
Dec 27, 2007

Unofficially I have now lost 42 lbs.  Yippee!!  My scrubs are falling off me!  I'm seriously going to have to do something about my undergarments. (tmi hehehe)  I think my underwire for my boobs are now in my armpits and my husband laughes about my "saggy panties"!  What a problem to have!!  Christmas went great.  I ate everything I wanted food/appetiser wise (bites, mind you) and I even stuck my fork into my husbands pie for a "taste".  I go back to Dallas on Jan 8th for  my followup I had to cancel due to the ice storm - so, I'm anxious for that.  I've got a killer cold today and I am just hanging out sleeping and drinking my decalf/sugar free swiss mocha.  It feels great on my tonsils.  I would really like to add some old whiskey in my cider tonight, but I'm a chicken.  My nut told me I could have some sips of wine for Christmas as long as I took an extra vitamin in the morning.  (Apparently to digest wine, it uses a lot of your vitamins.) I hope everyone had a great Christmas and made sure to remember what its all about!  ...until next time.  PS I haven't updated my ticker because I'll update it after making my Dallas trip in a couple of weeks.   


Dec 14, 2007

Well, the scale hasn't moved in the last 4 days.  I haven't been able to walk on the treadmill since running the kids to this and that.  My dh has been working day and night with the power outages and doing his late night laundry and feeding him "good" meals when he gets home at 10:30pm each night has really messed with my schedule.  I've been doing good getting my protein in each day.  I may be struggling with my water, but not too bad.  My nut says to take my vitamins in the morning and my calcium at lunch and dinner.  She says that if you take the calcium with the vitamins the calcium doesn't get absorbed correctly, so you have to space it out.  I do pretty good with the first two, but my calcium at dinner ... I keep forgetting.  I went shopping tonight, I bought a new shirt its a size 18/20 I used to wear a 24 or 26 depending on the brand.  I'm wearing a pair of jeans that I had from 15 years ago.  (I know that sounds bad) My rockies are a size 20 and I fit in them really good.  To be honest, I was very disappointed I couldn't wear the 18's yet.  I know its only been 5 weeks - but I got the "fever".  Everytime I see myself in the mirror I can't beleive how different I look already!  My swollen look is gone.  I'll try to get some pics online soon.  I cleaned the office today and went shopping the rest of the day hopefully the scale will move tomorrow.  I'm tired but its a good tired I've walked ALL day long.  Thanks for looking at my updates! 


Dec 06, 2007

Ok, unoffically I have lost 30 lbs since my surgery 11/7/07.  Its so astonishing.  I mean, I knew it would happen - its just so weird.  I look different already.  I have lost my "swollen" look in my face, my kids and husband are already making comments about looking better.  Today I had to wear a belt just so my jeans wouldn't FALL off!  Cool huh?  I'm due to be released on my full diet on the 11th and I go back to the surgeon on the 18th.  Since I'm in that study for the smaller staples, they wanted to see me 6 weeks out to document how I'm doing.  The other night I had trout in a butter/herb sauce with broccoli, carrots (slivers) and potatoes with a light cheese sause over the top.  That was the first time I felt like I had a "meal".  Two things on my plate?@ *!  AWESOME!!  Of course, did I mention that between the both of them it was only 1/4 Cup - but it was still TWO things on my plate! hehehe  Until next time - I'll just be here - losing weight....


