turn food into energy- so I'm hoping this is all I need to start feeling better with this very very limited caloric intake.

.......4 hours until I take my meds, and all I gotta say is Claritin "24" does NOT last the full 24!

Edited to add: I went to my surgeon's office on Tuesday to weigh in- 265.5! That is BAD! My initial consult in June was 264.4, and my consult last week was 263. I cannot gain a single ounce! After eating "well" (albeit not perfectly) for over a week, I really expected more weight loss. I went home and busted my butt... but as I was sweating my cajones off I realized "Its water weight! Your husband did not give you your meds over the weekend and you are retaining water!!!!" ... and sure enough I went back yesterday and I am 262.5. YAY! And I am exercising better and my eating is getting better and better by the day.... I hope my official pre op weight is in the 250's! Even if it's 259!

This is my last Wednesday....

Sep 26, 2007


Haha so the attempt at blogging my exercise is NOT going well. We did however do good with the walking, somewhat. We went 4 out of 7 days. This week I already missed Monday so now I have to for sure stay ontop of things.

The thing I'm having the biggest problem with is getting my heart rate up... I just want to leisurly walk! When I try to walk hard I forget and end up going slow LOL. I sweat a ton though! 

Yesterday I went to the surgeon's office to weigh in for my own sake- and im UP two lbs.! They will cancel my surgery if I gain any weight, 263 or under is what I need to stay afloat! I was told that the 'bowel cleansing' alone will get rid of some lbs, but I don't want to rely on that! EEK!

My mom brought me some chicken salad so that'll be a nice change from the chicken breast/broccoli combo. *sigh*....... ONE WEEK!

I cant

Sep 17, 2007

Oooooh why can't I sleep? I took a 45 minute nap tonight, but exercised for a half hour... Also no caffeine since Saturday! I'm pretty sure it's nerves- these pre op appointments are really making me realize how real this is. Which is a good thing! Today I had two appointments but tomorrow I have four. And they're the more important ones as well. (Surgeon Consult, Rec Therapist, Dept. Head and Dietician)... And it's 1:06 am! That's super late for me, I'm usually asleep by 9:30 LOL.

I've also been getting really really hungry in the middle of the night, to the point where it wakes me up. I don't know why? That's only been happening for the past few nights. And when I get hungry I get heartburn and it makes me not want to eat.

Exercise Blog 9/16/07

Sep 17, 2007

Intro: I'm going to *try* to log my exercise on here. That way when It's time to turn in my paper log to my physical therapist I'll be ready! We'll see how well I do :) 

Walked to and around the cemetery with Ben and Sadie. He insists that I walk on the sidewalk but he is a sidewalk hog! And Sadie gets in my way. My goal was to walk 2-3 minutes at a time up to a "level 5-6" of exertion, working my way up to 10 minutes. I did better than I thought although keeping a pace is difficult.
We walked a total of 30 minutes, I would say 20 of those minutes were a level 5, 2 or 3 minutes being a 6 and the remaining stopping to catch my breath. My leg did well- I think the key is wearing tennis shoes and NOT sandals! This is not vacation! My side started to hurt about 20 minutes in. I did great not downing water when I got home... sip sip sip!
So much for not washing my hair everyday.. If I'm going to sweat like this I'm going to HAVE to! I'm thinking about chopping it off.....and dying it brown.....Ben likes it like that, plus It'd be cool to see it get longer and lighter as I lose weight. It's so icky right now, all dried out and breaking at the ends. I was thinking a cute chin length, maybe stacked in the back. Thoughts?

Physical Therapist and Pharmacist

Sep 17, 2007

I met my new favorite person at the bariatric center. The Pharmacist, Leslie is a hoot! She had me crackin up the whole time. I got all of my medicines supplements, and a handy little pill crusher.

I got....

NU-IRON - 150mg/ 30 days once daily (noon), start 4 weeks after surgery
Calcitrate + D- Take 2 tabs twice daily in AM and at supper. Start 4 weeks after surgery.
Vitamin B12 500 MCG- take one tablet once daily, start 4 weeks after surgery.
Children's Chewable Cerovite Jr (animal shaped!) 1 tablet once/day starting immediately after hospital.

And she thinks that I might be able to discontinue my blood pressure medicines immediately! YES! I hate them with a passion, so many nasty side effects. Also, that means I'll be able to tan once again!

Then I met with the physical therapist, just to kind of see what my strength and endurance is. Since I take beta blockers, she couldn't get an accurate read, but my physical condition is "Fair-Average", which for an overweight person is really good. I got an "aerobic prescription", I have to work myself to "moderate" 30 minutes per day, 5 times per week. Now it won't make eating well sound so bad! LOL

I'm really proud of myself. I was going to get a couple double cheeseburgers from mcdonald's on my way home from the hospital. But I knew I had a big fat lean chicken breast and a huge heap of broccoli waiting for me at work. Thank you God for the strength to choose what is healthier for my body. I hope I can continue to do this.

Food shopping?

