Hello Beeeeechez!~

Aug 14, 2009

I am a BIg FAT LOSER!~


I remember waking up from surgery 3 days ago and thinking to myself "Is it too late to reconsider?"  Then the pain hit me and YEP too late!~  LOL  I am not going to sugar coat it....It HURT.  It hurt BAD.  But it didn't hurt that long.  The pain meds are great and the nursing staff is there to help.  The first time I got up to go to the bathroom I thought I would scream.  After that I made it a habit to walk the corridor every time I got up to pee.  When I got back to my room I would sit on the edge of the bed, blow into my "lung exercisor" and hit my pain pump button.  It made getting back in bed a LOT easier.

Every time I walked I felt better and hurt less.  It wasn't until day 2 that I started trying to drink water.  The only time I got sick was when they tried to feed me liquid painkillers.  Oh dear GAWD!  LOL  My Dr said it was OK for me to have pills.  So far I am handling them just great.

I came home a day late because I needed extra oxygen.  The docs think I am just taking longer than normal to recover from the anesthesia, so I was sent home on oxygen.

Things are great here, though.  I do not feel hungry.  I do not feel sick.  I barely feel any pain at all 3 days out.  If it weren't for this oxygen and my scars I would question the reality of the last few days.  LOL

Dr visit

Jul 21, 2009

Last week I went to see my GI doctor.  I told him I was going to have gastric bypass surgery and he looked at me and said "But you are only 229lbs".  He acted like I was a super model complaining about a few ounces.  It aggravated me because he had just finished telling me that the condition of my liver was so bad that if I didn't lose weight I had a 1 in 4 chance of dying of liver disease.

Besides....I don't think the struggle with weight is any different no matter how large or small you are. 

My Story

Jul 21, 2009

 I am 45, married to my soulmate and a Mother of 2, non-LDS.

I guess I am pretty much like everyone else.  I started out fat and other than a few brief moments where I was thin....I got fatter.  I have struggled with my weight my whole life and I have had enough.  It's time to do something different.  They say the definition of insanity is "doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result."  You would think that after the 100th diet  (I have been on diets since the age of 9) I would learn that diets don't work.  But no.  I always believed the failure was mine.  I had in fact dieted my way up to 258 pounds.  Well, to be honest...around 240 pounds I gave up and decided to stay fat.  LOL

It wasn't until I attended a SWL class that I began to have hope again.  Even after the class I was hesitant to believe.  It wasn't until my health problems got out of control that I decided to take action.  I have anlylosing spodilitis  (My spine is fusing together), psoriatic arthritis (a type of arthritis that effects my skin and joints), PCOS, NASH, sleep apnea and most recently....Type II Diabetes.  Of all these co-morbid and weight aggrivated coinditions, the one that sent me back to Dr Cottam was the Diabetes diagnosis.  My Grandmother had her legs amputated shortly before she died and I don't want that to happen to me.

So far I have completed all my paperwork and I have my insurance approval.  Now I am just waiting for a surgery date.  I am going to have the lap RNY GB as Dr Cottam doesn't do the DS.   Hopefully soon I will be posting before and after pics!~  Wooohoo

About Me
Roy, UT
Surgery Date
Jul 16, 2009
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