Nov 28, 2007

Well today is my 37th birthday!!!  I'm so glad that starting my 37th year I will begin to be healthy and strong.  I can't wait to do some things with my family like ride our horses and go hiking in the mountains.  Things have been going pretty good.  I had a really "bad" couple of days after Thanksgiving.  We ate dinner at 2:00pm and I took it real slow and made sure all of my bites were small and moist.  But when we went to another house/dinner at 6:30 I had a few more "samples" of some foods.  I don't know if I swallowed quickly to answer someone, of if I ate something too "solid" but I felt like I swallowed a rock.  I ended up vomiting at about 5:30am the next day and then it seemed like my pouchy was REALLY mad at me.  It kept cramping and it hurt to drink cold water even. Eventually a day later, I called the surgeon and he advised that I take some Milk of Magnisia to help my stomach callm down and help me out in other areas.....  after one day of nothing to eat except my liquid lortab and terrible cramping...I was back to my old self.  I don't want to feel like that again.....  but thats how you learn, what you can/can't/shouldn't eat.  I didn't get too discouraged, its all uncharted territory for me! 


Nov 21, 2007

Just got home from Dallas, had my two week post-op visit with Dr. Provost.  Drum roll please........16 pounds gone, lost FOREVER!!!  I have "graduated" and they advanced my diet to smooshies.   We took the kids and got a suite at the Sheraton Hotel and we played in the pool, used the work out room and rented a movie in our room.  We really had a great time.  My "first meal" was enchilada soup from Chili's...it was very good (even if I only had 1/4 cup!)  My next visit was scheduled for Dec 11th, but they needed to see me again on Dec 18th since I'm doing that study group thing (with the smaller staples) and they need to see me @ 6 wks.  So, the nutritionist is going to advance my diet on the 11th over the phone and I will see the surgeon on the 18th so I don't have to go back to Dallas twice in a weeks time.  Until next time!!!!


Nov 16, 2007

Overdid it.....WAY OVERDID IT.....

I thought I was wonderwomen when I asked my mom to take me shopping yesterday.  I wouldn't use the  wheelchair at any store.  I went grocery shopping for the family, to GNC and to the bank.  Four hours later I was hurting like crazy!!!!  I either pulled something pushing the shopping cart, or something.  I ended up calling the dr's office today.  They told me to take some pain meds and if it kept up it could be a blood clot and get to the emergency room.  I'm beleiving its only a pulled "something".  The pain is sharp and under my left rib actually its really close to my hip.  It takes my breath away when it shoots pain.....  This has been my ONLY problem so far and I wish it would go away soon.  I'm staying relatively quite and resting this weekend.


Nov 12, 2007

Nothing against chocolate but......

Ok, when I was in the Hospital they gave me Carnation Instant Breakfast No Sugar Added French Vanilla drinks.  They were great!!!  Apparently, no one else likes them or if you want to think the other way - everyone likes them!!  Because I have had everyone I know searching high and low for them at any store and none is to be found. I'm a little weird about textures and didn't buy alot of different things before my surgery.  

I did find the EAS brand of Myoplex Chocolate Fudge that is in a "ready to drink" that doesn't taste like slime!!  But when you are drinking 1 oz every 15 mins - I was in Chocolate Hell!!!  I don't dislike chocolate - I just don't like ALOT of it.  

I'm scared to buy $50 worth of a powder protien supplement - incase I don't like it.  But the versitility of having a vanilla shake to add Crystal light/Kool Aid to it for different flavors sounds good at this point.  I had the dh buy EAS ready to drink vanilla last night and some Boost Glucose Control Strawberry.  The verdit is that the EAS Vanilla would be oh so awesome in a cup of coffee (haven't tried yet) and the strawberry was pretty good.  So, hopefully today I won't have to answer the phone, "House of Chocolate" or "Thanks for calling the Fudgey Cup".....hehehe  giggle**

I'm feeling great, I had Tomatoe soup last night (mixed with water).  It was GREAT!!   I have to drink 3 cups of protien and 3 cups non-calorie liquids a day.  1 oz every 15 min.  So the tomatoe soup counted as a "non-calorie liquid" and I was finally out of my fudgey hell.


Nov 10, 2007

This is long - mostly a recount for myself to remember this stage of my journey...

Home at last. I am doing good.  I can't believe I am on the loser's bench now!!  I will give a rundown of how my last few days went...