Sep 16, 2007

Shopping is cheap when you know that you'll be able to eat anything! I totally need guidance, and can't wait for my appt. on Tuesday with the dietician. I really want to get a head start because I don't want to be eating free for all (Like Applebee's last night and Azteca today for lunch)to eating nothing... lol. Easy to want to diet when you're not hungry.
But I did get a few things that will hopefully help me. I was told that Crystal Lite was OK so I got the Walmart Brand of it,Fruit Punch flavor. Not the packets but there are little tubs inside of a big tub, I think one makes 2Q which is a pitcher I believe? Lord give me the strength to not flavor it with sugar, that would *really* be beyond the point here....
Also I bought no sugar added pudding cups.... Chicken breasts (thats all I can think of to eat!!!)...and ummmm I think that's it! Oh I bought a sippy cup and that sure does help ya slow down.. I'm probably going to break it because I'm sucking on it so hard just to get a little bit of water out of it. I'm so amazed that you can't spill though, I suppose that's why It's so great for kids!

I knocked my potted mum off of the staircase shelf and I had to vaccuum the stairs- what a backbreaking chore that is! I broke out the dust buster but it was like using a child's toy, it was just kind of moving the dirt around lol.

I heard the Magic Bullet is a life saver for after surgery, so I was able to redeem a Bed Bath and Beyond Gift Card through a reward program thing at work that I had points built up for, and I also have a 20% off coupon for BBB, so It'll be nice that it won't be an additional expense. I also want the blender bottle from the bariatric eating website sooooo bad! I looked for something like it at walmart and there isn't anything even close!

Here fishy fishy

Sep 16, 2007

I'm SO proud of myself. It started today when we went grocery shopping and got next to nothing because I couldn't eat anything that we normally do, but I made a FABULOUS dinner!

Now we aren't adventurous eaters, but we decided to try Tilapia fish filets, unbreaded. We're not really fish eaters at all, so it's just really exciting to find a food that is healthy that we will enjoy.

-garlic mashed potatoes, just a tiny bit!(probably .25 cup)
-broccoli, califlour and carrot mix. A LOT. I know after surgery I won't be able to eat a lot (by a lot I think it was like 2 cups!) but having a normal sized stomach I had to fill up on something, so I figured the most healthy thing would be ideal.

I feel great! I also found a website that had a post op sample menu. I am relieved that it looks normal. I think the hardest part for me, and I've said this since the beginning, is the liquids. Sipping, for one- although the sippy cup helps, but mostly drinking with meals. That's how I get pretty much all of my liquids for the day! When I was really concentrating on getting 100oz. of water per day, I was just eating really spicy foods LOL but it worked! Plus I just get really thirsty when I eat.

All in time I will learn! I'm just super happy/relieved/proud of myself about dinner. Since we had Azteca today I wasn't going to hold myself to healthy until tomorrow, but if I started a night early, that must be a good sign? I'm not interested in a 'last supper' in the least.

Off to make Crystal Lite! I hope the walmart brand is good lol

I've got the BLAHS

Sep 15, 2007

I've been so BLAH all day. Not sure if it's because it's just been a while since I've had a day off of work or if I'm exhausted from all of these emotions that have been running through me. I'm definitely not having second thoughts about surgery, but now that the insurance has gone through it's getting so real- I get upset when I think about the foods that I won't be able to eat again. I'm supposed to be trying a low carb diet right now until my meeting with the dietician on Tuesday, my formal pre op diet begins on Wednesday the 19th, for two weeks until my surgery on the 3rd. Then my lifelong diet begins. I just feel like I don't have enough education about low/no carb high protien. Out of all the diets I've done, nothing with low carb has ever interested me because I know that just about everything has carbs in it. So I guess I just need some ideas on what to eat in the meantime. I'm guessing the beer battered fish and fries and blueberry muffins that I had for dinner were the opposite of low carb. All I can think of is chicken breasts. Lord help me to keep an open mind and do what I need to do to nourish my body in a healthy way!!!
I need to find a good website that will tell me what to do with these three weeks prior to my surgery. I'd like to get really good before pictures and measurements. Since OH is so public, I'll probably post most of my WLS things here. Since this is pretty much my life (and has been since March), I'm not going to make a filter but I'll lj cut my posts with pictures or sensitive material. I'm begging you guys not to report me to those stupid snarking communities. If you don't want to be my friend anymore I'll understand, but if you do.... well ya know I love ya ;)

I know it's going to be all worth it in the end. Someone posted a survey on OH asking if they'd do it all over again and hundreds of people said yes. It's just scary to think about. If I could be even half of as strong and determined that I was to get this appeal approved, I'll be successful. I know that the key is surrounding myself with people that love and care about me, and know that I have to love myself in order to get healthy.

I can't sleep!

Sep 12, 2007

I'm not going to be able to take three weeks of the OMG IM SO EXCITED I CANT SLEEP!!!!!
Seriously. Its 4 something. My mind is racing!

About Me
Davenport, IA
Surgery Date
Mar 12, 2007
Member Since

Friends 125

Latest Blog 23
Laxative?? GROSS!!!
It's 2 am, do you know where your kids are???
This is my last Wednesday....
I cant
Exercise Blog 9/16/07
Physical Therapist and Pharmacist
Food shopping?
Here fishy fishy
I've got the BLAHS
I can't sleep!
