 My name is Samantha Smith I am 32 years old and I am soooo glad I had the gastric bypass surgery.  My story begins by me being a perfectly normal teenage girl weighing around 145lbs when I graduated from High school.  Everything was pretty much good woth my weight before that except I have a condition called psuto tumor ceribri and that made my weight fluctuate up and down with the fluid.  After I got married I gained a little which is also normal, then I gained a little more after the first child and I lost it all but then started gaining agian and tried different wieght loss clinics and so forth, I would loose weight but then gain it right back and then some once I stopped the diet pills. By the time I had my second son I was up to around 250 lbs. THE MOST I HAD EVER WEIGHED IN MY LIFE!!!!!!! I was so unhappy with myself and everything and everyone around me. I started having gallbladder problems, went to see a surgeon about removing it and on that day I had a wake-up call.  The surgeon looked me right in the face and told me I was so big for my height that there was now way he would operate on me.  He made me feel like CRAP!!! I was so upset with myself when I left his office. How did I let myself go so fast? I made up my mind. I was going to make the outside of me look like the person trapped inside felt. I didnt feel like I was over weight but It was obvious every time I went shopping for myself.  The clothes looked really good on the hanger but horrible on my big around as tall body. My sister had the gastric bypass surgery a year or to before and I decided to make an appointment with the same doctor.  I had my first visit in October of 2006 and on Feb. 12,2007 I had my surgery. I had some complications in the beginning and I have a problem keeping my blood sugar right.(It likes to drop on me sometimes) But all in all it was worth it. So my message to everyone who is debating on having the surgery ask yourself one question.
Do you want live the rest your life feeling depressed and unhappy or do you want to feel good about yourself and  do something for you for once in your life? Dont be afraid of change, its all worth it in the end!!!

About Me
clarkesville, GA
Oct 12, 2007
Member Since

Friends 6