11/6/07:  Tues night we were suposed to leave for Dallas after dh got home from work (usually 5:00pm) he had some equipment break down and had to work 2 1/2 hours late and we didn't leave home until 8:45pm.  I really didn't care because I was on my liquid diet and it was pretty easy when you are driving in the car.  

11/7/07: Wednesday.  Got to hotel at 1:00am, had to shower, etc and get up @ 4:30am in order to get to the hospital by 5:45am.  When we got to the hospital, they gave my dh my # one that would be posted on a board to show what stage of the process I was in.  Surgery, Recovery Etc.  Everyone was very nice there, I spoke to my surgeon, his main nurse.  She told my dh that she would call them every hour to let them know how I was doing and if they felt like they needed an update more they could call down to the or theirselves for an update.  (I really thought that was awesome.  Dr. Provost marked my belly will the word "yes" and his initials then they put the iv in and we were off to the races.  It was a short ride from my holding room to the operating room.  I rememeber getting on the table and then waking up.  There wasn't much pain.  I was surprised with the whole process about that.  The nurse told me that my mom and husband were waiting for me in my room and we would be there shortly as they were pushing me down the hall in my bed.  The staff at UT Southwestern Zale Lipshy were ALL very nice and informative.  Each one gave me their name and their position with me for that day.  I didn't use my morphine pump that much.  I had ice chips for most of the first day.  

11/8/07:  Thursday They advanced me on clear liquids.  All stayed down and I had NO nausea except from my leak test.  The stuff you had to drink wasn't really that bad (I mean it's bad - but not unbareable) my tasted lemoney.  After that they gave me a shot for nausea.   Everyday I got 2 shots in my stomach area of heprin to eleviate blood clots. (which didn't hurt - weird I know) I walked when I could and rested when I knew I needed it.  I was in the hospital for 2 1/2 days.  

11/9/07: Friday They advanced me to clear liquids and protien shakes.  I had to drink 1oz protein 15 min they 1 oz clear (juice/water) 15 min.  I was never hungry and decided very soon that it would be hard to drink all of my daily required.  They released me on Friday evening around 6:30pm to go to my hotel.  We got a wheelchair at the Radison and I was pretty comfortable that night.

11/10/07: Saturday. We left the hotel around 11:00 am the next day and got home around 3:30pm.  I didn't have any pain meds on the way home.  I was quite comfortable.  I drank my fluids every 15 mins on the way home and took a couple of naps.  We stopped three times to get out and walk.  (2 walmarts and 1 convience store)  I was in my pj bottoms and a t-shirt and my slippers.  I got a lot of weird stares but I didn't care.  If my kids would have been there they would have been embarassed.  But I figured, I didn't know any of those people anyway.  

All in all the surgery was a sucess.  I am glad its finally over and glad I'm on my way to loosing!!!  I can't wait to my first appt on 11/19 for my check up!


Nov 05, 2007

OMG...Ok, I just had a thought!!!!  If I go to Texas and have my surgery will I be an Okie "reborn" a Texan????   If so, I need a ride home because I don't think my husband could stand it. hehehe! 

Tomorrow is my liquid diet and my drive to Dallas.  Surgery is 8:00am Wednesday morning.  I leave tomorrow afternoon so I may not get to be on the computer until Sat/Sun so, bye ya'll!! Next time I talk to you'all I'll be on the losers bench!


Nov 04, 2007

Well, its Sunday evening and Wednesday is the big day.  I still feel alittle icky from the chest cold thing.  I will be emailing my dr again tomorrow to see if just finishing my antibotics is good enough, or if they need to do another chest xray.  Frankly, all is done here and I'm ready to get it done and start losing!!!  I'll keep everyone posted. - Sandy

About Me
Haskell, OK
Surgery Date
Jun 25, 2007
Member Since

Friends 28

Latest Blog 31
Vacation 2008
5/5/08 6 Months Out
2/6/08 3 Months Out
