My story, WOW, it is an amazing testimonial of God's plan for my life. I have not always been OBESE, but I have always been heavier than my friends. Starting in college, my weight really started going crazy. After 3 children, in 5 years, I would say that I was miserable. I love my children and running them here and there took all my energy. I have tried all types of diets and lifestyle changes to help with my weight-loss, but I kept gaining it all back.

I was teaching Sunday School in January, when God really convicted me to take action. The lesson I was teaching was about your body is a temple. I have definitely not treated my body as a temple. So I started having conversations with God about His will for my life. I had mentioned WLS with my husband in the past and he was not supportive (he thought I should be able to loose on my own)
So in my conversations I was honest and open and asked God to show my the will He had for my life. I explained that I could not even consider the WLS without the support of my husband and even then the cost was a factor too. So I prayed and I prayed, God show me your will, lead me to a life pleasing to you, let me be an example to the kids that I teach.

One day, out of the blue my husband came up to me and said that if I wanted to truly look into having surgery to lose weight that he would support me 110%. It was like God has convicted his heart to be open to the surgery. But that still did not help with the financial part, we were not sure insurance would approve me, and even if they did, the co-pay and deductible was was way more than our budget could stand. Well, God answered again. My mom called one day to inform me that if I needed help with the cost, that she and my dad wanted to pay my deductible. (are you serious?) God opened every door.

When I went to the surgeon, God affirmed my decision. As I was leaving the office, Dr. Sherer stopped me to let me know that God was the ultimate healer and that he, as the surgeon, was only the vessel. I could not believe the confirmation that God had just given me.

I was approved within 3 weeks and scheduled the surgery for April 17th.

I am now 2 weeks post-op and have lost 16lbs.

About Me
Surgery Date
Jan 05, 2009
Member Since

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