Courtesy Notice

Mar 13, 2010

My husband was pulled over for using his cell phone while driving. I can’t even tell you the countless times I have told him to not talk on his phone while driving. He is an idiot and he deserved the ticket, I will not argue that! I got online and “googled” to see how much this ticket will cost us and to see if he can take traffic school. Countless websites stated the ticket shouldn’t cost more than $50 and that traffic school is recommended if the driver was eligible. However, upon receiving the “Courtesy Notice” in the mail I was annoyed to see how much the ticket was really going to cost us. Total amount due $147.00

Violation VC 23123(A) Driving W/CellPhone $72.00
Violation VC 40508.6 Admin assessment $10.00
Violation GC 70373 Crim Conv Assessment $35.00
Violation PC 1465.8(a)(1) Court Secrutiy srchg $30.00

“What is all this!?” I got on the phone and called the number for the Redding Branch Traffic Unit. Of course it is only a recording. I couldn’t get a hold of an actual person to ask what the additional charges were. I got online and went to their website, only to find most of it was not yet updated. I did, however find out that a person with this violation was not allowed to take traffic school. I was curious as to what the additional charges were, so I checked out Google, again. Only to find that there are countless people who have questioned the charges and have not gotten any answers. I would be fine paying the ticket of $72, but the other charges have me annoyed. Does a person who gets pulled over for using a cell phone while driving really need a criminal conviction assessment? Do they really need to pay the court security guards wages if they are just sending a envelop with a check written for the ticket amount? I understand all the extra charges are put back into the state of California, but I find it to be a bit excessive. Isn’t the purpose of taxes to fund the court house and what-not. Isn’t it the Governors job to figure out how to pay the various wages of the court administration and security guards without extorting the general public? Do I have it all wrong here?

With the citation due date fast approaching I decided just to pay amount. I call the automated phone number on the Courtesy Notice. I was going to use my bank charge card, however upon reaching the right department in the automated phone world I was notified that an additional $9 was going to be charged for processing the bill. Of course I hung up and just wrote a check… stamps aren’t as expensive as that processing charge!

I feel that those delinquent drivers using their cell phone, running red lights, failing to fix a broken tail light, and having spouts of road rage are being taken advantage of. Yes, they broke the law and should pay a reasonable fine. This is blatant extortion.

Not a bake sale mom

Feb 20, 2010

Tonight, for the first time in a very long while, I felt Gods presence. During worship at the Stirring, I just felt like it was me and God. Just me and Him alone... I cried and laughed. It was just... well you can't really explain it.

Growing up in the Church left me feeling very much alone in my walk with Christ. I felt like most sermons were directed towards those who do not know Christ yet. I was worried so much about everyone elses soul, that I neglected my own. I think that is why I like the Stirring so much. I feel like it is meant for people like me... I am spiritually feed there.

Tonight God really put it on my heart to give to the Church. I always tithed in "time". I gave lots of my spare time to the youth department while I was attending Neighborhood. During worship I felt God asking me to give a portion of our tax refund to Him. Which is totally cool with me! I am not sure how Daniel will take the idea. Its Gods money anyways...

I've been pretty butt-hurt about having to "try" so hard to make ends meat. I felt like God wasn't being supportive of my dreams. I pictured God just ignoring my passions, and focusing on the people around me. Tonight during Church I realised that God just wants more for me. He wants more for my family. He has enormous plans for Daniel, Eli and me. I am not saying He is going to have us more to China and start an undergroud revolution (however cool that would be though). I vision our lives very simple, the American dream, but in doing that we bless others. I see us touching lives in our work places and Eli's future school. I always just wanted to be a mom... nothing more. God wants more than just a June Cleaver.... Maybe a Nancy Botwin, minus the sell of illegal substances... hahahaha

I am excited about what God has in-store for my family

My Aussie Angel

Feb 01, 2010

While venturing Wal-Mart the other day I had an encounter with an angel.

I was sitting in my car waiting for Daniel. I was in some serious deep thoughts about what I wanted- and what God is holding from me. I was rather mad at God. Elijah is 16 months now, and it would be nice if he had a sibling. This is something we have wanted for many months. It just isn’t happening. I know everything is perfect in Gods time, but when everyone around you is popping and growing a baby belly, it is extremely discouraging.

My brother and his wife found out in October they are expecting. Honestly, it is hard to be happy for them. She got pregnant the first month, it took us several years to get pregnant with Eli, and now its taking months the second time. I have a great deal of bitterness built up. They are a very blessed couple! I should be ecstatic! They were able to buy a home only after being married a few months and now they have baby. Its hard to be happy for anyone walking around with pregnancy glow. My heart is bitter.

I am happy that Eli will have a playmate though. He is going to love his little baby cousin so much!

Anyways… I was sitting in my car in the parking lot. Windows rolled up -deep in thought. A guy knocks on my window. I thought he was going to tell me my tail light was busted or something. He says (in a very sexy Australian accent); “Please don’t be alarmed. This might sound strange, but God told me to drive to Wal-Mart and talk to the girl in the Grey SUV with the grenade sticker. Is Zach here too?” I was shocked… I just stared at him, thinking he was nuts.. He continued. “I just moved here, I was eating some top ramen and God just told me to go. So I did. He wants me to tell you that He will give you your hearts desire and to embrace the joy he has provided. I am not sure what that means to you. He said Judah will come in His time, when it is perfect for you and your family.” Then he smiled at me and walked away.

How did that man know my brother is Zach? How did that man know Zach was in my thoughts. How did that man know we want our next boy to be named Judah?


I have sense spent some encouraging time with God. It is hard to let go of that bitterness. It is something I am working on. I tend to hold grudges for a very long time… but being mad at God is lame! I feel stupid!!!

About Me
Redding, CA
Feb 19, 2010
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