just a note

Feb 20, 2011

Well its been 4 days since surgery and I have lost a total of 20 lbs in 2 months.  I am feeling better today, the first few days were an omg experience.  I had never had surgery before didnt know what to expect, I guess I thought that all would be good and would have been doing things for myself the next day..... wake up call...hubby had to even help me sit down to go potty.  I still havent slept thru the night keep waking up as i turn over, hopefully I will get over this soon....been wanting to try cream of wheat in my diet but hub says no that its too soon to do so and  he wants to be home when I eat this stuff incase something goes wrong like getting stuck....he is good to me I guess I couldnt ask for a better person to be with me in the trials ahead but sometimes I still would like to try something on my own.


About Me
Feb 18, 2011
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