Post-Op Ramblings

May 20, 2008

I decided that it is time to finally update my profile. I have been reading posts for months but never took the time to update my own.

I had my lap rny on April 30th. I have to say that it was a much different experience than I anticipated. My surgery was uneventful. I had minimal pain and was able to get out of bed and walk shortly after recovery. What I did not expect was to feel so nauseated. Ohmygosh...the morning after surgery I vomited old blood and even though I heaved only three or four times, it was more violently than I can remember ever experiencing before. I felt almost immediate buyer's remorse. What had I done?

I was released Friday morning. By Sunday morning I was out for a drive and a little shopping with my husband. No pain meds at all by Sunday and feeling well enough that I chewed on a small piece of beef jerky. (Yes, I did! I spit it out without swallowing any of it but the point is, no nausea. I will say, though, that I was concerned about how successful I would be if I continued this type of behaviour.)

I went back to work on Tuesday evening and worked my entire shift and my regular schedule for the rest of the week. Not one person at work knows that I had surgery at all. I love having this secret. I doubt that anyone will even notice until I have lost a significant amount of weight and since I have so far to go, that may take several months to accomplish. 

Tomorrow I will be exactly three weeks out. I have lost 22 pounds. So far, I have had no problems with food. I try to follow my doctor's eating plan pretty closely. I am not quite up to the requirements for fluids or protein but I continue to improve daily. I crave MEAT, which is surprising to me since I was never a big meat-eater before. I also am craving peppers and tomatoes. I have to keep reminding myself that I will be able to eat these things at some point down the road, otherwise I get pretty bummed out. The buyer's remorse comes and goes, but I know that I did the right thing to have this surgery.

information overload!

Jan 18, 2008

OK...I am a little scared now. When I first began actively using the OH website a couple of weeks ago, I was amazed at the volume of information, advice and support. Like an addict, I began logging in to my account first thing in the morning and multiple times during the day to check out the forums. What started as a means to feel some comeradery and support turned into a full-blown obsession. Yikes!
I have a long wait before my surgery date...too long. Reading various well-meaning posts, I have already questioned my decision to pursue this means of losing weight. Did I chose the right WLS? Do I understand the risks? Am I totally informed of the actual procedure that my surgeon performs? Do I tell everyone or keep it private? Do I really need to saturate my brain with all of the "what ifs"?
The most important advice that I have gleaned from this website is that I should not expect my experience to mirror anyone else's. WLS is very individual. I have studied the procedure, weighed the risks, considered the success of others, chosen an excellent surgeon. I am ready to move forward.
I will now take my cue from a blog by Vicki In A Clamshell...she basically said that she was choosing to take a break from her OH compulsion and start concentrating more on living her life. (Thanks for that blog...I am sooo in agreement with you!)
It is great to have this website as a tool and I will continue to check in from time to time but I also feel that my purpose is to LIVE MY LIFE. I hope that my RNY will further enable me to be as active as I want to be. I want to be free, not shackled to a computer or trapped inside of my home.

watching paint dry

Jan 06, 2008

After months of trying, I was finally approved for my RNY in December...Yay! Thank you BCBS of MN! 

I have a great surgeon who is extremely busy and the earliest I could be scheduled was April 30th. The wait is excruciating! I am excited, nervous, climbing the everyone who is waiting for this surgery, I want it NOW. 

Part of me is afraid of failing. I imagine sometimes that I have the surgery but find out that I am the exception...the person who doesn't lose weight even after an RNY. I'm not afraid of complications (like death, for example). I'm just afraid of being stuck in this fat body for the rest of my unhealthy life.

About Me
Surgery Date
Mar 09, 2007
Member Since

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Post-Op Ramblings
information overload!
watching paint dry
